Monday, February 25, 2013
I would like to invite you to First Friday Open Studios, this Friday, March 1st, from 5-9 pm, at 450 Harrison Ave., Studio 227, Boston, MA.
As always this month, in addition to new prints from my personal collection, I will continue to feature newly restored and printed photographs of early 20th century China from the archive of my Grandfather, William Leete. I will also have new examples of client work, both photography and Fine-Art reproductions.
Temple From Above, Korean Manchuria, 1918; Photo William Leete; Restoration and Print ©2012 William Morse
Finally, the building's 20 galleries and more than 50 artists' studios will be open. There is off street parking at 500 Harrison Avenue as well as on street parking. The MBTA Silver Line stop is East Berkeley, just one block away.
See you Friday!
Bill Morse
Wm. Morse Editions
A Fine-Art Printmaking Studio
450 Harrison Avenue, Studio 227
Boston, MA 02118 (617) 429-3298
If you received this email from a friend, and would like to subscribe to these monthly announcements, please send an email to the address above.
No Fooling, Complementary Initial Photoshop and Computer Training Consult
If you are considering my Photoshop and Computer tutoring, keep in mind that I never charge for the initial consultation. You are welcome to bring in film, prints, files, or anything else that will help me get an idea of what your skills are and what you are looking to achieve. We'll spend an hour or so going over my approach to Photoshop and photo printing, as well as how I can help you achieve the fine prints from your images.
If you are like many of my clients, you want to control as much of the photo and printing process as possible. Whether shooting film or digital, or even if you need reproductions of your paintings and drawings, you can also save alot by doing the photoshop work yourself. For photographers shooting film (or with archives of 100's of rolls from past projects!), I offer the best drum scanning service in New England, bar none. Once artists or photographers have their images in digital form (either from my scan or from their digital camera), they do the photoshop "development", and then I can make them Fine-Art prints using skills, processes, and a fine eye developed over decades.
Clients can save a lot by doing their own editing- but what if you are unsure of your photoshop skills? My clients often benefit the most from a combination of training and collaboration. Clients and I review their goals for an image, the work they have already done, and I typically suggest ways of working towards their goal that they may not know, or I show them steps they have taken that work against them. I will show them 3 or 4 steps to take, and they go back to their studio and work on their images. Usually we will repeat the process, either moving on to more advanced techniques, or solving problems that have arisen. Clients learn a few techniques well, and get their show or portfolio done in the process! Training costs vary, depending on the skills and needs of the photographer, and the size of the portfolio or exhibition. References available on request.
Please call or email me for more information, or to set up an initial consultation.
Complementary Introduction to Film and Artwork Drum Scanning.
Many of the photographers and other artists who receive these emails may not know that I offer the finest drum scanning service in New England. Why would you want to drum scan your (up to 18x24") film or other originals? Simple, image quality. Drum scanning has three major advantages over all other scanning.
First, and most important, your film is scanned "wet-mounted". Why should you care? Wet-mounting puts a clear fluid on both sides of your film; this fluid has the same refractive index as your film. The fluid washes away any finger-prints or other impurities on the film, but more importantly, it actually fills in most of the tiny cracks and scratches you always see in high-rez scans. This means less spotting time for you- much, much less! (Paper originals are scanned without fluid, so no worries!)
Second, instead of a big wide light source (like a xerox machine) that is used in all other forms of scanning, a drum scanner uses a tiny spot of light, as small as 1/5000 of an inch. Big Deal? Actually, yes. That big, wide light source in your flatbed, film scanner or Imacon throws a great amount of light on your film; it starts scattering around, causing 2 problems. First, any place where you have highlights near shadows, the highlights will "bloom", giving a halo-effect around the highlights. Second, you get much more noise in your scan, especially noticeable in shadows and smooth areas.
Third, drum scanners always have perfect focus across the entire image. Photos are sharp edge to edge, and there is no focus drop off. Scans are available up to 5000 DPI.
I want to help you find out whether you can improve your images (and sales!) by drum scanning your originals! Until further notice, I am offering a complementary introductory scan to any new scanning customer. All I ask is you pay whatever you think the scan is worth, after you've taken it home and compared it with scans you've done before. I believe that after you've seen the difference, you'll come back to scan your most important work.
Finally, a word about scan prices. Drum scanning is expensive, there's no getting around it. But not that much more expensive than other scans, and when you factor in the reduced spotting and clean-up time, it can be very cost effective. I also routinely discount 5% - 40% for multiple image scanning jobs, so if you have a pile of film around that you want to start printing digitally, give me a call and we'll hash out the possibilities. It won't be as bad as you think!
Please call or email me for more information, or to set up a complementary initial consultation.
Open most weekdays from 11am - 8pm; call first (617) 429-3298
Wm. Morse Editions
A Fine-Art Printmaking Studio
450 Harrison Avenue, Studio 227
Boston, MA 02118 (617) 429-3298
As always this month, in addition to new prints from my personal collection, I will continue to feature newly restored and printed photographs of early 20th century China from the archive of my Grandfather, William Leete. I will also have new examples of client work, both photography and Fine-Art reproductions.
Temple From Above, Korean Manchuria, 1918; Photo William Leete; Restoration and Print ©2012 William Morse
Finally, the building's 20 galleries and more than 50 artists' studios will be open. There is off street parking at 500 Harrison Avenue as well as on street parking. The MBTA Silver Line stop is East Berkeley, just one block away.
See you Friday!
Bill Morse
Wm. Morse Editions
A Fine-Art Printmaking Studio
450 Harrison Avenue, Studio 227
Boston, MA 02118 (617) 429-3298
If you received this email from a friend, and would like to subscribe to these monthly announcements, please send an email to the address above.
No Fooling, Complementary Initial Photoshop and Computer Training Consult
If you are considering my Photoshop and Computer tutoring, keep in mind that I never charge for the initial consultation. You are welcome to bring in film, prints, files, or anything else that will help me get an idea of what your skills are and what you are looking to achieve. We'll spend an hour or so going over my approach to Photoshop and photo printing, as well as how I can help you achieve the fine prints from your images.
If you are like many of my clients, you want to control as much of the photo and printing process as possible. Whether shooting film or digital, or even if you need reproductions of your paintings and drawings, you can also save alot by doing the photoshop work yourself. For photographers shooting film (or with archives of 100's of rolls from past projects!), I offer the best drum scanning service in New England, bar none. Once artists or photographers have their images in digital form (either from my scan or from their digital camera), they do the photoshop "development", and then I can make them Fine-Art prints using skills, processes, and a fine eye developed over decades.
Clients can save a lot by doing their own editing- but what if you are unsure of your photoshop skills? My clients often benefit the most from a combination of training and collaboration. Clients and I review their goals for an image, the work they have already done, and I typically suggest ways of working towards their goal that they may not know, or I show them steps they have taken that work against them. I will show them 3 or 4 steps to take, and they go back to their studio and work on their images. Usually we will repeat the process, either moving on to more advanced techniques, or solving problems that have arisen. Clients learn a few techniques well, and get their show or portfolio done in the process! Training costs vary, depending on the skills and needs of the photographer, and the size of the portfolio or exhibition. References available on request.
Please call or email me for more information, or to set up an initial consultation.
Complementary Introduction to Film and Artwork Drum Scanning.
Many of the photographers and other artists who receive these emails may not know that I offer the finest drum scanning service in New England. Why would you want to drum scan your (up to 18x24") film or other originals? Simple, image quality. Drum scanning has three major advantages over all other scanning.
First, and most important, your film is scanned "wet-mounted". Why should you care? Wet-mounting puts a clear fluid on both sides of your film; this fluid has the same refractive index as your film. The fluid washes away any finger-prints or other impurities on the film, but more importantly, it actually fills in most of the tiny cracks and scratches you always see in high-rez scans. This means less spotting time for you- much, much less! (Paper originals are scanned without fluid, so no worries!)
Second, instead of a big wide light source (like a xerox machine) that is used in all other forms of scanning, a drum scanner uses a tiny spot of light, as small as 1/5000 of an inch. Big Deal? Actually, yes. That big, wide light source in your flatbed, film scanner or Imacon throws a great amount of light on your film; it starts scattering around, causing 2 problems. First, any place where you have highlights near shadows, the highlights will "bloom", giving a halo-effect around the highlights. Second, you get much more noise in your scan, especially noticeable in shadows and smooth areas.
Third, drum scanners always have perfect focus across the entire image. Photos are sharp edge to edge, and there is no focus drop off. Scans are available up to 5000 DPI.
I want to help you find out whether you can improve your images (and sales!) by drum scanning your originals! Until further notice, I am offering a complementary introductory scan to any new scanning customer. All I ask is you pay whatever you think the scan is worth, after you've taken it home and compared it with scans you've done before. I believe that after you've seen the difference, you'll come back to scan your most important work.
Finally, a word about scan prices. Drum scanning is expensive, there's no getting around it. But not that much more expensive than other scans, and when you factor in the reduced spotting and clean-up time, it can be very cost effective. I also routinely discount 5% - 40% for multiple image scanning jobs, so if you have a pile of film around that you want to start printing digitally, give me a call and we'll hash out the possibilities. It won't be as bad as you think!
Please call or email me for more information, or to set up a complementary initial consultation.
Open most weekdays from 11am - 8pm; call first (617) 429-3298
Wm. Morse Editions
A Fine-Art Printmaking Studio
450 Harrison Avenue, Studio 227
Boston, MA 02118 (617) 429-3298
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