Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Please join us for a gathering of free food, drink, and good cheer.
Each year we have a picnic to gather with our board, volunteers, friends, and newcomers.
Come out to meet the staff and board, provide us feedback and ideas. And hear about our upcoming programs and events--especially ArtBeat, Dancing in the Streets, ArtsUnion, Joe's Jazz and Blues Fest, and much more
This also a good time to sign up to volunteer. We always need your help with these events.
If you want to find out more about our work and meet other folks, please come out:
Wednesday, May 21th, 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. ( rain or shine)
Powderhouse Park—(we’ll be in area that is to right of the stone fieldhouse, near the convergence of the Powderhouse rotary, College Ave., and Broadway)
Google location link –,-71.103748&spn=0.061358,0.107975&t=m&z=13
For commuters--Minutes away from Davis Square and directly across the street from the bus stop. If you drive and do not have a Somerville parking permit, 2 hour parking is available on Broadway.
Feel free to contact us if you have questions. Hope to see you there.
Heather Balchunas
Office Manager
Somerville Arts Council
617.625.6600 ext. 2985
Each year we have a picnic to gather with our board, volunteers, friends, and newcomers.
Come out to meet the staff and board, provide us feedback and ideas. And hear about our upcoming programs and events--especially ArtBeat, Dancing in the Streets, ArtsUnion, Joe's Jazz and Blues Fest, and much more
This also a good time to sign up to volunteer. We always need your help with these events.
If you want to find out more about our work and meet other folks, please come out:
Wednesday, May 21th, 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. ( rain or shine)
Powderhouse Park—(we’ll be in area that is to right of the stone fieldhouse, near the convergence of the Powderhouse rotary, College Ave., and Broadway)
Google location link –,-71.103748&spn=0.061358,0.107975&t=m&z=13
For commuters--Minutes away from Davis Square and directly across the street from the bus stop. If you drive and do not have a Somerville parking permit, 2 hour parking is available on Broadway.
Feel free to contact us if you have questions. Hope to see you there.
Heather Balchunas
Office Manager
Somerville Arts Council
617.625.6600 ext. 2985
Saturdays, June 7 – September 13, 11 am-3 pm. Assembled: The Handmade Arts Market at Assembly Row will showcase arts and crafts by local artists, Etsy artists, and some of New England’s top creative talents! Vendors must provide their own 10’ x 10’ weighted tent, tables, chairs and displays. Vendor fee.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
May Programs offered by Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation and the Cambridge Water Department are posted on the Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation website at:
If you wish to attend a program, please sign up using the registration information included in the description for that program.
You can scroll down the webpage for links to other information:
· Grow Native Massachusetts’ “Evening with Experts” lectures at the Cambridge Public Library
· Cambridge Recycling Webpage
· Cambridge Water Department volunteer opportunities and other 2014 programs.
· A preview of June programs (more programs may be added.)
Happy Spring!
Susan and Elizabeth
If you wish to attend a program, please sign up using the registration information included in the description for that program.
You can scroll down the webpage for links to other information:
· Grow Native Massachusetts’ “Evening with Experts” lectures at the Cambridge Public Library
· Cambridge Recycling Webpage
· Cambridge Water Department volunteer opportunities and other 2014 programs.
· A preview of June programs (more programs may be added.)
Happy Spring!
Susan and Elizabeth
Monday, April 28, 2014
The film Jon Imber's Left Hand was reviewed on the front page of the Boston Globe Thursday. The film which is showing at the Somerville Theatre at the IFF on Saturday at 12:30 has been sold out but they generously just moved it to a larger screening room. It would be wonderful if this could be put out today on your Listserve. It is an incredible coincidence that the showing is now as Jon died of ALS this week. As we all know Jon was one of the foremost painters in New England and lived in Mix-It Studios.
Sincerely Ellen Mason and Dudley Hartung
Sincerely Ellen Mason and Dudley Hartung
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
SOS Sidewalk reception, Friday April 25
The Somerville Arts Council and the Inside-OUT Gallery's April exhibit of Somerville Open Studio Artists present a collective of intriguing works from first-time participating SOS artists, showcasing the breadth of talent that Somerville has to offer.
Located in Davis Square, the Inside-Out Gallery’s April exhibit features 15 artists who are participating in SOS for the very first time this year.You can visit this gallery at any time of the day or night, since it is located in the windows of the Davis Square CVS. The SOS exhibit will be showing there through May 4. We will have a Sidewalk Reception in front of the gallery on Friday, April 25, from 5:30 to 7 pm
Featured Artists
Lauren Kent
Mark Tompkins
Chandra Hellweg-Gillespie
Holly Kelly
Chie Yasuda
Ali Saren
Asia Kepka
Molly Segal
Michael Ahern
Ho Yin Au
Nina Eichner
Mark Stock
Laurel Mitchell
Sallie Strand
Haley MacKeil
To see the full list of Somerville Open Studios artists visit:
About the Inside-Out Gallery:
The Inside-Out Gallery is located in the CVS Window in Davis Square, a unique space that allows the public to view an eclectic array of works from artists and local organizations each month. The mission of the Somerville Arts Council is to cultivate and celebrate the creative expressions of the Somerville community. Through innovative collaborations and quality programming we work to make the arts an integral part of life reflective of our diverse city.
The Somerville Arts Council and the Inside-OUT Gallery's April exhibit of Somerville Open Studio Artists present a collective of intriguing works from first-time participating SOS artists, showcasing the breadth of talent that Somerville has to offer.
Located in Davis Square, the Inside-Out Gallery’s April exhibit features 15 artists who are participating in SOS for the very first time this year.You can visit this gallery at any time of the day or night, since it is located in the windows of the Davis Square CVS. The SOS exhibit will be showing there through May 4. We will have a Sidewalk Reception in front of the gallery on Friday, April 25, from 5:30 to 7 pm
Featured Artists
Lauren Kent
Mark Tompkins
Chandra Hellweg-Gillespie
Holly Kelly
Chie Yasuda
Ali Saren
Asia Kepka
Molly Segal
Michael Ahern
Ho Yin Au
Nina Eichner
Mark Stock
Laurel Mitchell
Sallie Strand
Haley MacKeil
To see the full list of Somerville Open Studios artists visit:
About the Inside-Out Gallery:
The Inside-Out Gallery is located in the CVS Window in Davis Square, a unique space that allows the public to view an eclectic array of works from artists and local organizations each month. The mission of the Somerville Arts Council is to cultivate and celebrate the creative expressions of the Somerville community. Through innovative collaborations and quality programming we work to make the arts an integral part of life reflective of our diverse city.
Brickbottom Gallery 2014 Brickbottom Artists' Association Members' Spring Exhibition, INTUITION, April 24 - May 24, Reception: Sunday, April 27, 4-6pm. Gallery Hours: Thursday - Saturday, noon - 5pm with extended hours during Somerville Open Studios Weekend, May 3 & 4, noon - 6pm
Sherry Autor, Ellen Band, Lois Blood Bennett, Kathy Chapman, Patricia Cobb, Daniela DesLauriers, Joanne F. Desmond, Chris Engles, Lois Fiore, Ari Forrester, Shannon Forrestor, Jen Fries, Wally Gilbert, Lynda Goldberg, Robert Goss, Kate Harmon, Charlotte Kaplan, Matt Lazure, Pauline Lim, Chris Mesarch, Jessica Meuse, Diane Novetsky, Debra Olin, Piotr Parda, Ted Prato, Virginia Sandman, Martha Stone, Susan Strauss, Judy Werlin, Gabriella Zlocki
Sherry Autor, Ellen Band, Lois Blood Bennett, Kathy Chapman, Patricia Cobb, Daniela DesLauriers, Joanne F. Desmond, Chris Engles, Lois Fiore, Ari Forrester, Shannon Forrestor, Jen Fries, Wally Gilbert, Lynda Goldberg, Robert Goss, Kate Harmon, Charlotte Kaplan, Matt Lazure, Pauline Lim, Chris Mesarch, Jessica Meuse, Diane Novetsky, Debra Olin, Piotr Parda, Ted Prato, Virginia Sandman, Martha Stone, Susan Strauss, Judy Werlin, Gabriella Zlocki
Who Is: Michael Donnor
"I have always been fascinated with the idea that people are not as they seem. My self-included."
Michael Donnor received a B.F.A. in Photography from the University of Buffalo and currently is an M.F.A. in Photography candidate at Lesley University College of Art and Design.
After working as a teaching assistant at the Santa Fe Photographic Workshops, he began creating numerous photographic projects, including: Manifesting Infinity: A Paper Cosmos, and Silent Moan.
He states, “My work continues to explore the construction of my visual reality created by my limited visual perceptions. The photographic medium informs this search as a tool to reveal that both the realities I construct and the truths the camera is perceived to capture are relative and not absolute. The photograph is an imperfect visual representation of a perception.”
Tomorrow, Thursday, April 24th from 5:00-7:00pm, there will be an opening reception for Michael Donnor and the rest of his M.F.A. in Photography class at Lesley University College of Art and Design, 700 Beacon St in Boston. We hope to see you there.
This summer, we will be hosting a solo exhibition with Michael, opening on Friday, June 13th. More information on this coming soon!
Michael has exhibited both locally and nationally and his work is in numerous private collections. Photographs by Michael Donnor are available through Panopticon Gallery. For more information about Michael Donnor, or to acquire original photographs,please contact:
"I have always been fascinated with the idea that people are not as they seem. My self-included."
Michael Donnor received a B.F.A. in Photography from the University of Buffalo and currently is an M.F.A. in Photography candidate at Lesley University College of Art and Design.
After working as a teaching assistant at the Santa Fe Photographic Workshops, he began creating numerous photographic projects, including: Manifesting Infinity: A Paper Cosmos, and Silent Moan.
He states, “My work continues to explore the construction of my visual reality created by my limited visual perceptions. The photographic medium informs this search as a tool to reveal that both the realities I construct and the truths the camera is perceived to capture are relative and not absolute. The photograph is an imperfect visual representation of a perception.”
Tomorrow, Thursday, April 24th from 5:00-7:00pm, there will be an opening reception for Michael Donnor and the rest of his M.F.A. in Photography class at Lesley University College of Art and Design, 700 Beacon St in Boston. We hope to see you there.
This summer, we will be hosting a solo exhibition with Michael, opening on Friday, June 13th. More information on this coming soon!
Michael has exhibited both locally and nationally and his work is in numerous private collections. Photographs by Michael Donnor are available through Panopticon Gallery. For more information about Michael Donnor, or to acquire original photographs,please contact:
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Come enjoy some pizza and support local arts at the…
Flatbread SOS Fundraiser
Tuesday, April 22, 5-11pm
Flatbread at Sacco’s Bowl Haven, 45 Day Street, Davis Square
A portion of all pizza sales this night go to support Somerville Open Studios. Drop in to have some dinner and meet SOS artists and volunteers (or take a break from your own SOS preparations!) We will also have a raffle with these exciting prizes:
from Blue Cloud Gallery: $100 Gift Certificate
from Institute of Contemporary Art: Free admission for two
from Amsterdam Falafel: $25 Gift Certificate
from 3 Little Figs: $25 Gift Certificate
from Porter Square Veterinarian: Frontline Dog Flea Treatment ($90 value)
We also have a few more events leading up to SOS weekend:
April 25 (5:30-7pm): Inside-Out Gallery New SOS Artists Sidewalk Reception
1 Davis Square (outside the Davis Square CVS)
April 26 (12-2pm): Kids Show Reception
Arts at the Armory Cafe, 191 Highland Ave
May 1 (7-9:30pm): Beyond the Pattern Fashion Show
Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Ave
Citywide; see our interactive map here
See you at SOS!
Flatbread SOS Fundraiser
Tuesday, April 22, 5-11pm
Flatbread at Sacco’s Bowl Haven, 45 Day Street, Davis Square
A portion of all pizza sales this night go to support Somerville Open Studios. Drop in to have some dinner and meet SOS artists and volunteers (or take a break from your own SOS preparations!) We will also have a raffle with these exciting prizes:
from Blue Cloud Gallery: $100 Gift Certificate
from Institute of Contemporary Art: Free admission for two
from Amsterdam Falafel: $25 Gift Certificate
from 3 Little Figs: $25 Gift Certificate
from Porter Square Veterinarian: Frontline Dog Flea Treatment ($90 value)
We also have a few more events leading up to SOS weekend:
April 25 (5:30-7pm): Inside-Out Gallery New SOS Artists Sidewalk Reception
1 Davis Square (outside the Davis Square CVS)
April 26 (12-2pm): Kids Show Reception
Arts at the Armory Cafe, 191 Highland Ave
May 1 (7-9:30pm): Beyond the Pattern Fashion Show
Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Ave
Citywide; see our interactive map here
See you at SOS!
This Sat April 26 is the last chance to see "THIS IS BOSTON NOT LAme" art show 7pm-11pm at SweeTree Ink 281A Mt Auburn St Watertown featuring punk rock photos of the Boston scene by Gail Rush, Tara Feely,Nicole Tammaro and me Dave TREE, the last week of the show so people arewelcome to come by wed, thurs or Fri from noon to 8pm to see the work and then the finale will be onSat with free drinks, snacks and lots of good music.
Come celebrate the Boston Punk Rock and Hardcore scene at Dave Tree's art gallery SWEETREE INK in Watertown Art show, killer cocktails and bad ass tunes. Enjoy a night of art, music and friends....featuring a photography show celebrating three eras of Boston Punk Rock and Hard Core. Artists showing are Gail Rush, Nicole Tammaro and Tara Feely. In addition Dave Tree will be hanging some of his fabulous artwork and showing some of his punk rock photos from the past.
Music will be spun snacks will be snacked. So come down and have some drinks, enjoy some art, reminisce and listen to some great local music. Free and Open to the Public!
Come celebrate the Boston Punk Rock and Hardcore scene at Dave Tree's art gallery SWEETREE INK in Watertown Art show, killer cocktails and bad ass tunes. Enjoy a night of art, music and friends....featuring a photography show celebrating three eras of Boston Punk Rock and Hard Core. Artists showing are Gail Rush, Nicole Tammaro and Tara Feely. In addition Dave Tree will be hanging some of his fabulous artwork and showing some of his punk rock photos from the past.
Music will be spun snacks will be snacked. So come down and have some drinks, enjoy some art, reminisce and listen to some great local music. Free and Open to the Public!
Friday, April 18, 2014
Somerville flutist Peter H. Bloom, longtime member of the illustrious Aardvark Jazz Orchestra, invites you to the band’s concert April 26 at MIT.
Aardvark Jazz Orchestra
Commemoration and Celebration: Premieres and Recent Works by Mark Harvey
Saturday, April 26, 2014 at 8:00 pm
MIT, Kresge Auditorium, 48 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139
Free Admission. Information: 617-452-3205.
Praised for ”spirited composition and inspired playing” (Jazz Alchemist, Poland), The Aardvark Jazz Orchestra continues its historic 41st season with two world premieres by founder and music director Mark Harvey: Commemoration (Boston 2013), a tribute to the victims and survivors of the Boston Marathon tragedy, and Spaceways, a celebration of Sun Ra in his centennial year. Also on tap: Harvey’s No Walls, selected as the official song for JazzBoston’s Jazz Week (April 21-30, 2014). The concert is presented by MIT Music and Theater Arts, in conjunction with JazzBoston’s Jazz Week and the Smithsonian Institution’s observance of April as National Jazz Appreciation Month.
Management by Americas Musicworks
Rebecca DeLamotte, Managing Director
Tel: 617-776-8778 ~
Aardvark Jazz Orchestra
Commemoration and Celebration: Premieres and Recent Works by Mark Harvey
Saturday, April 26, 2014 at 8:00 pm
MIT, Kresge Auditorium, 48 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139
Free Admission. Information: 617-452-3205.
Praised for ”spirited composition and inspired playing” (Jazz Alchemist, Poland), The Aardvark Jazz Orchestra continues its historic 41st season with two world premieres by founder and music director Mark Harvey: Commemoration (Boston 2013), a tribute to the victims and survivors of the Boston Marathon tragedy, and Spaceways, a celebration of Sun Ra in his centennial year. Also on tap: Harvey’s No Walls, selected as the official song for JazzBoston’s Jazz Week (April 21-30, 2014). The concert is presented by MIT Music and Theater Arts, in conjunction with JazzBoston’s Jazz Week and the Smithsonian Institution’s observance of April as National Jazz Appreciation Month.
Management by Americas Musicworks
Rebecca DeLamotte, Managing Director
Tel: 617-776-8778 ~
Yarn. Fabric. Felt. Thread. Maybe you can have too much of a good thing? Here’s your chance to do a little spring-cleaning, find some hidden crafty gems, and raise awareness of the Somerville Homeless Coalition!
On Saturday, May 17, from 10 am – 1 pm, The Wrap Around Project
will host the 3rd Annual Fiber Swap, an open exchange of all things related to craft and fiber. Bring items for donation, browse through great finds, and swap with your neighbors!
Admission to the event is free, but please bring a donation of canned goods or toiletries to support Somerville Homeless Coalition’s (SHC) Project SOUP, the local food pantry that provides weekly community dinners and delivers groceries to individuals, families, elderly, disabled and homebound people in our neighborhood. A full list of needs can be found here
We welcome yarn, knitting needles, fabric, nooks, thread, buttons, ribbon, and so much more. Items may be new or vintage, but must be clean and usable. Items can be brought directly to the swap on Saturday, May 10, OR dropped off in advance. If you have a large quantity to donate, please contact so that we may make appropriate arrangements.
Drop off dates and times:
Nave Gallery, Teele Square
–Wednesday, May 7, 6 pm-8 pm
–Friday, May 9, 3 pm-7 pm
Nave Annex, Davis Square
–Sunday, May 11, 2 pm-6-pm
–Wednesday. May 14, 6 pm-8 pm
–Thursday, May 15, 6 pm-8 pm
Anything left behind after the swap will be used to create items for the annual Wrap Around sale of handmade goods to benefit the Somerville Homeless Coalition, or used in upcoming public art installations throughout the Somerville.
Each November, the Nave Gallery hosts Wrap Around, an annual sale of handmade goods to benefit The Somerville Homeless Coalition (SHC). The Wrap Around Project, inspired from the success of the sale, is a yearlong campaign to support the work of the SHC, and raise awareness of the issue of homelessness in Somerville. In 2011 alone, SHC prevented 225 individuals (86 of whom were children) from becoming homeless through their case management and housing program services. Additionally, through programming like Project SOUP, 1,400 people had access to food. SHC is able to prevent one family from becoming homeless with as little as $833.
Tori Costa
Marketing Professional
On Saturday, May 17, from 10 am – 1 pm, The Wrap Around Project
will host the 3rd Annual Fiber Swap, an open exchange of all things related to craft and fiber. Bring items for donation, browse through great finds, and swap with your neighbors!
Admission to the event is free, but please bring a donation of canned goods or toiletries to support Somerville Homeless Coalition’s (SHC) Project SOUP, the local food pantry that provides weekly community dinners and delivers groceries to individuals, families, elderly, disabled and homebound people in our neighborhood. A full list of needs can be found here
We welcome yarn, knitting needles, fabric, nooks, thread, buttons, ribbon, and so much more. Items may be new or vintage, but must be clean and usable. Items can be brought directly to the swap on Saturday, May 10, OR dropped off in advance. If you have a large quantity to donate, please contact so that we may make appropriate arrangements.
Drop off dates and times:
Nave Gallery, Teele Square
–Wednesday, May 7, 6 pm-8 pm
–Friday, May 9, 3 pm-7 pm
Nave Annex, Davis Square
–Sunday, May 11, 2 pm-6-pm
–Wednesday. May 14, 6 pm-8 pm
–Thursday, May 15, 6 pm-8 pm
Anything left behind after the swap will be used to create items for the annual Wrap Around sale of handmade goods to benefit the Somerville Homeless Coalition, or used in upcoming public art installations throughout the Somerville.
Each November, the Nave Gallery hosts Wrap Around, an annual sale of handmade goods to benefit The Somerville Homeless Coalition (SHC). The Wrap Around Project, inspired from the success of the sale, is a yearlong campaign to support the work of the SHC, and raise awareness of the issue of homelessness in Somerville. In 2011 alone, SHC prevented 225 individuals (86 of whom were children) from becoming homeless through their case management and housing program services. Additionally, through programming like Project SOUP, 1,400 people had access to food. SHC is able to prevent one family from becoming homeless with as little as $833.
Tori Costa
Marketing Professional
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
The Somerville Arts Council’s Art in the Garden Registration now available
(download form here:
Art in the Garden, our summer art and nature education program for children, will begin July 7th, 2014 offering six distinct themed weeks.
Registration will start April 14th and end May 12th. Confirmations will be made on May 14th. We are no longer registering first come, first serve. All applications will be reviewed together after May 12th.
Due to high demand for this program, this year you may only register for up to four weeks, but may receive less. Our goal is to make this program accessible to more families.
For Somerville residents youth aged 6-11 only, this program includes art, gardening, nature activities, and a weekly fieldtrip, is held at the beautiful Community Growing Center at Vinal Avenue (b/w Summer and Highland). The program takes place on Monday through Thursday, from 9:00 to 3:00. A program engaged with art, environmental education and recreation.
Breakfast and lunch are provided free of charge (field trip days will require a bag lunch) by the Somerville Food Service.
For more information on themes, fieldtrips, and fees, download the pdf registration.
(download form here:
Art in the Garden, our summer art and nature education program for children, will begin July 7th, 2014 offering six distinct themed weeks.
Registration will start April 14th and end May 12th. Confirmations will be made on May 14th. We are no longer registering first come, first serve. All applications will be reviewed together after May 12th.
Due to high demand for this program, this year you may only register for up to four weeks, but may receive less. Our goal is to make this program accessible to more families.
For Somerville residents youth aged 6-11 only, this program includes art, gardening, nature activities, and a weekly fieldtrip, is held at the beautiful Community Growing Center at Vinal Avenue (b/w Summer and Highland). The program takes place on Monday through Thursday, from 9:00 to 3:00. A program engaged with art, environmental education and recreation.
Breakfast and lunch are provided free of charge (field trip days will require a bag lunch) by the Somerville Food Service.
For more information on themes, fieldtrips, and fees, download the pdf registration.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Somerville artist, and curator of "Painting Intricacies," Resa Blatman:
"Whether old-fashioned or new-fashioned, painting is alive and flourishing — feverishly, outrageously, subtly, skillfully — throughout Somerville and the world beyond.
In Painting Intricacies you'll see hyper-detailed paintings; soft yet intensely marked narrative paintings; and crisp, thoughtful, abstract paintings. All are made with great meticulousness and a deep affection for the art of painting. Their creators work with a flat surface and a brush. They may add a few other elements or use other tools, but the majority of the work is done with a fundamental and profound passion, not unlike the paintings of centuries ago. But the work here is made today — in a very different time, in a smaller and faster and ever-changing world. The modes, styles, and concepts vary drastically from one artist's work to another, but they all come to the same conclusion: the artists love to make smart, stimulating, beautiful paintings."
The exhibit runs April 18-May4, 2014
Artists' reception: Friday, April 18th, 5:30-8pm
The Nave Gallery Annex
53 Chester Street
Somerville (grey house to the left of Red Bones)
The 30 artists include:
John Campbell
Xiaowei Chen
Dana Clancy
Nicole Duennebier
Sean Dunstan-Halliday
Claire Elliott
Maree Emberton
Emily Eveleth
Chloë Feldman Emison
Andrew Fish
Mira Gerard
John Guthrie
Anne Harris
TD Heavican
Cathy Lees
Damon Lehrer
Susan Lichtman
CJ Lori
Elizabeth Menges
Jarrett Min Davis
Bea Modisett
Caleb Neelon
David Palmquist
Susan Richards
Donna Savastio
Lynda Schlosberg
Candice Smith Corby
Jordan Stabile
Jeff Stauder
Dido Thayer
"Whether old-fashioned or new-fashioned, painting is alive and flourishing — feverishly, outrageously, subtly, skillfully — throughout Somerville and the world beyond.
In Painting Intricacies you'll see hyper-detailed paintings; soft yet intensely marked narrative paintings; and crisp, thoughtful, abstract paintings. All are made with great meticulousness and a deep affection for the art of painting. Their creators work with a flat surface and a brush. They may add a few other elements or use other tools, but the majority of the work is done with a fundamental and profound passion, not unlike the paintings of centuries ago. But the work here is made today — in a very different time, in a smaller and faster and ever-changing world. The modes, styles, and concepts vary drastically from one artist's work to another, but they all come to the same conclusion: the artists love to make smart, stimulating, beautiful paintings."
The exhibit runs April 18-May4, 2014
Artists' reception: Friday, April 18th, 5:30-8pm
The Nave Gallery Annex
53 Chester Street
Somerville (grey house to the left of Red Bones)
The 30 artists include:
John Campbell
Xiaowei Chen
Dana Clancy
Nicole Duennebier
Sean Dunstan-Halliday
Claire Elliott
Maree Emberton
Emily Eveleth
Chloë Feldman Emison
Andrew Fish
Mira Gerard
John Guthrie
Anne Harris
TD Heavican
Cathy Lees
Damon Lehrer
Susan Lichtman
CJ Lori
Elizabeth Menges
Jarrett Min Davis
Bea Modisett
Caleb Neelon
David Palmquist
Susan Richards
Donna Savastio
Lynda Schlosberg
Candice Smith Corby
Jordan Stabile
Jeff Stauder
Dido Thayer
Thursday, April 10, 2014
2014 ArtsUnion Summer/Fall Producers Call
If you have ever had an idea for a great cultural, creative, technology, or any other event idea we are interested in working with you to make it happen. Whether you are an individual or a organization we welcome applications from all sorts of producers - and if you have a question then email and just ask!
The application is for co-producers to work with us for the Summer/Fall ArtsUnion event series. All events must happen in/around Union Square, Somerville.
If you have ever had an idea for a great cultural, creative, technology, or any other event idea we are interested in working with you to make it happen. Whether you are an individual or a organization we welcome applications from all sorts of producers - and if you have a question then email and just ask!
The application is for co-producers to work with us for the Summer/Fall ArtsUnion event series. All events must happen in/around Union Square, Somerville.
Monday, April 07, 2014
The Somerville Toy Camera Festival seeks entries for its second annual toy camera fest. Images of any subject matter made with a "toy" camera (any low-end, low-tech, limited-control camera) will be accepted. The festival will take place in June 2014 at five locations throughout Somerville, MA. You do not need to be a Somerville resident to apply. Entry fee.
Wednesday, April 02, 2014
Greetings from the West End Museum!
A big thank-you to all who joined us for our Irish Heritage Month Celebration. Look for the photos on our Facebook page! We are heading into April with some great events. Coming next week we are hosting native West Enders for a film and discussion on the psycholgical effects of urban renewal. Reminder: this is the the last week for the Hotel Manger/Madison exhibit. Check it out!
As always you can see our full range of upcoming events and exhibitions here. For even more museum info, follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
Panel Discussion and short film: The problems with displacement
Tuesday, Apr. 8
6:30 - 8:30pm
Cost: FREE
The West End Museum explores the psychological toll of urban renewal projects on the people in-between. Featuring three Old West Enders and a resident of the New York Streets discussing their experiences with development projects; the panel will put a human face on the urban renewal projects in Boston.
Read more on our website >>
Current Exhibitions
Relics of a Bygone Era: Exploring the Hotel Manger/Madison
Feb. 4 - March 22
EXTENDED to April 5th!
Members Gallery
Cost: FREE
The 500-room Hotel Manger opened at North Station in August of 1930. Its design was an example of the Moderne style of architecture, developed by Boston native, Louis Sullivan. This exhibit features original postcards, pamphlets, and photographs, as well as actual pieces of the hotel. One of the highlights is a series of photographs showing the demolition of the hotel.
Read more on our website >>
A Neighborhood in Transition
Jan. 21 - May 10
Cost: FREE
This exhibit continues to follow the demolition of an additional thirty acres of residential housing, along with Bowdoin Square and Scollay Square, to make way for the Hurley/Lindemann Building and Government Center. Charles Frani's photographs show not only a neighborhood in transition, but a city in transition. The exhibit captures images of residents and business owners in the midst of eviction; going about their daily chores, or fleeing their homes, as if nothing out the ordinary is taking place.
Read more on our website >>
The Last Tenement
Cost: FREE
"The Last Tenement" exhibition, originally set up in 1992 at the Old State House by the Bostonian Society through a grant by the National Endowment for the Humanities and relocated to the West End Museum in 2006, is now permanently housed in its own dedicated 1100 square foot space.
Read more on our website >>
Save The Date!
Walking Tour: "The Lost Boston"
Saturday, Apr. 12
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Cost: $7 Members / $15 Non-members
This tour will introduce attendees to the story of Boston's lost neighborhood, The West End. In 1959 an entire neighborhood with hundreds of dwellings, businesses, houses of worship and thousands of people was destroyed as part of the federal Urban Renewal program and replaced by high rise apartments.
We will visit surviving landmarks of the West End and learn about the people of the West End, the debate over the destruction of the neighborhood and the fate of those who lived there.
Read more on our website >>
Book Talk: "Boston's Orange Line"
Tuesday, Apr. 15
6:30 - 8:00 pm
Cost: FREE
Since 1901, the configuration of the rail system Bostonians now know as the MBTA's Orange Line has evolved in response to changes in the city, society, and technology. In their recent book about the Orange Line, Andrew Elder and Jeremy C. Fox explore the line's role in the lives of Bostonians and how it and other rail lines have changed alongside broader trends in urban living. In this presentation, Elder and Fox will use photos tracing the history and paths of the line to discuss the recent history of Boston and evolving attitudes toward city living. Signed copies of Boston's Orange Line will be available for $21.99.
Read more on our website >>
Support the Museum
2014 Annual Appeal!!
Support the West End Museum!
2013 was another year of significant growth and expansion for the West End Museum. This year alone, the museum mounted three major exhibits in our large exhibition area, as well as four exhibits in our Members' Gallery.
We have a fundraising goal of $50,000 for our inaugural appeal. Any amount, large or small, that you can donate will help to ensure that the museum can continue to provide a rich experience to the West End community as well as the city of Boston. Your donation is critical, not only with assisting the museum in providing fresh programming, but especially in keeping the museum and its mission alive.
A big thank-you to all who joined us for our Irish Heritage Month Celebration. Look for the photos on our Facebook page! We are heading into April with some great events. Coming next week we are hosting native West Enders for a film and discussion on the psycholgical effects of urban renewal. Reminder: this is the the last week for the Hotel Manger/Madison exhibit. Check it out!
As always you can see our full range of upcoming events and exhibitions here. For even more museum info, follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
Panel Discussion and short film: The problems with displacement
Tuesday, Apr. 8
6:30 - 8:30pm
Cost: FREE
The West End Museum explores the psychological toll of urban renewal projects on the people in-between. Featuring three Old West Enders and a resident of the New York Streets discussing their experiences with development projects; the panel will put a human face on the urban renewal projects in Boston.
Read more on our website >>
Current Exhibitions
Relics of a Bygone Era: Exploring the Hotel Manger/Madison
Feb. 4 - March 22
EXTENDED to April 5th!
Members Gallery
Cost: FREE
The 500-room Hotel Manger opened at North Station in August of 1930. Its design was an example of the Moderne style of architecture, developed by Boston native, Louis Sullivan. This exhibit features original postcards, pamphlets, and photographs, as well as actual pieces of the hotel. One of the highlights is a series of photographs showing the demolition of the hotel.
Read more on our website >>
A Neighborhood in Transition
Jan. 21 - May 10
Cost: FREE
This exhibit continues to follow the demolition of an additional thirty acres of residential housing, along with Bowdoin Square and Scollay Square, to make way for the Hurley/Lindemann Building and Government Center. Charles Frani's photographs show not only a neighborhood in transition, but a city in transition. The exhibit captures images of residents and business owners in the midst of eviction; going about their daily chores, or fleeing their homes, as if nothing out the ordinary is taking place.
Read more on our website >>
The Last Tenement
Cost: FREE
"The Last Tenement" exhibition, originally set up in 1992 at the Old State House by the Bostonian Society through a grant by the National Endowment for the Humanities and relocated to the West End Museum in 2006, is now permanently housed in its own dedicated 1100 square foot space.
Read more on our website >>
Save The Date!
Walking Tour: "The Lost Boston"
Saturday, Apr. 12
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Cost: $7 Members / $15 Non-members
This tour will introduce attendees to the story of Boston's lost neighborhood, The West End. In 1959 an entire neighborhood with hundreds of dwellings, businesses, houses of worship and thousands of people was destroyed as part of the federal Urban Renewal program and replaced by high rise apartments.
We will visit surviving landmarks of the West End and learn about the people of the West End, the debate over the destruction of the neighborhood and the fate of those who lived there.
Read more on our website >>
Book Talk: "Boston's Orange Line"
Tuesday, Apr. 15
6:30 - 8:00 pm
Cost: FREE
Since 1901, the configuration of the rail system Bostonians now know as the MBTA's Orange Line has evolved in response to changes in the city, society, and technology. In their recent book about the Orange Line, Andrew Elder and Jeremy C. Fox explore the line's role in the lives of Bostonians and how it and other rail lines have changed alongside broader trends in urban living. In this presentation, Elder and Fox will use photos tracing the history and paths of the line to discuss the recent history of Boston and evolving attitudes toward city living. Signed copies of Boston's Orange Line will be available for $21.99.
Read more on our website >>
Support the Museum
2014 Annual Appeal!!
Support the West End Museum!
2013 was another year of significant growth and expansion for the West End Museum. This year alone, the museum mounted three major exhibits in our large exhibition area, as well as four exhibits in our Members' Gallery.
We have a fundraising goal of $50,000 for our inaugural appeal. Any amount, large or small, that you can donate will help to ensure that the museum can continue to provide a rich experience to the West End community as well as the city of Boston. Your donation is critical, not only with assisting the museum in providing fresh programming, but especially in keeping the museum and its mission alive.
Calling all Somerville Artists / Designers! We need your help!
It's cold outside and you could use a great project to do for Spring!
We've launched the Somerville Birdhouse Project -- open to all of Boston! It's a community development / public art project with the goal of putting as many birdhouses as we can make for permanent art display (and living!) in Somerville. Our goal is to build community both for us human-folk and for the birds!
We need hands to build creative birdhouses and we can also use help putting them up on April 26th!
We are encouraging people to build birdhouses and then submit them to be put up in trees in a semi-permanent art gallery around Somerville.
Check out a video about the project here! --
Sign up for the project at:
Join us on facebook at
Twitter: @somervillebird
It's cold outside and you could use a great project to do for Spring!
We've launched the Somerville Birdhouse Project -- open to all of Boston! It's a community development / public art project with the goal of putting as many birdhouses as we can make for permanent art display (and living!) in Somerville. Our goal is to build community both for us human-folk and for the birds!
We need hands to build creative birdhouses and we can also use help putting them up on April 26th!
We are encouraging people to build birdhouses and then submit them to be put up in trees in a semi-permanent art gallery around Somerville.
Check out a video about the project here! --
Sign up for the project at:
Join us on facebook at
Twitter: @somervillebird
I would like to invite you to view my photographs and my printing services at First Friday Open Studios, this Friday, April 4th, from 5-9 pm, at 450 Harrison Ave., Studio 227, Boston, MA.
This month will be your last chance to view the photography of Eric Almquist, longtime photographer and former member of the Board of Directors of the Photographic Resource Center. In addition to printing the photos for this exhibit, I have also done extensive Photoshop training with Eric, as well as scanned many of his large and medium format negatives. Those of you who came the last two months know how impressive his photography is!
Consumer Vernacular: Views from the Marketplace
This exhibit focuses on the everyday things we see in our lives as consumers--and the beauty that one can find around every marketplace. I travel a lot for my business, and I try to take a camera with me when I can. I admire things that I see every day, often in the most unlikely places--a street lined with rental bikes, a lollipop stand, a wall of tourist souvenirs, or a hat shop. In the rush of things, we often overlook the fascinating or the beautiful in daily life. So these photographs were taken not of subjects I actively sought out, but just of things that presented themselves to me as I was grabbing a cup of coffee at the airport, walking down a street, or having lunch.
I've been involved seriously in photography for almost 50 years, and I began the switch to digital about a decade ago. When it came to editing and printing, I really didn't know what I was doing, so I got a referral to Bill Morse. Two years ago I began to work with Bill to learn to use Photoshop properly and how to do things digitally that I used to do in the darkroom. Bill has been invaluable in teaching me skills that I could never have learned from books and instructional videos--using curves, masks, gradients, sharpening, and LAB color. And he has helped me to apply these as subtly as possible to make my work better. He has also drum-scanned many of my old negatives and has printed the photographs you'll see in this show. Working with Bill has been one of the best educational experiences I've ever had.
Eric Almquist:
As always this month, in addition to new prints from my personal collection, I will continue to feature newly restored and printed photographs of early 20th century China from the archive of my Grandfather, William Leete. I will also have new examples of client work, both photography and Fine-Art reproductions.
Over from Japan, 1927; Photo William Leete; Restoration and Print ©2014 William Morse
Finally, the building's 20 galleries and more than 60 artists' studios will be open. There is off street parking at 500 Harrison Avenue as well as on street parking. The MBTA Silver Line stop is East Berkeley, just one block away.
See you Friday!
Bill Morse
Wm. Morse Editions
A Fine-Art Printmaking Studio
450 Harrison Avenue, Studio 227
Boston, MA 02118 (617) 429-3298 web:
If you received this email from a friend, and would like to subscribe to these monthly announcements, please send an email to the address above.
This month will be your last chance to view the photography of Eric Almquist, longtime photographer and former member of the Board of Directors of the Photographic Resource Center. In addition to printing the photos for this exhibit, I have also done extensive Photoshop training with Eric, as well as scanned many of his large and medium format negatives. Those of you who came the last two months know how impressive his photography is!
Consumer Vernacular: Views from the Marketplace
This exhibit focuses on the everyday things we see in our lives as consumers--and the beauty that one can find around every marketplace. I travel a lot for my business, and I try to take a camera with me when I can. I admire things that I see every day, often in the most unlikely places--a street lined with rental bikes, a lollipop stand, a wall of tourist souvenirs, or a hat shop. In the rush of things, we often overlook the fascinating or the beautiful in daily life. So these photographs were taken not of subjects I actively sought out, but just of things that presented themselves to me as I was grabbing a cup of coffee at the airport, walking down a street, or having lunch.
I've been involved seriously in photography for almost 50 years, and I began the switch to digital about a decade ago. When it came to editing and printing, I really didn't know what I was doing, so I got a referral to Bill Morse. Two years ago I began to work with Bill to learn to use Photoshop properly and how to do things digitally that I used to do in the darkroom. Bill has been invaluable in teaching me skills that I could never have learned from books and instructional videos--using curves, masks, gradients, sharpening, and LAB color. And he has helped me to apply these as subtly as possible to make my work better. He has also drum-scanned many of my old negatives and has printed the photographs you'll see in this show. Working with Bill has been one of the best educational experiences I've ever had.
Eric Almquist:
As always this month, in addition to new prints from my personal collection, I will continue to feature newly restored and printed photographs of early 20th century China from the archive of my Grandfather, William Leete. I will also have new examples of client work, both photography and Fine-Art reproductions.
Over from Japan, 1927; Photo William Leete; Restoration and Print ©2014 William Morse
Finally, the building's 20 galleries and more than 60 artists' studios will be open. There is off street parking at 500 Harrison Avenue as well as on street parking. The MBTA Silver Line stop is East Berkeley, just one block away.
See you Friday!
Bill Morse
Wm. Morse Editions
A Fine-Art Printmaking Studio
450 Harrison Avenue, Studio 227
Boston, MA 02118 (617) 429-3298 web:
If you received this email from a friend, and would like to subscribe to these monthly announcements, please send an email to the address above.
We know this is a busy time of year, and there are lots of amazing events next Saturday night, April 12th. So I would like to thank you, in advance, for spending your night supporting the Cambridge Art Association at our Annual Gala, now at Arlington Town Hall!
In addition to delicious comestibles from Miss Jeanie's, an open wine and beer bar, and entertainment from the Egg Rock Quartet, we have some truly fantastic auction items lined up - including a behind the scenes tour of Worcester Art Museum with our National Prize Show Juror, and Director Emeritus at WAM, Dr. James Welu.
It's a once in a lifetime chance to check out the newly opened arms and armor collection acquired from the Higgins Armory, and learn about the museum from the man who knows it best!
Other exciting items include:
Getaways in the Berkshires, Vermont, and on Lake Winnipesaukee
A case of Veuve Clicquot to celebrate your next milestone
A one of a kind silver plate print of Maud Morgan, by well known local photographer Michael Silve (his work appears in the collections of the Harvard Art Museums)
Tickets to see your World Champion Red Sox
And many other chances to wine & dine, learn a new skill, and jump start your art collection!
Every dollar raised on April 12th goes toward funding:
Our Exhibition Program providing 20 opportunities each year for local artists to display their artwork
Our Creativity Lab an outreach initiative supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, Cambridge Arts Council, and Cambridge Community Foundation, that provides out of school time visual arts instruction and an exhibition opportunity for Cambridge Youth
Our Scholarship Fund which provides membership dues and entry fee waivers for up to 10 artists per year, as well as a college scholarship for a graduating Cambridge Rindge and Latin student.
Over the past 10 years, we've raised over $300,000 to support Cambridge Art Association programs at this festive event! I hope you will join us this year, and help to launch our CAA at 70 Campaign, celebrating the amazing artists and supporters we have been so lucky to have over the course of the past 70 years!
Already purchased your tickets? THANK YOU!
And if you have not, I hope you will purchase your ticket today, either online, or over the phone (617-876-0246) and support the next 70 years at the Cambridge Art Association.
I look forward to seeing your on April 12th!
Erin Becker
Norma Jean Calderwood Director
Cambridge Art Association
If you are unable to attend - we will miss you! I hope you will also consider making a donation to our Exhibition Fund, Creativity Lab or Scholarship Fund. Every dollar really does count!
In addition to delicious comestibles from Miss Jeanie's, an open wine and beer bar, and entertainment from the Egg Rock Quartet, we have some truly fantastic auction items lined up - including a behind the scenes tour of Worcester Art Museum with our National Prize Show Juror, and Director Emeritus at WAM, Dr. James Welu.
It's a once in a lifetime chance to check out the newly opened arms and armor collection acquired from the Higgins Armory, and learn about the museum from the man who knows it best!
Other exciting items include:
Getaways in the Berkshires, Vermont, and on Lake Winnipesaukee
A case of Veuve Clicquot to celebrate your next milestone
A one of a kind silver plate print of Maud Morgan, by well known local photographer Michael Silve (his work appears in the collections of the Harvard Art Museums)
Tickets to see your World Champion Red Sox
And many other chances to wine & dine, learn a new skill, and jump start your art collection!
Every dollar raised on April 12th goes toward funding:
Our Exhibition Program providing 20 opportunities each year for local artists to display their artwork
Our Creativity Lab an outreach initiative supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, Cambridge Arts Council, and Cambridge Community Foundation, that provides out of school time visual arts instruction and an exhibition opportunity for Cambridge Youth
Our Scholarship Fund which provides membership dues and entry fee waivers for up to 10 artists per year, as well as a college scholarship for a graduating Cambridge Rindge and Latin student.
Over the past 10 years, we've raised over $300,000 to support Cambridge Art Association programs at this festive event! I hope you will join us this year, and help to launch our CAA at 70 Campaign, celebrating the amazing artists and supporters we have been so lucky to have over the course of the past 70 years!
Already purchased your tickets? THANK YOU!
And if you have not, I hope you will purchase your ticket today, either online, or over the phone (617-876-0246) and support the next 70 years at the Cambridge Art Association.
I look forward to seeing your on April 12th!
Erin Becker
Norma Jean Calderwood Director
Cambridge Art Association
If you are unable to attend - we will miss you! I hope you will also consider making a donation to our Exhibition Fund, Creativity Lab or Scholarship Fund. Every dollar really does count!
The Cambridge Symphony Orchestra ("CSO") invites you to attend:
CSO Night at the Museum Benefit Gala
Sunday April 6, 2014 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Harvard Museum of Natural History
26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
· Stroll the museum’s galleries, which will be open just for our guests
· Listen to a variety of music ensembles (including our own Cambridge Symphony Chamber Players and special guests such as The Klezniks, a Klezmer band)
· Enjoy light refreshments and a cash bar
· Enter a raffle or bid on an array of items in our silent auction
· Bring the kids for this event. Our prices are family-friendly too!
· Support the work of the Cambridge Symphony Orchestra
Tickets at and at the door: Adult $30; Children 12-and-under $15.
About the Cambridge Symphony: did you know?
The CSO is the only community orchestra performing in Cambridge or Somerville.
The CSO’s current season includes 3 affordably-priced orchestra concerts at the Somerville Armory and a free chamber music concert at the Somerville Public Library;
CSO Music Director Cynthia Woods is Somerville-based, and a goodly number (about 15) of the CSO's volunteer musicians call Somerville their home;
CSO’s symphonic orchestra rehearses weekly in Somerville;
Every year the CSO provides free concerts at area libraries, assisted living residences, and schools and after-school programs, and keeps its ticket prices affordable for its regular concerts.
CSO offers many free tickets to students of low-to-moderate income families through social service organizations.
CSO is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) community music organization, and needs your support to keep these programs alive!
CSO Night at the Museum Benefit Gala
Sunday April 6, 2014 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Harvard Museum of Natural History
26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
· Stroll the museum’s galleries, which will be open just for our guests
· Listen to a variety of music ensembles (including our own Cambridge Symphony Chamber Players and special guests such as The Klezniks, a Klezmer band)
· Enjoy light refreshments and a cash bar
· Enter a raffle or bid on an array of items in our silent auction
· Bring the kids for this event. Our prices are family-friendly too!
· Support the work of the Cambridge Symphony Orchestra
Tickets at and at the door: Adult $30; Children 12-and-under $15.
About the Cambridge Symphony: did you know?
The CSO is the only community orchestra performing in Cambridge or Somerville.
The CSO’s current season includes 3 affordably-priced orchestra concerts at the Somerville Armory and a free chamber music concert at the Somerville Public Library;
CSO Music Director Cynthia Woods is Somerville-based, and a goodly number (about 15) of the CSO's volunteer musicians call Somerville their home;
CSO’s symphonic orchestra rehearses weekly in Somerville;
Every year the CSO provides free concerts at area libraries, assisted living residences, and schools and after-school programs, and keeps its ticket prices affordable for its regular concerts.
CSO offers many free tickets to students of low-to-moderate income families through social service organizations.
CSO is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) community music organization, and needs your support to keep these programs alive!
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.