Thursday, February 28, 2013
These events are FREE and open to the public. Children are welcome in the company of an adult.
Please register for each event that you plan to attend. You will receive important information on parking after you register. E-mail Elizabeth Wylde at or call 617- 349-6489 and leave your name and phone number.
Saturday, March 2
9 to 11 am
Street end of Neville Place driveway
650 Concord Avenue
Spring is just around the corner! The earliest migrating birds are beginning to arrive at the Reservation, where they will either stay for the breeding season or rest before continuing their journey northward. The new arrivals and year-round residents will soon be busy building nests and defending territories. We may see a variety of migrating waterfowl on the ponds as well as songbirds in trees. Beginners are welcome! We have binoculars to lend and will show you how to use them.
Sunday, March 10
1 to 3 pm
Maynard Ecology Center, lower level of Neville Place
650 Concord Avenue
Learn to identify our local trees in winter by looking at their twigs – and do it while keeping warm and comfortable indoors! During this program each participant will receive a bag of twigs from native tree species growing on the Reservation, several identification guides, and lots of help from us. You can label your twigs and take them home for further examination. Appropriate for adults and children over 10 with a parent. You must register to participate and to get parking directions.
Friday, March 15
6:30 to 8:30 pm
Water Department parking lot
250 Fresh Pond Parkway
A jewel of the Cambridge water-delivery system, Payson Park Reservoir is also an oasis for astronomy, with its relative lack of light pollution and horizon-to-horizon vistas. Join Emmanuel College astronomy lecturer Joshua Roth and explore the vast dimensions of our solar system with a fun hands-on model-building exercise. Participate in a potential comet sighting and view Jupiter, the crescent moon, and the Orion Nebula with affordable telescopes. Dress warmly. Feel free, but not obliged, to bring binoculars or small telescopes. All ages welcome. No prior experience with stargazing required. We will meet in the CWD parking lot and carpool to Payson Park. You must register for this program. Rain or overcast date: Saturday, March 16.
Please register for each event that you plan to attend. You will receive important information on parking after you register. E-mail Elizabeth Wylde at or call 617- 349-6489 and leave your name and phone number.
Saturday, March 2
9 to 11 am
Street end of Neville Place driveway
650 Concord Avenue
Spring is just around the corner! The earliest migrating birds are beginning to arrive at the Reservation, where they will either stay for the breeding season or rest before continuing their journey northward. The new arrivals and year-round residents will soon be busy building nests and defending territories. We may see a variety of migrating waterfowl on the ponds as well as songbirds in trees. Beginners are welcome! We have binoculars to lend and will show you how to use them.
Sunday, March 10
1 to 3 pm
Maynard Ecology Center, lower level of Neville Place
650 Concord Avenue
Learn to identify our local trees in winter by looking at their twigs – and do it while keeping warm and comfortable indoors! During this program each participant will receive a bag of twigs from native tree species growing on the Reservation, several identification guides, and lots of help from us. You can label your twigs and take them home for further examination. Appropriate for adults and children over 10 with a parent. You must register to participate and to get parking directions.
Friday, March 15
6:30 to 8:30 pm
Water Department parking lot
250 Fresh Pond Parkway
A jewel of the Cambridge water-delivery system, Payson Park Reservoir is also an oasis for astronomy, with its relative lack of light pollution and horizon-to-horizon vistas. Join Emmanuel College astronomy lecturer Joshua Roth and explore the vast dimensions of our solar system with a fun hands-on model-building exercise. Participate in a potential comet sighting and view Jupiter, the crescent moon, and the Orion Nebula with affordable telescopes. Dress warmly. Feel free, but not obliged, to bring binoculars or small telescopes. All ages welcome. No prior experience with stargazing required. We will meet in the CWD parking lot and carpool to Payson Park. You must register for this program. Rain or overcast date: Saturday, March 16.
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