Wednesday, August 23, 2017
LCC info meetings and application guidelines
I should summarize more now:
1. Similar to last year, the Somerville Arts Council LCC application process will be done on-line via the Mass Cultural Council’s online portal. That portal will NOT be available until Sept. 1 and found here: lcc_public.aspx
2. The SAC will again issue our guidelines outlining our priorities, process, and categories related to the MCC online portal. They will be found here on/around Sept 1 as well:
3. And yes, we will be offering additional grant workshops on
Weds., Sept 13, 2017: 3:30 - 5 pm,
Thurs., Sept 28, 2017: 6 - 7:30 pm,
Mon., Oct 2, 2017: 6 - 7:30 pm
Full info, locations, here: http://somervilleartscouncil. org/grants/info
4. The deadline for 2018 LCC grant application is: Oct. 16.
For more info on the LCC grant program, guidelines, meetings, process go to: http://somervilleartscouncil. org/grants
Although the application is not yet available this should not deter you from thinking---“let me start know thinking about a grant proposal.” Start by identifying a few simple things:
· What do I want to do
· With whom will I do it with; who are my collaborators or why am I capable of doing it alone
· How will it provide a benefit to the community
· How much money will it take to accomplish my goals
In reality if you can answer these questions, you are well on your way to drafting a proposal when the guidelines do appear.
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.