Thursday, February 28, 2013
These events are FREE and open to the public. Children are welcome in the company of an adult.
Please register for each event that you plan to attend. You will receive important information on parking after you register. E-mail Elizabeth Wylde at or call 617- 349-6489 and leave your name and phone number.
Saturday, March 2
9 to 11 am
Street end of Neville Place driveway
650 Concord Avenue
Spring is just around the corner! The earliest migrating birds are beginning to arrive at the Reservation, where they will either stay for the breeding season or rest before continuing their journey northward. The new arrivals and year-round residents will soon be busy building nests and defending territories. We may see a variety of migrating waterfowl on the ponds as well as songbirds in trees. Beginners are welcome! We have binoculars to lend and will show you how to use them.
Sunday, March 10
1 to 3 pm
Maynard Ecology Center, lower level of Neville Place
650 Concord Avenue
Learn to identify our local trees in winter by looking at their twigs – and do it while keeping warm and comfortable indoors! During this program each participant will receive a bag of twigs from native tree species growing on the Reservation, several identification guides, and lots of help from us. You can label your twigs and take them home for further examination. Appropriate for adults and children over 10 with a parent. You must register to participate and to get parking directions.
Friday, March 15
6:30 to 8:30 pm
Water Department parking lot
250 Fresh Pond Parkway
A jewel of the Cambridge water-delivery system, Payson Park Reservoir is also an oasis for astronomy, with its relative lack of light pollution and horizon-to-horizon vistas. Join Emmanuel College astronomy lecturer Joshua Roth and explore the vast dimensions of our solar system with a fun hands-on model-building exercise. Participate in a potential comet sighting and view Jupiter, the crescent moon, and the Orion Nebula with affordable telescopes. Dress warmly. Feel free, but not obliged, to bring binoculars or small telescopes. All ages welcome. No prior experience with stargazing required. We will meet in the CWD parking lot and carpool to Payson Park. You must register for this program. Rain or overcast date: Saturday, March 16.
Please register for each event that you plan to attend. You will receive important information on parking after you register. E-mail Elizabeth Wylde at or call 617- 349-6489 and leave your name and phone number.
Saturday, March 2
9 to 11 am
Street end of Neville Place driveway
650 Concord Avenue
Spring is just around the corner! The earliest migrating birds are beginning to arrive at the Reservation, where they will either stay for the breeding season or rest before continuing their journey northward. The new arrivals and year-round residents will soon be busy building nests and defending territories. We may see a variety of migrating waterfowl on the ponds as well as songbirds in trees. Beginners are welcome! We have binoculars to lend and will show you how to use them.
Sunday, March 10
1 to 3 pm
Maynard Ecology Center, lower level of Neville Place
650 Concord Avenue
Learn to identify our local trees in winter by looking at their twigs – and do it while keeping warm and comfortable indoors! During this program each participant will receive a bag of twigs from native tree species growing on the Reservation, several identification guides, and lots of help from us. You can label your twigs and take them home for further examination. Appropriate for adults and children over 10 with a parent. You must register to participate and to get parking directions.
Friday, March 15
6:30 to 8:30 pm
Water Department parking lot
250 Fresh Pond Parkway
A jewel of the Cambridge water-delivery system, Payson Park Reservoir is also an oasis for astronomy, with its relative lack of light pollution and horizon-to-horizon vistas. Join Emmanuel College astronomy lecturer Joshua Roth and explore the vast dimensions of our solar system with a fun hands-on model-building exercise. Participate in a potential comet sighting and view Jupiter, the crescent moon, and the Orion Nebula with affordable telescopes. Dress warmly. Feel free, but not obliged, to bring binoculars or small telescopes. All ages welcome. No prior experience with stargazing required. We will meet in the CWD parking lot and carpool to Payson Park. You must register for this program. Rain or overcast date: Saturday, March 16.
SOMERVILLE ARTBEAT 2013 - July 19-20, 2013
The Somerville Arts Council announces
ArtBeat 2013
July 19 & 20, 2013
Calls to talent, craft vendors, and community vendors are now available.
Found here:
And now for the theme!
Thinking big has been done. So this year, we invite you to think small. “Micro” evokes many things: microscopes, microwaves, microgrooves, micro-beers, micro-grants (like kickstarter) and perhaps even Micronesia! Visual artists might explore infinitesimally small patterns or forms. Tech wizards might create projects exploring the power of microprocessors or a symphony of microwave ovens heating up various food items. Dancers might explore small, subtle gestures or work within a confined space. Other ideas include exploring the locavore movement, which promotes shopping and living on a local/micro scale. Ultimately, we are interested in exploring how small things might attract oversized impact and attention. We look forward to your creative interpretation of this theme!
If applicable, send in proposals using “Micro” as an overarching theme. Although bands, for example, don’t need to relate a proposed performance to the festival theme (although they certainly are welcome to try), we hope many other applicants will relate their proposals to this year’s theme.
Gregory Jenkins
Executive Director
Somerville Arts Council
617.625.6600 ext. 2985
City of Somerville
Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone
ArtBeat 2013
July 19 & 20, 2013
Calls to talent, craft vendors, and community vendors are now available.
Found here:
And now for the theme!
Thinking big has been done. So this year, we invite you to think small. “Micro” evokes many things: microscopes, microwaves, microgrooves, micro-beers, micro-grants (like kickstarter) and perhaps even Micronesia! Visual artists might explore infinitesimally small patterns or forms. Tech wizards might create projects exploring the power of microprocessors or a symphony of microwave ovens heating up various food items. Dancers might explore small, subtle gestures or work within a confined space. Other ideas include exploring the locavore movement, which promotes shopping and living on a local/micro scale. Ultimately, we are interested in exploring how small things might attract oversized impact and attention. We look forward to your creative interpretation of this theme!
If applicable, send in proposals using “Micro” as an overarching theme. Although bands, for example, don’t need to relate a proposed performance to the festival theme (although they certainly are welcome to try), we hope many other applicants will relate their proposals to this year’s theme.
Gregory Jenkins
Executive Director
Somerville Arts Council
617.625.6600 ext. 2985
City of Somerville
Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
The Somerville Arts Council presents
Bike Salon: The Intersection of Bikes and Art
Curated by Jacy Edelman
Location: Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Avenue, Somerville
When: Wed., March 27, 7:30-9pm
What do you get when bicycles and art cross paths? Skunk, Against the Grind,
and Bikeyface will lead us on a wheeling adventure that intersects comics,
robots, road culture, documentary filmmaking, lasers, blogging, choppers and
About the Speakers
SCUL-ture and Sculpture
Skunk speaks of SCUL: bicycle chopper gang, and Skunkadelia: art made
from upcycled bike parts. Skunk has been transmogrifying trash-picked
bikes since 1996. The awe-inspiring chopper Cloudbuster will be on hand for
show and tell.
Against The Grind: Rachel Wiederhoeft and Jessica Barnthouse
Against The Grind will discuss documentary filmmaking while living on
bikes. How do you find a film subject in the middle of nowhere? How much film
production equipment can you reasonably bring on a bike tour? When do you
film and when do you just let the experiences happen? Questions like these will
be covered; along with clips from our documentary series they produced while
pedaling 3,500 miles across the United States.
Bikeyface is a hilarious, and sometimes irreverent, web comic about biking in
the city. Bekka Wright will talk about how she uses her cartoons to entertain,
educate, and raise the profile of biking for normal transportation.
Bike Salon: The Intersection of Bikes and Art
Curated by Jacy Edelman
Location: Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Avenue, Somerville
When: Wed., March 27, 7:30-9pm
What do you get when bicycles and art cross paths? Skunk, Against the Grind,
and Bikeyface will lead us on a wheeling adventure that intersects comics,
robots, road culture, documentary filmmaking, lasers, blogging, choppers and
About the Speakers
SCUL-ture and Sculpture
Skunk speaks of SCUL: bicycle chopper gang, and Skunkadelia: art made
from upcycled bike parts. Skunk has been transmogrifying trash-picked
bikes since 1996. The awe-inspiring chopper Cloudbuster will be on hand for
show and tell.
Against The Grind: Rachel Wiederhoeft and Jessica Barnthouse
Against The Grind will discuss documentary filmmaking while living on
bikes. How do you find a film subject in the middle of nowhere? How much film
production equipment can you reasonably bring on a bike tour? When do you
film and when do you just let the experiences happen? Questions like these will
be covered; along with clips from our documentary series they produced while
pedaling 3,500 miles across the United States.
Bikeyface is a hilarious, and sometimes irreverent, web comic about biking in
the city. Bekka Wright will talk about how she uses her cartoons to entertain,
educate, and raise the profile of biking for normal transportation.
Monday, February 25, 2013
I would like to invite you to First Friday Open Studios, this Friday, March 1st, from 5-9 pm, at 450 Harrison Ave., Studio 227, Boston, MA.
As always this month, in addition to new prints from my personal collection, I will continue to feature newly restored and printed photographs of early 20th century China from the archive of my Grandfather, William Leete. I will also have new examples of client work, both photography and Fine-Art reproductions.
Temple From Above, Korean Manchuria, 1918; Photo William Leete; Restoration and Print ©2012 William Morse
Finally, the building's 20 galleries and more than 50 artists' studios will be open. There is off street parking at 500 Harrison Avenue as well as on street parking. The MBTA Silver Line stop is East Berkeley, just one block away.
See you Friday!
Bill Morse
Wm. Morse Editions
A Fine-Art Printmaking Studio
450 Harrison Avenue, Studio 227
Boston, MA 02118 (617) 429-3298
If you received this email from a friend, and would like to subscribe to these monthly announcements, please send an email to the address above.
No Fooling, Complementary Initial Photoshop and Computer Training Consult
If you are considering my Photoshop and Computer tutoring, keep in mind that I never charge for the initial consultation. You are welcome to bring in film, prints, files, or anything else that will help me get an idea of what your skills are and what you are looking to achieve. We'll spend an hour or so going over my approach to Photoshop and photo printing, as well as how I can help you achieve the fine prints from your images.
If you are like many of my clients, you want to control as much of the photo and printing process as possible. Whether shooting film or digital, or even if you need reproductions of your paintings and drawings, you can also save alot by doing the photoshop work yourself. For photographers shooting film (or with archives of 100's of rolls from past projects!), I offer the best drum scanning service in New England, bar none. Once artists or photographers have their images in digital form (either from my scan or from their digital camera), they do the photoshop "development", and then I can make them Fine-Art prints using skills, processes, and a fine eye developed over decades.
Clients can save a lot by doing their own editing- but what if you are unsure of your photoshop skills? My clients often benefit the most from a combination of training and collaboration. Clients and I review their goals for an image, the work they have already done, and I typically suggest ways of working towards their goal that they may not know, or I show them steps they have taken that work against them. I will show them 3 or 4 steps to take, and they go back to their studio and work on their images. Usually we will repeat the process, either moving on to more advanced techniques, or solving problems that have arisen. Clients learn a few techniques well, and get their show or portfolio done in the process! Training costs vary, depending on the skills and needs of the photographer, and the size of the portfolio or exhibition. References available on request.
Please call or email me for more information, or to set up an initial consultation.
Complementary Introduction to Film and Artwork Drum Scanning.
Many of the photographers and other artists who receive these emails may not know that I offer the finest drum scanning service in New England. Why would you want to drum scan your (up to 18x24") film or other originals? Simple, image quality. Drum scanning has three major advantages over all other scanning.
First, and most important, your film is scanned "wet-mounted". Why should you care? Wet-mounting puts a clear fluid on both sides of your film; this fluid has the same refractive index as your film. The fluid washes away any finger-prints or other impurities on the film, but more importantly, it actually fills in most of the tiny cracks and scratches you always see in high-rez scans. This means less spotting time for you- much, much less! (Paper originals are scanned without fluid, so no worries!)
Second, instead of a big wide light source (like a xerox machine) that is used in all other forms of scanning, a drum scanner uses a tiny spot of light, as small as 1/5000 of an inch. Big Deal? Actually, yes. That big, wide light source in your flatbed, film scanner or Imacon throws a great amount of light on your film; it starts scattering around, causing 2 problems. First, any place where you have highlights near shadows, the highlights will "bloom", giving a halo-effect around the highlights. Second, you get much more noise in your scan, especially noticeable in shadows and smooth areas.
Third, drum scanners always have perfect focus across the entire image. Photos are sharp edge to edge, and there is no focus drop off. Scans are available up to 5000 DPI.
I want to help you find out whether you can improve your images (and sales!) by drum scanning your originals! Until further notice, I am offering a complementary introductory scan to any new scanning customer. All I ask is you pay whatever you think the scan is worth, after you've taken it home and compared it with scans you've done before. I believe that after you've seen the difference, you'll come back to scan your most important work.
Finally, a word about scan prices. Drum scanning is expensive, there's no getting around it. But not that much more expensive than other scans, and when you factor in the reduced spotting and clean-up time, it can be very cost effective. I also routinely discount 5% - 40% for multiple image scanning jobs, so if you have a pile of film around that you want to start printing digitally, give me a call and we'll hash out the possibilities. It won't be as bad as you think!
Please call or email me for more information, or to set up a complementary initial consultation.
Open most weekdays from 11am - 8pm; call first (617) 429-3298
Wm. Morse Editions
A Fine-Art Printmaking Studio
450 Harrison Avenue, Studio 227
Boston, MA 02118 (617) 429-3298
As always this month, in addition to new prints from my personal collection, I will continue to feature newly restored and printed photographs of early 20th century China from the archive of my Grandfather, William Leete. I will also have new examples of client work, both photography and Fine-Art reproductions.
Temple From Above, Korean Manchuria, 1918; Photo William Leete; Restoration and Print ©2012 William Morse
Finally, the building's 20 galleries and more than 50 artists' studios will be open. There is off street parking at 500 Harrison Avenue as well as on street parking. The MBTA Silver Line stop is East Berkeley, just one block away.
See you Friday!
Bill Morse
Wm. Morse Editions
A Fine-Art Printmaking Studio
450 Harrison Avenue, Studio 227
Boston, MA 02118 (617) 429-3298
If you received this email from a friend, and would like to subscribe to these monthly announcements, please send an email to the address above.
No Fooling, Complementary Initial Photoshop and Computer Training Consult
If you are considering my Photoshop and Computer tutoring, keep in mind that I never charge for the initial consultation. You are welcome to bring in film, prints, files, or anything else that will help me get an idea of what your skills are and what you are looking to achieve. We'll spend an hour or so going over my approach to Photoshop and photo printing, as well as how I can help you achieve the fine prints from your images.
If you are like many of my clients, you want to control as much of the photo and printing process as possible. Whether shooting film or digital, or even if you need reproductions of your paintings and drawings, you can also save alot by doing the photoshop work yourself. For photographers shooting film (or with archives of 100's of rolls from past projects!), I offer the best drum scanning service in New England, bar none. Once artists or photographers have their images in digital form (either from my scan or from their digital camera), they do the photoshop "development", and then I can make them Fine-Art prints using skills, processes, and a fine eye developed over decades.
Clients can save a lot by doing their own editing- but what if you are unsure of your photoshop skills? My clients often benefit the most from a combination of training and collaboration. Clients and I review their goals for an image, the work they have already done, and I typically suggest ways of working towards their goal that they may not know, or I show them steps they have taken that work against them. I will show them 3 or 4 steps to take, and they go back to their studio and work on their images. Usually we will repeat the process, either moving on to more advanced techniques, or solving problems that have arisen. Clients learn a few techniques well, and get their show or portfolio done in the process! Training costs vary, depending on the skills and needs of the photographer, and the size of the portfolio or exhibition. References available on request.
Please call or email me for more information, or to set up an initial consultation.
Complementary Introduction to Film and Artwork Drum Scanning.
Many of the photographers and other artists who receive these emails may not know that I offer the finest drum scanning service in New England. Why would you want to drum scan your (up to 18x24") film or other originals? Simple, image quality. Drum scanning has three major advantages over all other scanning.
First, and most important, your film is scanned "wet-mounted". Why should you care? Wet-mounting puts a clear fluid on both sides of your film; this fluid has the same refractive index as your film. The fluid washes away any finger-prints or other impurities on the film, but more importantly, it actually fills in most of the tiny cracks and scratches you always see in high-rez scans. This means less spotting time for you- much, much less! (Paper originals are scanned without fluid, so no worries!)
Second, instead of a big wide light source (like a xerox machine) that is used in all other forms of scanning, a drum scanner uses a tiny spot of light, as small as 1/5000 of an inch. Big Deal? Actually, yes. That big, wide light source in your flatbed, film scanner or Imacon throws a great amount of light on your film; it starts scattering around, causing 2 problems. First, any place where you have highlights near shadows, the highlights will "bloom", giving a halo-effect around the highlights. Second, you get much more noise in your scan, especially noticeable in shadows and smooth areas.
Third, drum scanners always have perfect focus across the entire image. Photos are sharp edge to edge, and there is no focus drop off. Scans are available up to 5000 DPI.
I want to help you find out whether you can improve your images (and sales!) by drum scanning your originals! Until further notice, I am offering a complementary introductory scan to any new scanning customer. All I ask is you pay whatever you think the scan is worth, after you've taken it home and compared it with scans you've done before. I believe that after you've seen the difference, you'll come back to scan your most important work.
Finally, a word about scan prices. Drum scanning is expensive, there's no getting around it. But not that much more expensive than other scans, and when you factor in the reduced spotting and clean-up time, it can be very cost effective. I also routinely discount 5% - 40% for multiple image scanning jobs, so if you have a pile of film around that you want to start printing digitally, give me a call and we'll hash out the possibilities. It won't be as bad as you think!
Please call or email me for more information, or to set up a complementary initial consultation.
Open most weekdays from 11am - 8pm; call first (617) 429-3298
Wm. Morse Editions
A Fine-Art Printmaking Studio
450 Harrison Avenue, Studio 227
Boston, MA 02118 (617) 429-3298
ART & DANCE & CAFE IN SOMERVILLE - February 21-23, 2013
Constant Tango,
Thursday, Feb. 21, 6-10pm & Saturday, Feb. 23, 6-10pm,
Cafe Tango, 16 Bow St
Video Installations by Amanda Brown and a live performance/installation called Constant Tango transforms Café Tango into an interactive gallery of movement and moving image for two days. Projected onto walls and objects, the video installations introduce you to the intimate world of tango and dance. There will also be a small stage featuring local dancers throughout the night. Enjoy a menu of empanadas and other Argentine specialties and a free Tango lesson at 8pm each night!
Thursday, Feb. 21, 6-10pm & Saturday, Feb. 23, 6-10pm,
Cafe Tango, 16 Bow St
Video Installations by Amanda Brown and a live performance/installation called Constant Tango transforms Café Tango into an interactive gallery of movement and moving image for two days. Projected onto walls and objects, the video installations introduce you to the intimate world of tango and dance. There will also be a small stage featuring local dancers throughout the night. Enjoy a menu of empanadas and other Argentine specialties and a free Tango lesson at 8pm each night!
Our upcoming photography workshops at Camera Eye Workshops in Somerville are fun and creative. Instructors are professionals and professors in the field. Here is our March line-up:
An Introduction to Digital SLRs
Date: March 10, 2013
Sunday, 11am to 3pm (includes 15min break)
In this class our aim is to introduce new photographers to their digital SLR cameras, camera functions and basic photography concepts in order to obtain full use of the modern-day digital camera. The class will introduce students to photography fundamentals like aperture, shutter speed and ISO. Step by step students will learn how to navigate their digital cameras, maximize the potential of the camera, creatively control and master their dSLRs. With easy, simple instruction participants will walk away from the class understanding the capabilities of their camera and image making.
Requirements: Digital SLR (or advanced compact camera)
Fee: $65
Dates: March 12 to April 30, 2013
Tuesdays, 5:30pm to 8:30pm
An intensive workshop where students will explore photographic seeing and visual thinking. In a small class setting we will discuss photographs in technical, formal, and conceptual terms. The class is a critique based workshop and will focus on the development of each individual’s unique way of seeing and development of a consistent photographic style. We will look at photographers who masterfully used the elements of light and creative use of the frame. Guest artists and critics from our local arts community and beyond will be invited to discuss individual portfolios accompanied by field trips to artists’ studios, galleries, or museums. Each class consists of review and critique of student’s photographs, slide lecture and discussion, assignments for next class and/ or field trip option.
The course is open to anyone who seeks to develop their visual skills:
· beginners (any age) who have a good basic technical skill and seek to further their creative use of the camera
· those with existing portfolios interested in greater visual and conceptual sophistication
Tuition: $380
Dates: March 14 to May 2, 2013
Thursdays, 5:30pm to 8:30pm
Serves as an advanced course for those who already have created a portfolio and want to further develop their visual talents. The course is an intensive workshop where students will explore photographic seeing and visual thinking in-depth. In a small class setting we will focus on strengthening conceptual terms and the development of each individual’s unique way of seeing into a consistent photographic style. Guest artists and critics from our local arts community and beyond will be invited to discuss individual portfolios accompanied by field trips to artists’ studios, galleries, or museums. Each class consists of review and critique of student’s photographs, slide lecture and discussion, assignments for next class and/ or field trip option.
The course is open to anyone who seeks to develop their visual skills in photography in-depth and those with existing portfolios interested in greater visual and conceptual sophistication.
Tuition: $380
Please note it is not necessary to have taken Camera Eye Seminar I to sign up for this class.
The advanced Digital SLR experience
Date: March 23, 2013
Saturday, 11am to 3pm (includes 15min break)
This one-day workshop is a continuation of what was learned in Digital Cameras Part 1. Students will advance their knowledge beyond the fundamentals of the digital SLR and explore every nuance of their camera's capabilities, gain further creative control and engage in aspects of creative image making. Step by step instructions will enable students to have an advanced understanding of digital SLR image making.
Requirements: Digital SLR (or advanced compact camera)
Please not you do not need to take Intro to Digital Cameras one-day workshop to sign up.
Fee: $65
Please note it is not necessary to have taken Intro to Digital Cameras one-day workshop to sign up for this class.
An Introduction to Image Editing
Date: March 24, 2013
Sunday, 11am to 3pm (includes 15min break)
This class aims to introduce new photographers with digital cameras to Photoshop. Photoshop is an extensive program which offers thousands of tools to edit, manipulate, and enhance photographs. We will introduce students to that potential by walking them through the basic tools that make up the program from shooting to uploading, resizing, then preparing images for the web. This course will include methods and tools like sharpening, color correcting, spot removal, layer editing and more. The class will lay a strong foundation for Photoshop and ensure the program is learned correctly from square one.
Requirements: Laptop computer
Fee: $75
Dates: March 28 to April 25, 2013
Thursdays, 6pm to 8:30pm
In the vast world of photographic images one of today’s most prominent tools is the computer. The majority of photographers today rely on Photoshop for their digital darkroom. In this class students will be introduced to the most powerful and popular image-editing program available. Camera Eye’s PHOTOSHOP for Beginners will assist students in harnessing the countless tools in the program and streamline a working process for photographers and artists. The course will survey the digital influence on art and photography while training students how to enhance traditional imagery as well as create dynamic new images. This course serves as a fundamental introduction to Photoshop for beginners.
Tuition: $380
Looking forward to working with you.
Thank you,
Dana Mueller
Founder/ Director
CAMERA EYE WORKSHOPS | 6 Vernon Street Studios | SOMERVILLE, MA 02145 | 617-233-9768
website |
An Introduction to Digital SLRs
Date: March 10, 2013
Sunday, 11am to 3pm (includes 15min break)
In this class our aim is to introduce new photographers to their digital SLR cameras, camera functions and basic photography concepts in order to obtain full use of the modern-day digital camera. The class will introduce students to photography fundamentals like aperture, shutter speed and ISO. Step by step students will learn how to navigate their digital cameras, maximize the potential of the camera, creatively control and master their dSLRs. With easy, simple instruction participants will walk away from the class understanding the capabilities of their camera and image making.
Requirements: Digital SLR (or advanced compact camera)
Fee: $65
Dates: March 12 to April 30, 2013
Tuesdays, 5:30pm to 8:30pm
An intensive workshop where students will explore photographic seeing and visual thinking. In a small class setting we will discuss photographs in technical, formal, and conceptual terms. The class is a critique based workshop and will focus on the development of each individual’s unique way of seeing and development of a consistent photographic style. We will look at photographers who masterfully used the elements of light and creative use of the frame. Guest artists and critics from our local arts community and beyond will be invited to discuss individual portfolios accompanied by field trips to artists’ studios, galleries, or museums. Each class consists of review and critique of student’s photographs, slide lecture and discussion, assignments for next class and/ or field trip option.
The course is open to anyone who seeks to develop their visual skills:
· beginners (any age) who have a good basic technical skill and seek to further their creative use of the camera
· those with existing portfolios interested in greater visual and conceptual sophistication
Tuition: $380
Dates: March 14 to May 2, 2013
Thursdays, 5:30pm to 8:30pm
Serves as an advanced course for those who already have created a portfolio and want to further develop their visual talents. The course is an intensive workshop where students will explore photographic seeing and visual thinking in-depth. In a small class setting we will focus on strengthening conceptual terms and the development of each individual’s unique way of seeing into a consistent photographic style. Guest artists and critics from our local arts community and beyond will be invited to discuss individual portfolios accompanied by field trips to artists’ studios, galleries, or museums. Each class consists of review and critique of student’s photographs, slide lecture and discussion, assignments for next class and/ or field trip option.
The course is open to anyone who seeks to develop their visual skills in photography in-depth and those with existing portfolios interested in greater visual and conceptual sophistication.
Tuition: $380
Please note it is not necessary to have taken Camera Eye Seminar I to sign up for this class.
The advanced Digital SLR experience
Date: March 23, 2013
Saturday, 11am to 3pm (includes 15min break)
This one-day workshop is a continuation of what was learned in Digital Cameras Part 1. Students will advance their knowledge beyond the fundamentals of the digital SLR and explore every nuance of their camera's capabilities, gain further creative control and engage in aspects of creative image making. Step by step instructions will enable students to have an advanced understanding of digital SLR image making.
Requirements: Digital SLR (or advanced compact camera)
Please not you do not need to take Intro to Digital Cameras one-day workshop to sign up.
Fee: $65
Please note it is not necessary to have taken Intro to Digital Cameras one-day workshop to sign up for this class.
An Introduction to Image Editing
Date: March 24, 2013
Sunday, 11am to 3pm (includes 15min break)
This class aims to introduce new photographers with digital cameras to Photoshop. Photoshop is an extensive program which offers thousands of tools to edit, manipulate, and enhance photographs. We will introduce students to that potential by walking them through the basic tools that make up the program from shooting to uploading, resizing, then preparing images for the web. This course will include methods and tools like sharpening, color correcting, spot removal, layer editing and more. The class will lay a strong foundation for Photoshop and ensure the program is learned correctly from square one.
Requirements: Laptop computer
Fee: $75
Dates: March 28 to April 25, 2013
Thursdays, 6pm to 8:30pm
In the vast world of photographic images one of today’s most prominent tools is the computer. The majority of photographers today rely on Photoshop for their digital darkroom. In this class students will be introduced to the most powerful and popular image-editing program available. Camera Eye’s PHOTOSHOP for Beginners will assist students in harnessing the countless tools in the program and streamline a working process for photographers and artists. The course will survey the digital influence on art and photography while training students how to enhance traditional imagery as well as create dynamic new images. This course serves as a fundamental introduction to Photoshop for beginners.
Tuition: $380
Looking forward to working with you.
Thank you,
Dana Mueller
Founder/ Director
CAMERA EYE WORKSHOPS | 6 Vernon Street Studios | SOMERVILLE, MA 02145 | 617-233-9768
website |
The Somerville Arts Council and Thea Hopkins present you an ArtsUnion event:
Traveling Troubadours: A Very Special Evening of Film & Music,
Thursday, Feb. 28, 7-9:30pm,
SCATV, 90 Union Square
The evening’s entertainment will feature a 35 minute preview of filmmaker Tom Weber’s documentary, “Troubadour Blues”. The film is an exploration of touring and performing songwriters in the 21st century. A brief Q & A with the director by noted music journalist Daniel Gewertz, will be followed by a performance from Somerville’s Thea Hopkins, whose music is inspired by the ‘60’s and ‘70’s singer-songwriter tradition of the traveling troubadour, encompassing Americana and narrative storytelling.
For more info:
Traveling Troubadours: A Very Special Evening of Film & Music,
Thursday, Feb. 28, 7-9:30pm,
SCATV, 90 Union Square
The evening’s entertainment will feature a 35 minute preview of filmmaker Tom Weber’s documentary, “Troubadour Blues”. The film is an exploration of touring and performing songwriters in the 21st century. A brief Q & A with the director by noted music journalist Daniel Gewertz, will be followed by a performance from Somerville’s Thea Hopkins, whose music is inspired by the ‘60’s and ‘70’s singer-songwriter tradition of the traveling troubadour, encompassing Americana and narrative storytelling.
For more info:
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
to the
Thursday, February 28th, 6pm
In celebration of Black History Month 2013
The BHCC Art Gallery presents:
African American Male Identity in Art
Including work by:
Barrington Edwards
Marlon Forrester
Tod Gaines
Paul Goodnight
Lou Jones
Nick Johnson
Anthony Lanier
James Montford
DeVaughn Owens
Karl Jean Petion
Carl Pittman
Hakim Raquib
Jamal Thorne
Percy Fortini Wright
February 4, 2013–February 28, 2013
An Evening of Spoken Word and Poetry
Hosted by Jean Dany Joachim with open-mic session
February 26, 6:30 p.m.
Artists’ Closing Reception
Thursday, February 28, 2013, 6–8 p.m.
Live Entertainment and Refreshments Served
250 New Rutherford Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02129-2925
617-228-2093 •
Gallery hours: M/W/F 11 a.m.–4 p.m.; T/Th 1–6 p.m.; Sat. 11 a.m.–2 p.m.
Bunker Hill Community College ART GALLERY is Free, Handicapped Accessible & Open to the Public.
We are Located at the Community College STOP on the MBTA Orange Line.
Please post, list, distribute this notice.
For more Information about this exhibit or programs offered by the BHCC Art Gallery CONTACT:
Ms. Laura L. Montgomery, M.F.A.
BHCC Art Gallery
Adjunct Professor, Visual and Media Arts Department
Bunker Hill Community College
Office of the President
250 New Rutherford Avenue
Boston, MA 02129
Visit our Gallery Web page at:
to the
Thursday, February 28th, 6pm
In celebration of Black History Month 2013
The BHCC Art Gallery presents:
African American Male Identity in Art
Including work by:
Barrington Edwards
Marlon Forrester
Tod Gaines
Paul Goodnight
Lou Jones
Nick Johnson
Anthony Lanier
James Montford
DeVaughn Owens
Karl Jean Petion
Carl Pittman
Hakim Raquib
Jamal Thorne
Percy Fortini Wright
February 4, 2013–February 28, 2013
An Evening of Spoken Word and Poetry
Hosted by Jean Dany Joachim with open-mic session
February 26, 6:30 p.m.
Artists’ Closing Reception
Thursday, February 28, 2013, 6–8 p.m.
Live Entertainment and Refreshments Served
250 New Rutherford Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02129-2925
617-228-2093 •
Gallery hours: M/W/F 11 a.m.–4 p.m.; T/Th 1–6 p.m.; Sat. 11 a.m.–2 p.m.
Bunker Hill Community College ART GALLERY is Free, Handicapped Accessible & Open to the Public.
We are Located at the Community College STOP on the MBTA Orange Line.
Please post, list, distribute this notice.
For more Information about this exhibit or programs offered by the BHCC Art Gallery CONTACT:
Ms. Laura L. Montgomery, M.F.A.
BHCC Art Gallery
Adjunct Professor, Visual and Media Arts Department
Bunker Hill Community College
Office of the President
250 New Rutherford Avenue
Boston, MA 02129
Visit our Gallery Web page at:
In Honor of Black History Month, You are Invited to Join US
2013 Historic Somerville Local History Series
The first lecture of the season will focus on the influences that Africans, West Indians, and African Americans had on the early years of development of our City from 1630-1860. Alice Mack, a native of Somerville, a poet and historyteller who has been studying African-American history for several decades, will deliver the talk. Kathleen Walcott, a member of the Cambridge African American Heritage Trail Committee, will give a brief introduction that includes life stories of present day Somerville African American residents.
Date: June 9, 2013
Time: 2:30-3:30pm with reception to follow
Location: Somerville Museum, One Westwood Road
Cost: Free for Historic Somerville members, $8 suggested donation for other attendees
Hope to see you there! If you can, please RSVP
2013 Historic Somerville Local History Series
The first lecture of the season will focus on the influences that Africans, West Indians, and African Americans had on the early years of development of our City from 1630-1860. Alice Mack, a native of Somerville, a poet and historyteller who has been studying African-American history for several decades, will deliver the talk. Kathleen Walcott, a member of the Cambridge African American Heritage Trail Committee, will give a brief introduction that includes life stories of present day Somerville African American residents.
Date: June 9, 2013
Time: 2:30-3:30pm with reception to follow
Location: Somerville Museum, One Westwood Road
Cost: Free for Historic Somerville members, $8 suggested donation for other attendees
Hope to see you there! If you can, please RSVP
GALLERY 321 OPENING RECEPTION - February 21, 2013
Please join Matthew Corcoran this Thursday evening at Gallery 321 as he helps the smallest month live as large as the storm that prompted the rescheduling of his opening reception of PHOTOGRAPHS: Lower-Resolution Photographs of the Built Environment Printed Large!
Facebook event:
Washington Street Art Center
Gallery 321
321 Washington Street Somerville, MA 02143
Gallery 321@ The Washington Street Art Center Presents:
PHOTOGRAPHS: Lower-Resolution Photographs of the Built Environment Printed
Large, by Matthew Corcoran
CLOSING RECEPTION: 21 February, 2013, from 7 p.m. - 10 p.m.
ON VIEW: 9 February - 23 February, 2013
CONTACT: Matthew Corcoran at corcoran00@..., and
SOMERVILLE, Mass. -- In his upcoming show, Matthew Corcoran hangs large prints
of the built environment. The images direct viewers' attention to skylines,
street corners, and structures. He is interested in changes to urban landscape
through development and decay. The images are laser printed on paper.
The opening reception for PHOTOGRAPHS will begin at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, 9
February at Gallery 321 and will be accompanied by music and drink. The prints
will be on view until the end of the month.
Matthew has been taking photos for much of his life. More work can be seen at
The Washington Street Art Center houses Gallery 321; hosts studio space for more
than twenty visual artists; and presents exhibitions, concerts, film series, and
other art initiatives. The Center participates in Somerville Open Studios each
May and an annual open studios and craft fair in December.
The Washington Street Art Center is located between Union Square and Beacon
Street; a five-minute walk from Union Square and a ten-minute walk from Harvard
Square (two blocks from Beacon Street). The Center is near, or on, the
following bus routes: 83, 85, 86, 87, 91, and CT2. Parking is free and ample.
Facebook event:
Washington Street Art Center
Gallery 321
321 Washington Street Somerville, MA 02143
Gallery 321@ The Washington Street Art Center Presents:
PHOTOGRAPHS: Lower-Resolution Photographs of the Built Environment Printed
Large, by Matthew Corcoran
CLOSING RECEPTION: 21 February, 2013, from 7 p.m. - 10 p.m.
ON VIEW: 9 February - 23 February, 2013
CONTACT: Matthew Corcoran at corcoran00@..., and
SOMERVILLE, Mass. -- In his upcoming show, Matthew Corcoran hangs large prints
of the built environment. The images direct viewers' attention to skylines,
street corners, and structures. He is interested in changes to urban landscape
through development and decay. The images are laser printed on paper.
The opening reception for PHOTOGRAPHS will begin at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, 9
February at Gallery 321 and will be accompanied by music and drink. The prints
will be on view until the end of the month.
Matthew has been taking photos for much of his life. More work can be seen at
The Washington Street Art Center houses Gallery 321; hosts studio space for more
than twenty visual artists; and presents exhibitions, concerts, film series, and
other art initiatives. The Center participates in Somerville Open Studios each
May and an annual open studios and craft fair in December.
The Washington Street Art Center is located between Union Square and Beacon
Street; a five-minute walk from Union Square and a ten-minute walk from Harvard
Square (two blocks from Beacon Street). The Center is near, or on, the
following bus routes: 83, 85, 86, 87, 91, and CT2. Parking is free and ample.
These events are FREE and open to the public. Children are welcome in the company of an adult. Please register for each event that you plan to attend. You will receive important information on parking after you register. E-mail Elizabeth Wylde at or call 617-349-6489 and leave your name and phone number.
Sunday, February 24
2 to 4:30 pm
Maynard Ecology Center, lower level of Neville Place
650 Concord Avenue
Take a walk with naturalists Larry Millman, Tom Murray, and Elizabeth Wylde as we explore the Reservation in search of fungi, insects, plants, birds, and anything else that shows signs of life in these lengthening days of late winter. There is a lot happening in, on, and above ground! We may even find some species that are new to our Reservation species lists. Dress for the weather and wear boots for walking off-path. Register for important parking information.
*For more information on the Grow Native Massachusetts winter/spring “Evenings with Experts” lecture series, visit the GNM web site at
Sunday, February 24
2 to 4:30 pm
Maynard Ecology Center, lower level of Neville Place
650 Concord Avenue
Take a walk with naturalists Larry Millman, Tom Murray, and Elizabeth Wylde as we explore the Reservation in search of fungi, insects, plants, birds, and anything else that shows signs of life in these lengthening days of late winter. There is a lot happening in, on, and above ground! We may even find some species that are new to our Reservation species lists. Dress for the weather and wear boots for walking off-path. Register for important parking information.
*For more information on the Grow Native Massachusetts winter/spring “Evenings with Experts” lecture series, visit the GNM web site at
Call for Entries: “New Talent – New England”
Deadline: March 1, 2013
Juried Exhibition May 8 – July 15, 2013
Opening Reception: May 8, 2013 from 5:30 – 7pm
The St. Botolph Club, established in 1880 “for the purpose of promoting social intercourse among persons connected with, or interested in, the arts, humanities, and sciences”, is pleased to host its first open call for a juried exhibition to emerging artists living in New England. The exhibit will be on view at the Club’s location at 199 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA.
The “New Talent” Exhibition is open to 2D, 3D and video artists living in New England (Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont) and working as professional artists 10 years or less – regardless of age.
Go to for the prospectus and application
Deadline: March 1, 2013
Juried Exhibition May 8 – July 15, 2013
Opening Reception: May 8, 2013 from 5:30 – 7pm
The St. Botolph Club, established in 1880 “for the purpose of promoting social intercourse among persons connected with, or interested in, the arts, humanities, and sciences”, is pleased to host its first open call for a juried exhibition to emerging artists living in New England. The exhibit will be on view at the Club’s location at 199 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA.
The “New Talent” Exhibition is open to 2D, 3D and video artists living in New England (Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont) and working as professional artists 10 years or less – regardless of age.
Go to for the prospectus and application
Calling All Local Artists!
Maxwell’s Green in Somerville invites local artists, photographers and sculptors to participate in an on-going local exhibit at the property’s state of the art Amenity & Display Center.
Benefits of Showcasing your work at Maxwell’s Green:
Daily views by over 200 Maxwell’s Green residents and future residents
Exposure during weekly private and public social events
Monthly exposure to local community and business community at our parties, events and organized shows
Are you interested in displaying your work?
Please contact us!
Robin Boersner, Property Manager
1 Maxwell’s Green
Somerville MA
Benefits of Showcasing your work at Maxwell’s Green:
Daily views by over 200 Maxwell’s Green residents and future residents
Exposure during weekly private and public social events
Monthly exposure to local community and business community at our parties, events and organized shows
Are you interested in displaying your work?
Please contact us!
Robin Boersner, Property Manager
1 Maxwell’s Green
Somerville MA
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Delicious Torment is open this weekend at the Nave Gallery in Teele Square from 1-5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. This show closes next weekend.
Delicious Torment
Curated by Susan Berstler
Exhibition Dates and Hours: February 9-24, 2013
Saturday and Sundays, 1-5 PM
The Nave Gallery is hosting a group exhibition during its main gallery space in Teele Square. Featuring 10 local and national artists, Delicious Torment examines emotional and physical attraction--heat and cold, passion and heartache, what is given and given up when two become entangled in another.
Artists include: Aparna Agrawal, Leika Akiyama, Holland Dieringer, Alexandra C. Dooley, Lois Fiore, Andrew Fish, Laura Fischman, Zach Gabbard, Liliya Krys, Michael Seif.
Nave Gallery
155 Powderhouse Blvd
Somerville, MA 02144
Delicious Torment
Curated by Susan Berstler
Exhibition Dates and Hours: February 9-24, 2013
Saturday and Sundays, 1-5 PM
The Nave Gallery is hosting a group exhibition during its main gallery space in Teele Square. Featuring 10 local and national artists, Delicious Torment examines emotional and physical attraction--heat and cold, passion and heartache, what is given and given up when two become entangled in another.
Artists include: Aparna Agrawal, Leika Akiyama, Holland Dieringer, Alexandra C. Dooley, Lois Fiore, Andrew Fish, Laura Fischman, Zach Gabbard, Liliya Krys, Michael Seif.
Nave Gallery
155 Powderhouse Blvd
Somerville, MA 02144
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Assembly Row Announces Weekly Handmade Arts Market to Take Place May Through
September 2013 Along the Mystic River in Somerville, MA
ASSEMBLED. The Handmade Arts Market at Assembly Row to feature the work of
Artisans and Crafters of all things handmade, plus demonstrations, musicians
and food trucks
ASSEMBLED. The Handmade Arts Market at Assembly Row will showcase handmade
arts and crafts on display and for sale by New England’s many creative
talents including many Etsy artisans. ASSEMBLED. The
Handmade Arts Market at Assembly Row promises to be a complement to the
highly popular Somerville arts series that have positioned the City as an
“arts mecca”.
ASSEMBLED. The Handmade Arts Market at Assembly Row will feature local
artisans of various media, including photography, jewelry, recycled and
repurposed crafts, clay, fiber, glass, paper and more. There will be live
musical performances and food and refreshments sold by popular New England
area Food Trucks.
Admission is free. More information and a complete calendar of events coming
soon to
Saturdays from 11:00am – 4:00pm
May 18 – September 21
ASSEMBLED. The Handmade Arts Market at Assembly Row will take place on Grand
Union Boulevard along the Mystic River.
Assembly Row is easily accessible by car with easy on-and-off from major
highways, including I-93 and Route 28, and via public transportation with
both Sullivan Square and Wellington Circle stations under one mile away.
Free parking is also available.
Leslie Cipolla – Aigner/Prensky Marketing Group
September 2013 Along the Mystic River in Somerville, MA
ASSEMBLED. The Handmade Arts Market at Assembly Row to feature the work of
Artisans and Crafters of all things handmade, plus demonstrations, musicians
and food trucks
ASSEMBLED. The Handmade Arts Market at Assembly Row will showcase handmade
arts and crafts on display and for sale by New England’s many creative
talents including many Etsy artisans. ASSEMBLED. The
Handmade Arts Market at Assembly Row promises to be a complement to the
highly popular Somerville arts series that have positioned the City as an
“arts mecca”.
ASSEMBLED. The Handmade Arts Market at Assembly Row will feature local
artisans of various media, including photography, jewelry, recycled and
repurposed crafts, clay, fiber, glass, paper and more. There will be live
musical performances and food and refreshments sold by popular New England
area Food Trucks.
Admission is free. More information and a complete calendar of events coming
soon to
Saturdays from 11:00am – 4:00pm
May 18 – September 21
ASSEMBLED. The Handmade Arts Market at Assembly Row will take place on Grand
Union Boulevard along the Mystic River.
Assembly Row is easily accessible by car with easy on-and-off from major
highways, including I-93 and Route 28, and via public transportation with
both Sullivan Square and Wellington Circle stations under one mile away.
Free parking is also available.
Leslie Cipolla – Aigner/Prensky Marketing Group
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Calling all recyclers, upcyclers, crafters and artists to submit your entry to Trash Bash 2013! Somerville’s First Recycled Arts Competition, to be held on Sunday, April 7 from 12 Noon to 6 PM. Prizes: 1st Prize - $100 (Adult), 1st Prize - $100 Savings Bond (Youth). 2nd, 3
rd. Prizes will be donated by our amazing local business sponsors. Honorable Mention Awards for Originality, Creativity and Best Use of Recycled Content. Entry fee.
rd. Prizes will be donated by our amazing local business sponsors. Honorable Mention Awards for Originality, Creativity and Best Use of Recycled Content. Entry fee.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Opensound, a monthly concert series of improvised and experimental music
** Next Concert: Saturday, Feb 16 2013
When Everything Falls to Shards
a recapitulation of the the 1928 Watson-Webber silent film of Poe's
Fall of the House of Usher,
with live accompaniment by bodydrama:
Joe Burgio, Lou Cohen, Forbes Graham, Steve Norton, Andrea Pensado, Matt Samolis, Walter Wright, and others
Orlando Cela, flute
performing music by Sciarrino, Ferneyhough, and Hosokawa
Collide-O-Scope Music
Augustus Arnone, piano
performing North American Spirituals
from Michael Finnissy's "The History Of Photography In Sound"
Banjo Assault
Tom Crean, banjo
Matt Robidoux, banjo
Saturday, Feb 16, 2013
Third Life Studios
33 Union Square
Somerville, MA
(Almost at the heart of Union Square, on the segment of
Somerville Ave. coming into Union Square from Porter Square)
For directions and parking:
Doors open after 7:30. / music at around 8:00 p.m.
$8 admission
Opensound is a monthly concert series that explores improvised and experimental music, bringing artists from disparate backgrounds together for unique events in Somerville MA. The process of improvisation combines the distinctive voices of its individual performers. The music that results is often surprising, unconventional and dynamic. It s not uncommon to hear music made of electronic crackles, noisy multi-phonics, gurgling, hissing, quiet vocalized gibberish, atonal noodling, bowed metal, blowing sounds, post-everything harmony, and a thousand shades of hullabaloo.
You may also see video and dance cohabitating with buzzes, clicks, drones, wooshes, and bleeps in a bizarre galaxy of pitch and spectra!
Some Bios
Flutist, conductor, teacher, and arranger Orlando Cela embraces all aspects of music. From Vivaldi's Double Concerto with Paula Robisonto Indian classical music with Samir Chatterjee, Orlando is an accomplished musician in a wide variety of styles and settings. He performs regularly with the I/O New Music Ensemble, Music at Eden's Edge, Duo SopraVoce (with violinist Annegret Klaua), and as a solo performer, collaborating with musicians such as pianists Aaron Jackson, Yukiko Shimazaki, Sivan Etedgee, harpist Barbara Poeschl-Edrich, and many more. He has commissioned many works for flute, and premiered many other works, including the American premiere of Hèctor Parra "InFALL," Salvatore Sciarrino's "Autoritratto nella Notte" and his opera "Lohengrin" - the latter with the Soria Chamber Players, a group he founded and led for three years. Orlando has arranged a large number of works for multiple flutes which include not only Classical music favorites, but also folk music
from Romania, Bulgaria, Venezuela, Argentina, India, Croatia, Japan, and more. Orlando is now working on his fifth recording, "Project Extended," a compilation of pieces by contemporary composers who wrote works for him using nothing except extended techniques. You can find his other recordings on iTunes, Amazon and CDBaby.
Augustus Arnone is an adventurous pianist who has made a home at the edge of transcendental extremes in the modern repertory. His repertoire includes works by John Cage, Iannis Xenakis, Michael Finnissy, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Frederic Rzewski, Elliott Carter, Luigi Nono, Alvin Lucier, Morton Feldman, Donald Martino, and Milton Babbitt. A stalwart champion of the ever controversial Babbitt, Mr. Arnone performed the composer's complete solo piano music over the course of two evenings at Merkin Concert Hall, the recordings of which available as streaming audio here. Mr. Arnone is an ardent advocate of new music and music by emerging composers, and has collaborated with composers Roberto Sierra, David Rakowski, Jason Eckardt, Edmund Campion, Stephen Gorbos, Christopher Bailey, Yotam Haber, and Michael Klingbeil. He is also an enthusiastic improviser and recent concerts have featured solo improvisation using MIDI-enabled acoustic piano as well as digital synthesizers.
Upcoming 2013 Concerts
March 9: Foam/Rawlings, Los Condenados, id m theftable, Babies of Brazzer
April 27: Evans-Weiler septet, Gentry, 2lous, Kirchoff
May 11: Jack Wright, Auddity, G. Lomon, Apocalypso
June 15: Cage Variations III, Frennette Trio, Flunk w/ id m theftable.
** Next Concert: Saturday, Feb 16 2013
When Everything Falls to Shards
a recapitulation of the the 1928 Watson-Webber silent film of Poe's
Fall of the House of Usher,
with live accompaniment by bodydrama:
Joe Burgio, Lou Cohen, Forbes Graham, Steve Norton, Andrea Pensado, Matt Samolis, Walter Wright, and others
Orlando Cela, flute
performing music by Sciarrino, Ferneyhough, and Hosokawa
Collide-O-Scope Music
Augustus Arnone, piano
performing North American Spirituals
from Michael Finnissy's "The History Of Photography In Sound"
Banjo Assault
Tom Crean, banjo
Matt Robidoux, banjo
Saturday, Feb 16, 2013
Third Life Studios
33 Union Square
Somerville, MA
(Almost at the heart of Union Square, on the segment of
Somerville Ave. coming into Union Square from Porter Square)
For directions and parking:
Doors open after 7:30. / music at around 8:00 p.m.
$8 admission
Opensound is a monthly concert series that explores improvised and experimental music, bringing artists from disparate backgrounds together for unique events in Somerville MA. The process of improvisation combines the distinctive voices of its individual performers. The music that results is often surprising, unconventional and dynamic. It s not uncommon to hear music made of electronic crackles, noisy multi-phonics, gurgling, hissing, quiet vocalized gibberish, atonal noodling, bowed metal, blowing sounds, post-everything harmony, and a thousand shades of hullabaloo.
You may also see video and dance cohabitating with buzzes, clicks, drones, wooshes, and bleeps in a bizarre galaxy of pitch and spectra!
Some Bios
Flutist, conductor, teacher, and arranger Orlando Cela embraces all aspects of music. From Vivaldi's Double Concerto with Paula Robisonto Indian classical music with Samir Chatterjee, Orlando is an accomplished musician in a wide variety of styles and settings. He performs regularly with the I/O New Music Ensemble, Music at Eden's Edge, Duo SopraVoce (with violinist Annegret Klaua), and as a solo performer, collaborating with musicians such as pianists Aaron Jackson, Yukiko Shimazaki, Sivan Etedgee, harpist Barbara Poeschl-Edrich, and many more. He has commissioned many works for flute, and premiered many other works, including the American premiere of Hèctor Parra "InFALL," Salvatore Sciarrino's "Autoritratto nella Notte" and his opera "Lohengrin" - the latter with the Soria Chamber Players, a group he founded and led for three years. Orlando has arranged a large number of works for multiple flutes which include not only Classical music favorites, but also folk music
from Romania, Bulgaria, Venezuela, Argentina, India, Croatia, Japan, and more. Orlando is now working on his fifth recording, "Project Extended," a compilation of pieces by contemporary composers who wrote works for him using nothing except extended techniques. You can find his other recordings on iTunes, Amazon and CDBaby.
Augustus Arnone is an adventurous pianist who has made a home at the edge of transcendental extremes in the modern repertory. His repertoire includes works by John Cage, Iannis Xenakis, Michael Finnissy, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Frederic Rzewski, Elliott Carter, Luigi Nono, Alvin Lucier, Morton Feldman, Donald Martino, and Milton Babbitt. A stalwart champion of the ever controversial Babbitt, Mr. Arnone performed the composer's complete solo piano music over the course of two evenings at Merkin Concert Hall, the recordings of which available as streaming audio here. Mr. Arnone is an ardent advocate of new music and music by emerging composers, and has collaborated with composers Roberto Sierra, David Rakowski, Jason Eckardt, Edmund Campion, Stephen Gorbos, Christopher Bailey, Yotam Haber, and Michael Klingbeil. He is also an enthusiastic improviser and recent concerts have featured solo improvisation using MIDI-enabled acoustic piano as well as digital synthesizers.
Upcoming 2013 Concerts
March 9: Foam/Rawlings, Los Condenados, id m theftable, Babies of Brazzer
April 27: Evans-Weiler septet, Gentry, 2lous, Kirchoff
May 11: Jack Wright, Auddity, G. Lomon, Apocalypso
June 15: Cage Variations III, Frennette Trio, Flunk w/ id m theftable.
Friday, February 08, 2013
Black Ink
Works on Paper Show at the Nave Annex in Davis Square
Facebook event page:
The Nave Gallery is pleased to announce a call for entries for a printmaking show at our new gallery annex in Davis Square. Entitled "Black Ink", this show is open to all forms of printmaking. Our juror is well-known Somerville, MA lithographer Carolyn Muskat of Muskat Studio.
Entries should be printed in black ink only. Accepted pieces should be delivered to the Annex (53 Chester St, next to Redbones) ready to hang. Sales are encouraged, with a 30% gallery commission.
Please send 3 jpegs to Each jpeg should be 1200 pixels in the long dimension. Name the jpeg files "#_NAME.jpg" where # is the submission number and NAME is your last name. Please include an image list with your jpeg submission email, indicating submission number, title, size, process, and year.
There is a $15 submission fee, paid with Paypal or with check. Paypal is available at Checks should be sent to The Nave Annex, 53 Chester St, Somerville, MA 02144.
Deadline for entries: Friday, February 8
Notification: Tuesday, February 12 by email
Work to be delivered: Saturday, February 16 at The Annex
Show dates: Thursday, February 21 - Friday, March 8th
Closing reception: Friday, March 8th
Pick-up of work: Saturday, March 9th and Sunday, March 10th
Works on Paper Show at the Nave Annex in Davis Square
Facebook event page:
The Nave Gallery is pleased to announce a call for entries for a printmaking show at our new gallery annex in Davis Square. Entitled "Black Ink", this show is open to all forms of printmaking. Our juror is well-known Somerville, MA lithographer Carolyn Muskat of Muskat Studio.
Entries should be printed in black ink only. Accepted pieces should be delivered to the Annex (53 Chester St, next to Redbones) ready to hang. Sales are encouraged, with a 30% gallery commission.
Please send 3 jpegs to Each jpeg should be 1200 pixels in the long dimension. Name the jpeg files "#_NAME.jpg" where # is the submission number and NAME is your last name. Please include an image list with your jpeg submission email, indicating submission number, title, size, process, and year.
There is a $15 submission fee, paid with Paypal or with check. Paypal is available at Checks should be sent to The Nave Annex, 53 Chester St, Somerville, MA 02144.
Deadline for entries: Friday, February 8
Notification: Tuesday, February 12 by email
Work to be delivered: Saturday, February 16 at The Annex
Show dates: Thursday, February 21 - Friday, March 8th
Closing reception: Friday, March 8th
Pick-up of work: Saturday, March 9th and Sunday, March 10th
Thursday, February 07, 2013
Please join me for my Chinese New Year Celebration: 2013 -- Year of the Snake!
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
6:30-8:30 pm
Hong Kong Restaurant
Harvard Square
1238 Mass Ave
Cambridge, MA 02138
Lots of Appetizers & Entertainment!
RSVP by ordering your tickets here
If you have any questions please contact Meredith Lerner at
I hope to see you at my upcoming event, as always I am so grateful for your support and friendship.
This message was sent to from:
Leland Cheung | 157 Garden St | Cambridge, MA 02138
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
6:30-8:30 pm
Hong Kong Restaurant
Harvard Square
1238 Mass Ave
Cambridge, MA 02138
Lots of Appetizers & Entertainment!
RSVP by ordering your tickets here
If you have any questions please contact Meredith Lerner at
I hope to see you at my upcoming event, as always I am so grateful for your support and friendship.
This message was sent to from:
Leland Cheung | 157 Garden St | Cambridge, MA 02138
This weekend, Boston will be rocked by the biggest snow storm to hit New England in years. It's expected to howl away through Friday night and Saturday morning... leaving us Saturday afternoon to play in the snow! Grab your buckets, shovels and gloves and join us as we set up some speakers, put out some hot chocolate, and build snow forts, snowmen, and whatever other snow sculpture you want in Union Square.
Artisan's Asylum has done this once before to great affect - two years ago, we had around 200 people join us, and we made Calvin & Hobbes sculptures, igloos, snow-decahedrons, snow dragons, armies of tiny snowmen, and more. You can read more about our previous escapades here:
If you're interested, I encourage you to share the Facebook event for this so we can get a good crowd: . Invite your friends, and let's have us a snow day!
One last note: this event is weather dependent! Our ideal would be if 1-2' of snow was on the ground, skies were clear and winds were mild to non-existent. If the conditions are something more akin to it being multiple tens of degrees below zero, with gale force winds and driving sleet, we obviously won't be doing this. We'll announce one way or another on this list.
Gui Cavalcanti, President
Artisan's Asylum, Inc.
Cell: (857) 389-7669
Artisan's Asylum has done this once before to great affect - two years ago, we had around 200 people join us, and we made Calvin & Hobbes sculptures, igloos, snow-decahedrons, snow dragons, armies of tiny snowmen, and more. You can read more about our previous escapades here:
If you're interested, I encourage you to share the Facebook event for this so we can get a good crowd: . Invite your friends, and let's have us a snow day!
One last note: this event is weather dependent! Our ideal would be if 1-2' of snow was on the ground, skies were clear and winds were mild to non-existent. If the conditions are something more akin to it being multiple tens of degrees below zero, with gale force winds and driving sleet, we obviously won't be doing this. We'll announce one way or another on this list.
Gui Cavalcanti, President
Artisan's Asylum, Inc.
Cell: (857) 389-7669
Tuesday, February 05, 2013
Exhibit opening: “Design Biennial Boston”
Thursday, February 21, 2013, 6:00pm-8:00pm
BSA Space, 290 Congress Street, Boston
Don’t miss the opening reception for the latest exhibit at BSA Space, Design Biennial Boston.
Curated by over,under, this exhibition recognizes the most significant design leaders among Greater Boston’s early-career, independent professional talent through a juried exhibition, publication and site-specific installation at BSA Space. This year’s participants are Brandon Clifford of Matter Design, Wilson Martin and Eden Dutcher of GroundView, Ana Miljački and Lee Moreau of Project_, and Kiel Moe.
Free and open to the public; RSVP to with “Design Biennial” in the subject line.
Mary Fichtner
Director of Programs and Exhibits
direct 617-391-4017
Boston Society of Architects/AIA
290 Congress Street, Suite 200
Boston, MA 02210
Members: List your firm and advertise in the 2013 Homeowner’s Project Handbook . All entries are due February 14.
Thursday, February 21, 2013, 6:00pm-8:00pm
BSA Space, 290 Congress Street, Boston
Don’t miss the opening reception for the latest exhibit at BSA Space, Design Biennial Boston.
Curated by over,under, this exhibition recognizes the most significant design leaders among Greater Boston’s early-career, independent professional talent through a juried exhibition, publication and site-specific installation at BSA Space. This year’s participants are Brandon Clifford of Matter Design, Wilson Martin and Eden Dutcher of GroundView, Ana Miljački and Lee Moreau of Project_, and Kiel Moe.
Free and open to the public; RSVP to with “Design Biennial” in the subject line.
Mary Fichtner
Director of Programs and Exhibits
direct 617-391-4017
Boston Society of Architects/AIA
290 Congress Street, Suite 200
Boston, MA 02210
Members: List your firm and advertise in the 2013 Homeowner’s Project Handbook . All entries are due February 14.
V-Day Somerville: The Vagina Monologues
Saturday: Feb 9th (two shows: 3 and 8pm), Somerville Theatre
Proceeds benefit the antiviolence prevention programs of the Somerville Commission for Women
The Vagina Monologues celebrates the experiences of women of all ages while acknowledging the many forms and effects of abuse and misinformation perpetrated against them. Playwright Eve Ensler based each segment — some funny, some tragic, all inspiring — on her interviews with women and girls throughout the country and the world.
This production is part of the 15th anniversary of V-Day and the anniversary movement, One Billion Rising, and will include personal Why I Am Rising statements from cast members. 10% of our proceeds will benefit the V-Day Spotlight Foundation and the remaining 90% will support the Somerville Commission for Women.
Music for The Vagina Monologues will be provided by Somebody's Mother. Be sure to arrive early to enjoy their whole set!
Please Note: This production includes descriptions and depictions of violence against women, mature language, and explicit sexual material.
Purchase tickets online - Please note: there is a $1 theatre restoration fee added to each ticket.
Somerville Theatre, 55 Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Sat, Feb 9 at 3 pm
Sat, Feb 9 at 8 pm
Note: The two casts may not be identical.
Liz Adams
Shealan Anderson
Leah Bateman
Stephanie Clarkson
Elizabeth Cole
Melissa Ehlers
Nellie Farrington
Neha Gandhi
Jo Guthrie
Kathy-Ann Hart
Andrea Humez
Sonya Joyner
Noe Kamelamela
Natalia Musatova
Sharon Neeley
Mary Niederkorn
Gilly Rosenthol
Erika Rubin
Masha Sten-Clanton
Lisë Stern
Joye Thaller
Jess Viator
Aspen Webster
Bobbi Woodward
Elizabeth Hunter
Beckie Hunter
Assistant Director
David Policar
Technical Director
Jason Merrill
Stage Manager
Aaron Cohen
Sound Designer
Neil Marsh
Lighting Designer
Hilary Caplan
Rehearsal Assistant
Erin Jenkins
Publicity Manager
Georgia Young
Office of Somerville Commissions
Somerville Commission for Women
Human Rights Commission
Multicultural Affairs Commission
LGBT Community Outreach and Issues
Program of the Somerville Health Department
City of Somerville, City Hall Annex
50 Evergreen Avenue, Somerville, MA 02145
Voice: 617-625-6600, x2406
Fax: 617-629-3040
TTY: 1-866-808-4851
Saturday: Feb 9th (two shows: 3 and 8pm), Somerville Theatre
Proceeds benefit the antiviolence prevention programs of the Somerville Commission for Women
The Vagina Monologues celebrates the experiences of women of all ages while acknowledging the many forms and effects of abuse and misinformation perpetrated against them. Playwright Eve Ensler based each segment — some funny, some tragic, all inspiring — on her interviews with women and girls throughout the country and the world.
This production is part of the 15th anniversary of V-Day and the anniversary movement, One Billion Rising, and will include personal Why I Am Rising statements from cast members. 10% of our proceeds will benefit the V-Day Spotlight Foundation and the remaining 90% will support the Somerville Commission for Women.
Music for The Vagina Monologues will be provided by Somebody's Mother. Be sure to arrive early to enjoy their whole set!
Please Note: This production includes descriptions and depictions of violence against women, mature language, and explicit sexual material.
Purchase tickets online - Please note: there is a $1 theatre restoration fee added to each ticket.
Somerville Theatre, 55 Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Sat, Feb 9 at 3 pm
Sat, Feb 9 at 8 pm
Note: The two casts may not be identical.
Liz Adams
Shealan Anderson
Leah Bateman
Stephanie Clarkson
Elizabeth Cole
Melissa Ehlers
Nellie Farrington
Neha Gandhi
Jo Guthrie
Kathy-Ann Hart
Andrea Humez
Sonya Joyner
Noe Kamelamela
Natalia Musatova
Sharon Neeley
Mary Niederkorn
Gilly Rosenthol
Erika Rubin
Masha Sten-Clanton
Lisë Stern
Joye Thaller
Jess Viator
Aspen Webster
Bobbi Woodward
Elizabeth Hunter
Beckie Hunter
Assistant Director
David Policar
Technical Director
Jason Merrill
Stage Manager
Aaron Cohen
Sound Designer
Neil Marsh
Lighting Designer
Hilary Caplan
Rehearsal Assistant
Erin Jenkins
Publicity Manager
Georgia Young
Office of Somerville Commissions
Somerville Commission for Women
Human Rights Commission
Multicultural Affairs Commission
LGBT Community Outreach and Issues
Program of the Somerville Health Department
City of Somerville, City Hall Annex
50 Evergreen Avenue, Somerville, MA 02145
Voice: 617-625-6600, x2406
Fax: 617-629-3040
TTY: 1-866-808-4851
Monday, February 04, 2013
WORKS by SHARON LACEY @ SCATV Gallery in February, 2013
WORKS BY SHARON LACEY will be on exhibit at the SCATV Gallery from February 4 – 26, 2013. Sharon Lacey is a student of Medieval and Renaissance artist studio practice and training. Her commitment to the period is reflected in her use of color, light and composition. Sharon Lacey presents the viewer with poetic and engaging images.
To learn more about Sharon Lacey’s work check out her ART AT SCATV interview with program host, Janet Cormier which can be viewed by Somerville residents on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM on Channel 3 or on-line anytime at then click Gallery. Check for updates regarding Sharon Lacey’s reception.
The SCATV Gallery is located at 90 Union Square, Somerville, MA. Gallery hours are Monday thru Thursday Noon – 10:00 PM, Friday & Saturday 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM and closed on Sundays and holidays
Somerville artists interested in appearing as a guest for ART AT SCATV and exhibiting in the SCATV Gallery should contact Janet Cormier, Art @SCATV Host and Curator, or Wendy Blom, Executive Director SCATV.
WORKS BY SHARON LACEY will be on exhibit at the SCATV Gallery from February 4 – 26, 2013. Sharon Lacey is a student of Medieval and Renaissance artist studio practice and training. Her commitment to the period is reflected in her use of color, light and composition. Sharon Lacey presents the viewer with poetic and engaging images.
To learn more about Sharon Lacey’s work check out her ART AT SCATV interview with program host, Janet Cormier which can be viewed by Somerville residents on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM on Channel 3 or on-line anytime at then click Gallery. Check for updates regarding Sharon Lacey’s reception.
The SCATV Gallery is located at 90 Union Square, Somerville, MA. Gallery hours are Monday thru Thursday Noon – 10:00 PM, Friday & Saturday 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM and closed on Sundays and holidays
Somerville artists interested in appearing as a guest for ART AT SCATV and exhibiting in the SCATV Gallery should contact Janet Cormier, Art @SCATV Host and Curator, or Wendy Blom, Executive Director SCATV.
Animalistic Archetypes
It is undeniable. From flora to fauna - man to beast, our connection is age old and authentic.
Animalistic Archetypes will be opening this Friday 8pm in the Gallery at the Piano Factory. With wine, food and lots of new art.
Featuring works from:
Ed Capeau
Mitch Weiss
Zen O'Conor
It is undeniable. From flora to fauna - man to beast, our connection is age old and authentic.
Animalistic Archetypes will be opening this Friday 8pm in the Gallery at the Piano Factory. With wine, food and lots of new art.
Featuring works from:
Ed Capeau
Mitch Weiss
Zen O'Conor
Warrior Dances: Ewe Drumming and Dance
Tuesday, February 5, 2013, 3:30-5:30 pm
East Somerville Community School, 8 Bonair St, Somerville, MA
In this FREE workshop and concert, the Agbekor Society will lead participants in experiencing and appreciating the traditional Ewe dance and drumming of Ghana.
This cross-cultural collaboration is the first event in El Sistema Somerville's new series: Sounds of the City...Music of the World and is made possible in part by a grant from the Somerville Arts Council, a local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
The workshop will take place from 3:30 PM-4:30 PM with a performance from 5:00-5:30 PM in the Gymnasium of the East Somerville Community School at 8 Bonair St. A light reception and conversation with the artists will follow.
More information is available at or by calling 617-625-6600 X 6388
Tuesday, February 5, 2013, 3:30-5:30 pm
East Somerville Community School, 8 Bonair St, Somerville, MA
In this FREE workshop and concert, the Agbekor Society will lead participants in experiencing and appreciating the traditional Ewe dance and drumming of Ghana.
This cross-cultural collaboration is the first event in El Sistema Somerville's new series: Sounds of the City...Music of the World and is made possible in part by a grant from the Somerville Arts Council, a local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
The workshop will take place from 3:30 PM-4:30 PM with a performance from 5:00-5:30 PM in the Gymnasium of the East Somerville Community School at 8 Bonair St. A light reception and conversation with the artists will follow.
More information is available at or by calling 617-625-6600 X 6388
Friday, February 01, 2013
Session Planetaria, Sunday, Feb. 3, 2-5pm, Sally O’Briens, 335 Somerville Ave
Session Planetaria is a new open jam improv concept that began in 2012 at Fasika Ethiopian Restaurant. Poetry, words, rhythms and rhymes evolve in a round robin style improv jam on a theme. The session is led by a core group of experienced improv musicians. Everything created is completely unique. Musicians, Poets, MCs and Storytellers all ages and styles welcome. The session will be recorded for future podcast and/or youtube airing. Sign up begins at 1:30pm. Advance sign up possible, contact Jenn Bliss at
Come down and get your groove on! 2/3 theme: Soul Food
Session Planetaria is a new open jam improv concept that began in 2012 at Fasika Ethiopian Restaurant. Poetry, words, rhythms and rhymes evolve in a round robin style improv jam on a theme. The session is led by a core group of experienced improv musicians. Everything created is completely unique. Musicians, Poets, MCs and Storytellers all ages and styles welcome. The session will be recorded for future podcast and/or youtube airing. Sign up begins at 1:30pm. Advance sign up possible, contact Jenn Bliss at
Come down and get your groove on! 2/3 theme: Soul Food
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.