Monday, February 11, 2013
Opensound, a monthly concert series of improvised and experimental music
** Next Concert: Saturday, Feb 16 2013
When Everything Falls to Shards
a recapitulation of the the 1928 Watson-Webber silent film of Poe's
Fall of the House of Usher,
with live accompaniment by bodydrama:
Joe Burgio, Lou Cohen, Forbes Graham, Steve Norton, Andrea Pensado, Matt Samolis, Walter Wright, and others
Orlando Cela, flute
performing music by Sciarrino, Ferneyhough, and Hosokawa
Collide-O-Scope Music
Augustus Arnone, piano
performing North American Spirituals
from Michael Finnissy's "The History Of Photography In Sound"
Banjo Assault
Tom Crean, banjo
Matt Robidoux, banjo
Saturday, Feb 16, 2013
Third Life Studios
33 Union Square
Somerville, MA
(Almost at the heart of Union Square, on the segment of
Somerville Ave. coming into Union Square from Porter Square)
For directions and parking:
Doors open after 7:30. / music at around 8:00 p.m.
$8 admission
Opensound is a monthly concert series that explores improvised and experimental music, bringing artists from disparate backgrounds together for unique events in Somerville MA. The process of improvisation combines the distinctive voices of its individual performers. The music that results is often surprising, unconventional and dynamic. It s not uncommon to hear music made of electronic crackles, noisy multi-phonics, gurgling, hissing, quiet vocalized gibberish, atonal noodling, bowed metal, blowing sounds, post-everything harmony, and a thousand shades of hullabaloo.
You may also see video and dance cohabitating with buzzes, clicks, drones, wooshes, and bleeps in a bizarre galaxy of pitch and spectra!
Some Bios
Flutist, conductor, teacher, and arranger Orlando Cela embraces all aspects of music. From Vivaldi's Double Concerto with Paula Robisonto Indian classical music with Samir Chatterjee, Orlando is an accomplished musician in a wide variety of styles and settings. He performs regularly with the I/O New Music Ensemble, Music at Eden's Edge, Duo SopraVoce (with violinist Annegret Klaua), and as a solo performer, collaborating with musicians such as pianists Aaron Jackson, Yukiko Shimazaki, Sivan Etedgee, harpist Barbara Poeschl-Edrich, and many more. He has commissioned many works for flute, and premiered many other works, including the American premiere of Hèctor Parra "InFALL," Salvatore Sciarrino's "Autoritratto nella Notte" and his opera "Lohengrin" - the latter with the Soria Chamber Players, a group he founded and led for three years. Orlando has arranged a large number of works for multiple flutes which include not only Classical music favorites, but also folk music
from Romania, Bulgaria, Venezuela, Argentina, India, Croatia, Japan, and more. Orlando is now working on his fifth recording, "Project Extended," a compilation of pieces by contemporary composers who wrote works for him using nothing except extended techniques. You can find his other recordings on iTunes, Amazon and CDBaby.
Augustus Arnone is an adventurous pianist who has made a home at the edge of transcendental extremes in the modern repertory. His repertoire includes works by John Cage, Iannis Xenakis, Michael Finnissy, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Frederic Rzewski, Elliott Carter, Luigi Nono, Alvin Lucier, Morton Feldman, Donald Martino, and Milton Babbitt. A stalwart champion of the ever controversial Babbitt, Mr. Arnone performed the composer's complete solo piano music over the course of two evenings at Merkin Concert Hall, the recordings of which available as streaming audio here. Mr. Arnone is an ardent advocate of new music and music by emerging composers, and has collaborated with composers Roberto Sierra, David Rakowski, Jason Eckardt, Edmund Campion, Stephen Gorbos, Christopher Bailey, Yotam Haber, and Michael Klingbeil. He is also an enthusiastic improviser and recent concerts have featured solo improvisation using MIDI-enabled acoustic piano as well as digital synthesizers.
Upcoming 2013 Concerts
March 9: Foam/Rawlings, Los Condenados, id m theftable, Babies of Brazzer
April 27: Evans-Weiler septet, Gentry, 2lous, Kirchoff
May 11: Jack Wright, Auddity, G. Lomon, Apocalypso
June 15: Cage Variations III, Frennette Trio, Flunk w/ id m theftable.
** Next Concert: Saturday, Feb 16 2013
When Everything Falls to Shards
a recapitulation of the the 1928 Watson-Webber silent film of Poe's
Fall of the House of Usher,
with live accompaniment by bodydrama:
Joe Burgio, Lou Cohen, Forbes Graham, Steve Norton, Andrea Pensado, Matt Samolis, Walter Wright, and others
Orlando Cela, flute
performing music by Sciarrino, Ferneyhough, and Hosokawa
Collide-O-Scope Music
Augustus Arnone, piano
performing North American Spirituals
from Michael Finnissy's "The History Of Photography In Sound"
Banjo Assault
Tom Crean, banjo
Matt Robidoux, banjo
Saturday, Feb 16, 2013
Third Life Studios
33 Union Square
Somerville, MA
(Almost at the heart of Union Square, on the segment of
Somerville Ave. coming into Union Square from Porter Square)
For directions and parking:
Doors open after 7:30. / music at around 8:00 p.m.
$8 admission
Opensound is a monthly concert series that explores improvised and experimental music, bringing artists from disparate backgrounds together for unique events in Somerville MA. The process of improvisation combines the distinctive voices of its individual performers. The music that results is often surprising, unconventional and dynamic. It s not uncommon to hear music made of electronic crackles, noisy multi-phonics, gurgling, hissing, quiet vocalized gibberish, atonal noodling, bowed metal, blowing sounds, post-everything harmony, and a thousand shades of hullabaloo.
You may also see video and dance cohabitating with buzzes, clicks, drones, wooshes, and bleeps in a bizarre galaxy of pitch and spectra!
Some Bios
Flutist, conductor, teacher, and arranger Orlando Cela embraces all aspects of music. From Vivaldi's Double Concerto with Paula Robisonto Indian classical music with Samir Chatterjee, Orlando is an accomplished musician in a wide variety of styles and settings. He performs regularly with the I/O New Music Ensemble, Music at Eden's Edge, Duo SopraVoce (with violinist Annegret Klaua), and as a solo performer, collaborating with musicians such as pianists Aaron Jackson, Yukiko Shimazaki, Sivan Etedgee, harpist Barbara Poeschl-Edrich, and many more. He has commissioned many works for flute, and premiered many other works, including the American premiere of Hèctor Parra "InFALL," Salvatore Sciarrino's "Autoritratto nella Notte" and his opera "Lohengrin" - the latter with the Soria Chamber Players, a group he founded and led for three years. Orlando has arranged a large number of works for multiple flutes which include not only Classical music favorites, but also folk music
from Romania, Bulgaria, Venezuela, Argentina, India, Croatia, Japan, and more. Orlando is now working on his fifth recording, "Project Extended," a compilation of pieces by contemporary composers who wrote works for him using nothing except extended techniques. You can find his other recordings on iTunes, Amazon and CDBaby.
Augustus Arnone is an adventurous pianist who has made a home at the edge of transcendental extremes in the modern repertory. His repertoire includes works by John Cage, Iannis Xenakis, Michael Finnissy, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Frederic Rzewski, Elliott Carter, Luigi Nono, Alvin Lucier, Morton Feldman, Donald Martino, and Milton Babbitt. A stalwart champion of the ever controversial Babbitt, Mr. Arnone performed the composer's complete solo piano music over the course of two evenings at Merkin Concert Hall, the recordings of which available as streaming audio here. Mr. Arnone is an ardent advocate of new music and music by emerging composers, and has collaborated with composers Roberto Sierra, David Rakowski, Jason Eckardt, Edmund Campion, Stephen Gorbos, Christopher Bailey, Yotam Haber, and Michael Klingbeil. He is also an enthusiastic improviser and recent concerts have featured solo improvisation using MIDI-enabled acoustic piano as well as digital synthesizers.
Upcoming 2013 Concerts
March 9: Foam/Rawlings, Los Condenados, id m theftable, Babies of Brazzer
April 27: Evans-Weiler septet, Gentry, 2lous, Kirchoff
May 11: Jack Wright, Auddity, G. Lomon, Apocalypso
June 15: Cage Variations III, Frennette Trio, Flunk w/ id m theftable.
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.