Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Fall 2017 Programs at Cambridge Art Association - [somartscouncil]
Artist Talks, Feedback Forum, Demos + more Artist Talks, Feedback Forum, Figure Drawing, & more: Artist Talk | Women, Interpreted With exhibiting artists Sally Bousquet, AJ Nadel, and Claudia Ruiz-Gustafson Wednesday, October 25, 6-8pm at University Place Gallery | 124 Mount Auburn Street, Cambridge Free and open to the public. Click here to register. Artist Talk + Workshop | Interactive Narrative With exhibiting artists Kelly Knight, Anne Plaisance, and Lorraine Sullivan Tuesday, October 17, 6-8pm at the Kathryn Schultz Gallery | 25 Lowell Street, Cambridge Free and open to the public. Click here to register. Thursday, October 26, 6-9pm Art + Social Change Panel Discussion and Workshop at the Kathryn Schultz Gallery | 25 Lowell Street, Cambridge More details coming soon! Sunday Open Studio | Figure Drawing Sundays, 10am-1pm beginning Sunday, September 10, 2017 at the Kathryn Schultz Gallery | 25 Lowell Street, Cambridge Purchase a package of 10 classes for $150 here, and get the 11th free! Drop-in fees – $20 per session, space permitting This is a nude figure drawing session, with both short and long poses. There is no instructor present. View the full schedule on our website. Demo | Golden Paint with Adria Arch Wednesday, October 12, 6:30pm at the Kathryn Schultz Gallery | 25 Lowell Street, Cambridge Fees: $10 for members, $15 for general public Click here to register Member Event | Feedback Forum Feedback Forum is a member-run series, giving CAA members the opportunity to receive feedback on current bodies of work. Each month, 3 artists present work, while others 'critique' the work. Thursday, September 14, 6:30-8:30pm Tuesday, October 24, 6:30-8:30pm Thursday, November 30, 6:30-8:30pm at the Kathryn Schultz Gallery | 25 Lowell Street, Cambridge Find all of the details about Feedback Forum on our website CAA's Crowdfunding Campaign On September 8th, at our Mary Schein Fall Salon reception, we will launch CAA's first-ever crowdfunding campaign! The immediate goal - to raise $7,500 for a new database for CAA. The longer-term goal - to free up staff time to do more for our community of artists. Please note our Summer Hours: Kathryn Schultz Gallery - CLOSED - August 1-September 4 CONTACT US Cambridge Art Association | 25 Lowell Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 Unsubscribe Update Profile | About our service provider Sent by in collaboration with Try it free today
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
[somartscouncil] Sunday 9.10.17 Somerville Rock + Roll Yard Sale - [somartscouncil]
Monday, August 28, 2017
[somartscouncil] Grant Seeking / Writing Workshops [1 Attachment] - [somartscouncil]
Last Night at the Wursthaus by Doug Holder 2010/wishing-wursthaus My new book will be up shortly on Amazon "Last Night at the Wursthaus" ( Grey Sparrow Press) The title poem is about the Wursthaus--a German eatery in Harvard Square that closed in 1996. I was a patron of the said bar--and met many interesting characters over a house dark....
For "Last Night at the Wursthaus" by Doug Holder
Introduction by Nina R. Alonso
One of Doug Holder’s poems quotes Heraclitus, “No man steps in the same river twice,” but his writing generates double-vision, the feeling of past as present, existing in the flow of continual change.
We’re in Harvard Square’s Wursthaus (now replaced by a faceless bank) overhearing the flow of vintage chatter, then watching a man scratch losing lottery tickets one after the other, then in a too quiet Harvard library where “caged scholars/circle their wired cages like rats/gnawing on manuscripts.” In Filene’s Basement he’s shopping, as “it was a place to go when you’re happy or desperately hurt.”
He shifts to the Bronx where ancient Jewish women sit on lawn chairs and his Uncle Dave called George Gershwin ‘a good kid.’ These people and places are familiar to me and to many of us who lived in the same space and island of time, understand eyes that see through our adult guise to what we were like in junior high: “You can’t/bullshit the blonde/ she knows.”
The book has integrity, cuts to heart center, but without a shred of excess. There’s no hype, no axe to grind, nothing being sold to us. We know his mother from our own, “At night/ the murmur of the dead/ hover around her bed.” I grew up in the neighborhood he rails against when he “screamed/ my screed/ against the suburbs/ the conspiracy of broad lawns/ and narrow minds.”
Boston Area Small Press and Poetry Scene
Doug Holder CV http://dougholderresume.
Ibbetson Street Press
Ibbetson Street Online Bookstore
Poet to Poet/Writer to Writer http:// poettopoetwritertowriter.
Doug Holder's Column in The Somerville Times ( Online and Print) http://www.thesomervilletimes. com/community-arts
Doug Holder CV http://dougholderresume.
Ibbetson Street Press
Ibbetson Street Online Bookstore
Poet to Poet/Writer to Writer http://
Doug Holder's Column in The Somerville Times ( Online and Print) http://www.thesomervilletimes.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
LCC info meetings and application guidelines
I should summarize more now:
1. Similar to last year, the Somerville Arts Council LCC application process will be done on-line via the Mass Cultural Council’s online portal. That portal will NOT be available until Sept. 1 and found here: lcc_public.aspx
2. The SAC will again issue our guidelines outlining our priorities, process, and categories related to the MCC online portal. They will be found here on/around Sept 1 as well:
3. And yes, we will be offering additional grant workshops on
Weds., Sept 13, 2017: 3:30 - 5 pm,
Thurs., Sept 28, 2017: 6 - 7:30 pm,
Mon., Oct 2, 2017: 6 - 7:30 pm
Full info, locations, here: http://somervilleartscouncil. org/grants/info
4. The deadline for 2018 LCC grant application is: Oct. 16.
For more info on the LCC grant program, guidelines, meetings, process go to: http://somervilleartscouncil. org/grants
Although the application is not yet available this should not deter you from thinking---“let me start know thinking about a grant proposal.” Start by identifying a few simple things:
· What do I want to do
· With whom will I do it with; who are my collaborators or why am I capable of doing it alone
· How will it provide a benefit to the community
· How much money will it take to accomplish my goals
In reality if you can answer these questions, you are well on your way to drafting a proposal when the guidelines do appear.
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Fall Writing Workshop
The Fall Writing Workshop
in Fiction and Memoir
10 Wednesdays, 7:00 - 9:30pm
September 27 - December 6, 2017
(no class November 22)
Elm Street near Davis Square
Instructor: Julia Thacker
"All stories have a beginning, middle and end," writes Flannery O'Connor, "but they do not necessarily appear in that order." Join us for a dynamic fall class in which we explore a variety of new approaches to energize our narratives. Part of each session is devoted to in-class writing exercises in which key memories, vintage photographs and tabloid titles are the starting points for intriguing characters and plots. We will also discuss participants' longer stories which are passed out in advance.
In this workshop we trust our powers of intuition while honing the elements of craft: character, style, dialogue, scene and dramatic urgency. Find inspiration in the company of other writers as we engage in lively discussion and in-depth critique. For guidance, we examine work by Chimamanda Adichie, Junot Diaz, Louise Erdrich, Karen Russell and Tobias Wolff. At the end of the course we'll discuss how and where to submit your work for publication.
Limited to ten participants.
Cost: $465.
Find us on the web:
On Intimacy: Compositions/Electronics (Fri) & Spellbinding Winds (Sat): Maria Mandico/Nichlas Southwick flutes ~ @Third Life Studio this weekend!
On Intimacy
Cindy Giron, composition/electronics
Douglas Farrand, composition/electroni cs
Christian Smith, composition/percussion/ electronics
Friday, August 25th, 8pm
$5-10 donation at the door
Cindy Giron will perform a solo set of pre composed as well as improvised electroacoustic music with ambient lighting and spacial diffusion.
* Mfog (2017) ~ A study on the nature of Fog in coastal Maine
* Transference (2017) ~ Prepared and edited for the Wave Field Synthesis festival
in May 2017 in The Hague, NL
* I-412 (2016-17) ~ Initially premiered in the Somerville Co-Incidence Residency,
this piece has gone through several iterations over the past 6 months, and
this will be the newest version of the piece.
Christian Smith and Douglas Farrand will perform a 90 minute set of 3 pieces: the first about the transience and fragility of man-made constructions, the second a three tier drone journey through the inside of a decaying radio, and the third a reflection on sitting, listening and thinking with people.
* TK2 by YoungEun Kim for composed and improvised play back
Recordings by Douglas Farrand, Christian Smith, YoungEun Kim, Eugene A. Kim
* untitled #1 by Douglas Farrand and Christian Smith, for amplified objects,
playback, sine tones, and tape recorders
* On Intimacy by Eugene A. Kim for Speaker, Sine Tones, Playback, amplified
objects, and audience participation
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Spellbinding Winds
Maria Mandico & Nichlas Southwick, flute
Michael Gold, piano
Saturday August 26, 7-9pm
$10, cash only at the door
From a mysterious sonata written by one of Bach’s lesser-known sons to Japanese Shakuhachi music, this trio invites you to an exhilarating evening filled with repertoire spanning across three centuries. Join these graduates from the Longy School of Music as they breathe life into a historically-rich program that will enrapture listeners of all ages.
______________________________ ______________________________ ____
THIRD LIFE STUDIO, 33 Union Square, Somerville, MA
(Almost at the heart of Union Square, on the segment of
Somerville Ave. coming into Union Square from Porter Square--
next to Union Square Tailoring, three doors away from Somerville
next to Union Square Tailoring, three doors away from Somerville
Grooves, across Somerville Ave. from the new East Boston Savings Bank
at the head of Bow Street, and across the intersection from
Citizens Bank--and next to the new Workbar location).
For detailed directions and parking information: /#!directions/cbkx
Monday, August 21, 2017
Kingston Gallery- Call for Artists- October 1
Kingston Gallery, an artist-run gallery located in the heart of Boston's vibrant SoWa Gallery district, welcomes artists living and working in Greater Boston to apply for membership.
All materials must be submitted online. For details and guidelines, seehttp://www.kingstongallery. com/about/membership.php
DEADLINE: October 1, 2017
Arts Funding in Somerville: LCC Grant Q&A
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.