Tuesday, August 22, 2017
On Intimacy: Compositions/Electronics (Fri) & Spellbinding Winds (Sat): Maria Mandico/Nichlas Southwick flutes ~ @Third Life Studio this weekend!
On Intimacy
Cindy Giron, composition/electronics
Douglas Farrand, composition/electroni cs
Christian Smith, composition/percussion/ electronics
Friday, August 25th, 8pm
$5-10 donation at the door
Cindy Giron will perform a solo set of pre composed as well as improvised electroacoustic music with ambient lighting and spacial diffusion.
* Mfog (2017) ~ A study on the nature of Fog in coastal Maine
* Transference (2017) ~ Prepared and edited for the Wave Field Synthesis festival
in May 2017 in The Hague, NL
* I-412 (2016-17) ~ Initially premiered in the Somerville Co-Incidence Residency,
this piece has gone through several iterations over the past 6 months, and
this will be the newest version of the piece.
Christian Smith and Douglas Farrand will perform a 90 minute set of 3 pieces: the first about the transience and fragility of man-made constructions, the second a three tier drone journey through the inside of a decaying radio, and the third a reflection on sitting, listening and thinking with people.
* TK2 by YoungEun Kim for composed and improvised play back
Recordings by Douglas Farrand, Christian Smith, YoungEun Kim, Eugene A. Kim
* untitled #1 by Douglas Farrand and Christian Smith, for amplified objects,
playback, sine tones, and tape recorders
* On Intimacy by Eugene A. Kim for Speaker, Sine Tones, Playback, amplified
objects, and audience participation
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Spellbinding Winds
Maria Mandico & Nichlas Southwick, flute
Michael Gold, piano
Saturday August 26, 7-9pm
$10, cash only at the door
From a mysterious sonata written by one of Bach’s lesser-known sons to Japanese Shakuhachi music, this trio invites you to an exhilarating evening filled with repertoire spanning across three centuries. Join these graduates from the Longy School of Music as they breathe life into a historically-rich program that will enrapture listeners of all ages.
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THIRD LIFE STUDIO, 33 Union Square, Somerville, MA
(Almost at the heart of Union Square, on the segment of
Somerville Ave. coming into Union Square from Porter Square--
next to Union Square Tailoring, three doors away from Somerville
next to Union Square Tailoring, three doors away from Somerville
Grooves, across Somerville Ave. from the new East Boston Savings Bank
at the head of Bow Street, and across the intersection from
Citizens Bank--and next to the new Workbar location).
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: email srlibana@gmail.com
For detailed directions and parking information:
http://www.thirdlifestudio.com /#!directions/cbkx
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