Thursday, December 13, 2012
Spotlight: LATVIA
When I was fifteen, I was part of a project which brought together groups of teenagers from the US and the USSR together to live together for one month, make a play, and tour it. My group went to Latvia. We arrived on the morning of my fifteenth birthday, by train, and were greeted with flowers, singing, dancing and open hearts. This experience shaped my view of the possibilities and power of performance and international collaboration, as well as introducing me to friends I treasure to this day.
This year, with the help and support of my friend Signe Birkova, I will meet with and begin collaboration with a contemporary theater company in Riga - Ģertrudes ielās teātris*.
The project is inspired by a Latvian folk song/dance used to clear sacred space, to banish evil. This song was part of the performance we created together as teenagers, and it has been in my mind since then. In this song, it is dance that clears away evil and sanctifies the space. This is a ritual that exists all over the world, because all over the world, cultures throughout time have danced their nightmares away, and their dreams into existence.
*Latvian speakers - I apologize for the accents being missing accents. My email program doesn't recognize Latvian...
Follow this and discuss and other ANIKAI projects on the new
ANIKAI Dance Theater Blog
ANIKAI Dance Theater/Wendy Jehlen
67 Dane St.
Somerville, MA 02143
Worldwide Expansion - Phase One
on Indiegogo
Help bring our boundary-breaking performances to an ever-widening audience.
Upcoming Events:
India Tour 2013 -
The Knocking Within &
He Who Burns
Bharat Rang Mahotsav Theatre Festival in Delhi, Jan 17
International Theatre Festival of Kerala, Jan 21
Latvia, February 2013 - the first phase of a new collaboration with Gertrudes ielas teatris, a contemporary theater
company in Riga.
Montreal Fringe Fest, June 2013 - The Knocking Within
Upcoming US performances:
Harvard University, April 11-13
He Who Burns
sponsored by the Harvard College Pakistani Students Association & the Harvard Pakistani Students Group, with support from the Office for the Arts
Green Space, NY, May 18 - the premiere of the evening-length incarnation of Lilith as part of the Taking Root series
Watertown Center for the Arts Blackbox Theater, Sept 4-15
The Knocking Within
Forward email
When I was fifteen, I was part of a project which brought together groups of teenagers from the US and the USSR together to live together for one month, make a play, and tour it. My group went to Latvia. We arrived on the morning of my fifteenth birthday, by train, and were greeted with flowers, singing, dancing and open hearts. This experience shaped my view of the possibilities and power of performance and international collaboration, as well as introducing me to friends I treasure to this day.
This year, with the help and support of my friend Signe Birkova, I will meet with and begin collaboration with a contemporary theater company in Riga - Ģertrudes ielās teātris*.
The project is inspired by a Latvian folk song/dance used to clear sacred space, to banish evil. This song was part of the performance we created together as teenagers, and it has been in my mind since then. In this song, it is dance that clears away evil and sanctifies the space. This is a ritual that exists all over the world, because all over the world, cultures throughout time have danced their nightmares away, and their dreams into existence.
*Latvian speakers - I apologize for the accents being missing accents. My email program doesn't recognize Latvian...
Follow this and discuss and other ANIKAI projects on the new
ANIKAI Dance Theater Blog
ANIKAI Dance Theater/Wendy Jehlen
67 Dane St.
Somerville, MA 02143
Worldwide Expansion - Phase One
on Indiegogo
Help bring our boundary-breaking performances to an ever-widening audience.
Upcoming Events:
India Tour 2013 -
The Knocking Within &
He Who Burns
Bharat Rang Mahotsav Theatre Festival in Delhi, Jan 17
International Theatre Festival of Kerala, Jan 21
Latvia, February 2013 - the first phase of a new collaboration with Gertrudes ielas teatris, a contemporary theater
company in Riga.
Montreal Fringe Fest, June 2013 - The Knocking Within
Upcoming US performances:
Harvard University, April 11-13
He Who Burns
sponsored by the Harvard College Pakistani Students Association & the Harvard Pakistani Students Group, with support from the Office for the Arts
Green Space, NY, May 18 - the premiere of the evening-length incarnation of Lilith as part of the Taking Root series
Watertown Center for the Arts Blackbox Theater, Sept 4-15
The Knocking Within
Forward email
LynnArts Photography Exhibit:
Take Your Best Shot
A Curated Show, open to any artist 17 and older
Saturday, January 26-Friday, March 8, 2013
Opening reception: Saturday, January 26, 2013, 2-4pm
Juror: TBD
Entry Fee: $5 each piece, max of 4 pieces/artist. Non-refundable
Ribbons Awarded
Please visit for complete guideline information.
Media: An image originally created through photography or containing photography; altered images are welcomed.
Size limitation: There are no size limitations for this show, except entry through a standard door.
Conditions: Work submitted for consideration must be in physical form and delivered to LynnArts during the stated drop off times. Do not transmit work electronically or submit on CD, etc. All work must be original, ready for hanging or display.
Additional Prints: Artists who submit work to be juried are welcome to bring up to six (6) shrink-wrapped prints for the gallery bin. These prints will be for sale during the stated exhibit dates. There is no additional fee; only artists submitting work can be bring prints. LynnArts retains 50% commission on each print sold during the exhibit.
Drop-off: Thursday, January 17, Friday, January 18 and Saturday, January 19.
Work not accepted: Wednesday, January 23, Thursday, January 24 or Friday, January 25.
Accepted work: Saturday, March 9 or by special arrangement.
Gallery Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 10-4, Thursday, 11-7, Saturday, 11-4. Gallery hours are
subject to change, please call before visiting.
Commission: LynnArts, Inc. retains a 25% commission on all work sold during the exhibit.
The Juror: TBD
Take Your Best Shot
A Curated Show, open to any artist 17 and older
Saturday, January 26-Friday, March 8, 2013
Opening reception: Saturday, January 26, 2013, 2-4pm
Juror: TBD
Entry Fee: $5 each piece, max of 4 pieces/artist. Non-refundable
Ribbons Awarded
Please visit for complete guideline information.
Media: An image originally created through photography or containing photography; altered images are welcomed.
Size limitation: There are no size limitations for this show, except entry through a standard door.
Conditions: Work submitted for consideration must be in physical form and delivered to LynnArts during the stated drop off times. Do not transmit work electronically or submit on CD, etc. All work must be original, ready for hanging or display.
Additional Prints: Artists who submit work to be juried are welcome to bring up to six (6) shrink-wrapped prints for the gallery bin. These prints will be for sale during the stated exhibit dates. There is no additional fee; only artists submitting work can be bring prints. LynnArts retains 50% commission on each print sold during the exhibit.
Drop-off: Thursday, January 17, Friday, January 18 and Saturday, January 19.
Work not accepted: Wednesday, January 23, Thursday, January 24 or Friday, January 25.
Accepted work: Saturday, March 9 or by special arrangement.
Gallery Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 10-4, Thursday, 11-7, Saturday, 11-4. Gallery hours are
subject to change, please call before visiting.
Commission: LynnArts, Inc. retains a 25% commission on all work sold during the exhibit.
The Juror: TBD
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Trader Joe's in Arlington, Massachusetts, is seeking a full-time sign artist. It's a fun job! If interested, contact Fred at the Arlington store:
1427 Massachusetts Avenue
Arlington MA 02476
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Parts and Crafts is an open workshop and community space in Somerville. Our programs run out of Sprout's studio at 339R Summer Street, just outside of Davis Square, where we run creative arts, engineering, science, and technology programs for kids of all ages. We're open five days a week (Monday - Thursday, and Saturday).
Here's a quick overview of what's going on over the next few months!
****************************** ****************************** *****************
Open Shop: Intro to Python
An afterschool workshop introducing kids to Python, a powerful, popular, and highly alliterative programming language that focuses on clear syntax and easy readability. We'll cover some of the rules and tools and use them to build simple games. Experience is helpful, but not necessary, but participants must know how to read and type at a reasonable speed. Paired with open shop, where kids can hang out, play board games, hit each other with boffer swords, and otherwise have a blast after school.
Dates: Thursdays, January 10 – February 7 (5 sessions), 3 – 5 p.m.
Cost: $100, sliding scale ($10-20 / session)
Age: Open to kids of all ages - programming experience is helpful, must be able to read and type fluently
Functional DIY: Fabric Arts and Bookmaking
Books, shoes, bags, clothes, hats... If you've ever thought "Hey, that's a cool thing! I want to make one of those!" then Tuesdays in January at Parts & Crafts are for you! We'll be making artistically visually pleasing yet completely functional objects that you can really use! Make your own journal or sketchbook out of just about anything! Want to make a pair of leather sandals? Knit a hat or scarf in no time! Make a messenger bag for carrying around your knitting & notebook!
Dates: Tuesdays, January 8 – February 5 (5 sessions), 3 - 5 p.m.
Cost: $100, sliding scale ($10-20 / session)
Age: Open to kids of any age
Open Shop: Tables and Carts
An afterschool program introducing kids to basic woodworking techniques. Workshop will be geared towards making simple contraptions (tables, very simple stools, things with wheels, etc).
Dates: Tuesdays, February 12 – March 19 (5 sessions, no class on February 19), 3 - 5 p.m.
Cost: $100, sliding scale ($10-20 / session)
Age: Kids ages 8 – 11
Open Shop: Intro to Electronics
In this workshop, we’ll go through a series of beginner electronics projects, introducing kids to basic components (resistors, switches, capacitors, diodes) and concepts (the relationship between electricity and magnetism, voltage, current, and capacitance). We’ll take apart and examine scrap electronics, learn how to solder, build motors, play sounds, make things blink and spin, and build connections. Sample projects might include: Motor cars, drawdios, popsicle stick reed switches, DIY motors, lightsabers, shake flashlights, solar-triggered bristlebots, and more!
Dates: Thursdays, February 14 – March 21 (5 sessions, no class on February 21), 3 - 5 p.m.
Cost: $100, sliding scale ($10-20 / session)
Age: Kids of any age are welcome, geared towards people who are new to electronics (i.e. more wire twisting, fewer microcontrollers)
Weekend Workshop: Intro to Arduino
In this five-session, workshop, we will work together on a series of interesting circuits and programs using the Arduino, an open-source hardware platform designed for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.
Dates: Saturdays, January 12 – February 9 (5 sessions), 10:30 - 12 p.m.
Cost: $100, sliding scale ($10-20 / session)
Age: Open to kids ages 11-16.
Weekend Workshop: Minecraft Modding
A special 3-session coding class, focusing on everyone's favorite block-stacking game - Minecraft --! It's quite likely that you've either never heard of Minecraft or that you've heard all-too-much about it because your kid is obsessed. We think it's a neat game, and it offers some good opportunities for some interesting programming (trying to avoid, in this sentence, using any phrases like "delving deeper"...)
We have a limited number of laptops, kids are encouraged to bring their own in! Please note: Modifying code also involves having the game open on your computer for large amounts of time– and it's very likely that kids will play it! We're not going to insist that kids be coding at all times, or police open computers to make sure they're not playing vs. coding. We expect they'll be doing a little or a lot of both!
Dates: February 16 – March 9 (3 sessions, no class on February 23), 10:30 - 12 p.m.
Cost: $60, sliding scale ($10-20 / session)
Age: Open to kids of all ages: prior programming experience is very helpful
Saturday Open Shop
A weekly drop-in workshop for kids and families to make things together. People are encouraged to come to open shop with projects and ideas of their own that they’d like to work on and explore, but we’ll always have something in mind to get you started if you’re suffering from maker’s block.
Dates: Saturdays, starting December 1, from 12 - 2 p.m.
Cost: Free / by donation
Ages: Open to kids of all ages
Community Path Public Design Meeting! events/179102065561011/
Hope to see you there!
Lynn Weissman
Friends of the Community Path FriendsoftheCommunityPath scp/
(617) 776 7769
------------------------------ -----------------------------
The mission of the Friends of the Community Path is
to link the Minuteman Bikeway and Charles River Path networks,
by extending the Community Path along the future Green Line extension.
"To Lechmere... and Beyond!!"
This Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012 6:00 to 8:00 pm
Holiday Inn Hotel, 30 Washington St., Somerville
MassDOT & their Green Line Extension Design Team will present the 30% design plans for the Community Path Extension. There’s progress on the the Community Path Extension design as part of the Green Line Extension. But the Community Path is not a “done deal.” So we need your help to get the Path fully designed and built.MassDOT’s Green Line plans have only partial design/build of the Path – and exclude the last leg of the Path. But we need these last 300 yards of Community Path (near Brickbottom) to reach the Charles River & Boston! This part of Green Line is slated to begin construction next year (2013), so please tell MassDOT to design+build the whole path, including this “missing link,” so the Community Path will not be a dead end just before reaching Lechmere!
Green Line Extension info: For Green Line Extension questions: For access or language accommodations to fully participate in this public meeting, contact Karen Arpino-Shaffer: 617-426-9570,
Hope to see you there!
Lynn Weissman
Friends of the Community Path
(617) 776 7769
The mission of the Friends of the Community Path is
to link the Minuteman Bikeway and Charles River Path networks,
by extending the Community Path along the future Green Line extension.
"To Lechmere... and Beyond!!"
Somerville Arts Council launches its new series: "Artist of the Month"
On January 7th, 2013, the Somerville Arts Council will announce its first Artist of the Month.
---About the new program---
This new series will feature a different creative Somervillian each month –- painters, poets, pianists, you name it! The program is a way for us to celebrate the enormous wealth of talent in our city, by shining a spotlight on a different creative Somervillian on a regular basis.
We’ll feature an interview with the Artist of the Month on our website, as well as images of their work. Each new artist will be announced on the first Monday of each month. And in December, we will have a public event to honor all 12 artists featured in 2013.
---How artists are chosen---
All artists who will be part of this program live or work in Somerville, MA. They were chosen by a panel from a list of nominees; many of the artists were nominated by the Somerville community through the Arts Council’s website.
Want to nominate someone? Great! You can do that here: http://somervilleartscouncil. org/artistmonth
---Contact and other information---
This program is put together by Coordinators Jenn Harrington and Kellie Veiga, and Arts Council board member Tim Devin. It's inspired by the Nave Gallery's "Featured Artist" program, which ran from 2005 to 2009.
Program website: http://somervilleartscouncil. org/artistmonth
Facebook page: SomervilleArtsCouncilsArtistOf TheMonth
The Nave’s program, which inspired this one: artist_month.html
---And tune in on 1/7/13 to find out who's the first Artist of the Month---
On January 7th, 2013, the Somerville Arts Council will announce its first Artist of the Month.
---About the new program---
This new series will feature a different creative Somervillian each month –- painters, poets, pianists, you name it! The program is a way for us to celebrate the enormous wealth of talent in our city, by shining a spotlight on a different creative Somervillian on a regular basis.
We’ll feature an interview with the Artist of the Month on our website, as well as images of their work. Each new artist will be announced on the first Monday of each month. And in December, we will have a public event to honor all 12 artists featured in 2013.
---How artists are chosen---
All artists who will be part of this program live or work in Somerville, MA. They were chosen by a panel from a list of nominees; many of the artists were nominated by the Somerville community through the Arts Council’s website.
Want to nominate someone? Great! You can do that here: http://somervilleartscouncil.
---Contact and other information---
This program is put together by Coordinators Jenn Harrington and Kellie Veiga, and Arts Council board member Tim Devin. It's inspired by the Nave Gallery's "Featured Artist" program, which ran from 2005 to 2009.
Program website: http://somervilleartscouncil.
Facebook page:
The Nave’s program, which inspired this one:
---And tune in on 1/7/13 to find out who's the first Artist of the Month---
Monday, December 10, 2012
"Fracture", a series of abstract paintings by Alyson Schultz, will be shown in the
gallery space at the office of Thalia Tringo & Associates Real Estate, 128 Willow
Ave., Somerville, through December 31, 2012. The artist reception will be held
from 6:00-9:00 PM on Thursday,December 6th Hors d'oeuvres, wine, beer, and
other beverages will be served.
In "Fracture", Alyson furthers her exploration of the urban environ through a series
of modular panels. Reminiscent of windows, openings and barriers, the sixteen
panels share a common palette and were originally conceived as a singular work
that could be adapted to multiple configurations. An attention to the physical
immediacy of paint combined with strong, gestural expressiveness are hallmarks
of Schultz's work. "Fracture" demonstrates an evolution toward a personal,
evocative terrain.
Alyson Schultz studied painting and printmaking at The School of the Museum of
Fine Arts, Boston, graduating with her Masters in the early 1980s. Since then, she
has been an active presence in the Boston art community, an original member of
the Brickbottom Artist building, and she currently maintains a studio on Vernon
gallery space at the office of Thalia Tringo & Associates Real Estate, 128 Willow
Ave., Somerville, through December 31, 2012. The artist reception will be held
from 6:00-9:00 PM on Thursday,December 6th Hors d'oeuvres, wine, beer, and
other beverages will be served.
In "Fracture", Alyson furthers her exploration of the urban environ through a series
of modular panels. Reminiscent of windows, openings and barriers, the sixteen
panels share a common palette and were originally conceived as a singular work
that could be adapted to multiple configurations. An attention to the physical
immediacy of paint combined with strong, gestural expressiveness are hallmarks
of Schultz's work. "Fracture" demonstrates an evolution toward a personal,
evocative terrain.
Alyson Schultz studied painting and printmaking at The School of the Museum of
Fine Arts, Boston, graduating with her Masters in the early 1980s. Since then, she
has been an active presence in the Boston art community, an original member of
the Brickbottom Artist building, and she currently maintains a studio on Vernon
Thursday, December 06, 2012
Call for Entries: Delicious Torment
Submission Deadline: January 11, 2013
The Nave Gallery
Feb. 9-24, 2013
Curated by Susan Berstler
"Thou art to me a delicious torment."
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
The suspense of a first touch, the certitude of coupling, the rawness of physicality, the quiet beauty of togetherness—"Delicious Torment" is an examination of emotional and physical attraction. Heat and cold, passion and heartache, what we give and what we give up when we become entangled in another, The Nave seeks representations of the
contradictions and strengths present when two individuals form a pair.
Visual artists working in all 2-D and 3-D media (including video and installation) are invited to submit work.
Applicants must submit:
• Up to four (4) images of work relating to this theme submitted as jpeg files on a CD-Rom (300 dpi). An image list including title, dimension, media, and date for each work submitted. For digital submissions, please label each file (artistname)(title).jpg. All disks must be labeled with the artist’s name, title, dimension and medium
• One paragraph describing your interpretation of how your piece represents the theme of this show
• A current artist’s CV
• $15 entry fee payable to The Nave Gallery (NOT refundable)
• SASE with adequate postage for return of materials
Mail entries to: The Nave Gallery (Attn: Susan Berstler)
155 Powderhouse Blvd., Somerville, MA 02144
You can also email your submission to Entry fee can be paid online at: support.html. Please include in the memo a note that this is for "Delicious Torment."
Jan. 11, 2013 Entries Must Be Received
Jan. 18, 2013 Notification of Acceptance
Jan. 25-26, 2013 Delivery of artwork
Feb. 9-24, 2013 Exhibition dates
Fri. Feb. 8 6-8p.m. Opening Reception
March 1, 2013 Artwork pickup
About The Nave Gallery
The Nave Gallery is a non-profit art space located in the Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church near Tufts University run by ARTSomerville in collaboration with the CHPC. Established in 2004, artists shown to date have been national and international, emerging and established. Insurance and publicity are provided. A nominal commission of 20% is taken for all sales. The gallery itself is completely volunteer run. Participating artists may be requested to help with exhibit installation and gallery sitting. For more information on past exhibitions as well as music, dance, and other events held in the space, visit:
Submission Deadline: January 11, 2013
The Nave Gallery
Feb. 9-24, 2013
Curated by Susan Berstler
"Thou art to me a delicious torment."
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
The suspense of a first touch, the certitude of coupling, the rawness of physicality, the quiet beauty of togetherness—"Delicious Torment" is an examination of emotional and physical attraction. Heat and cold, passion and heartache, what we give and what we give up when we become entangled in another, The Nave seeks representations of the
contradictions and strengths present when two individuals form a pair.
Visual artists working in all 2-D and 3-D media (including video and installation) are invited to submit work.
Applicants must submit:
• Up to four (4) images of work relating to this theme submitted as jpeg files on a CD-Rom (300 dpi). An image list including title, dimension, media, and date for each work submitted. For digital submissions, please label each file (artistname)(title).jpg. All disks must be labeled with the artist’s name, title, dimension and medium
• One paragraph describing your interpretation of how your piece represents the theme of this show
• A current artist’s CV
• $15 entry fee payable to The Nave Gallery (NOT refundable)
• SASE with adequate postage for return of materials
Mail entries to: The Nave Gallery (Attn: Susan Berstler)
155 Powderhouse Blvd., Somerville, MA 02144
You can also email your submission to Entry fee can be paid online at:
Jan. 11, 2013 Entries Must Be Received
Jan. 18, 2013 Notification of Acceptance
Jan. 25-26, 2013 Delivery of artwork
Feb. 9-24, 2013 Exhibition dates
Fri. Feb. 8 6-8p.m. Opening Reception
March 1, 2013 Artwork pickup
About The Nave Gallery
The Nave Gallery is a non-profit art space located in the Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church near Tufts University run by ARTSomerville in collaboration with the CHPC. Established in 2004, artists shown to date have been national and international, emerging and established. Insurance and publicity are provided. A nominal commission of 20% is taken for all sales. The gallery itself is completely volunteer run. Participating artists may be requested to help with exhibit installation and gallery sitting. For more information on past exhibitions as well as music, dance, and other events held in the space, visit:
Artisan's Asylum
10 Tyler Street, Somerville, MA
(617) 863-7634
Join us for this family-friendly fun afternoon workshop! Start with a surface: wood, plexi-glass, or the motherboard from a computer. Add 2D materials like photos, newspapers and magazines, maps, bubble wrap and aluminum foil. Then take your pick from buckets of recycled 3D debris like computer parts, buttons, shells, and other small objects. Come out with a beautiful piece of art to hang on your wall! Easy as one, two, 3D.
10 Tyler Street, Somerville, MA
(617) 863-7634
Join us for this family-friendly fun afternoon workshop! Start with a surface: wood, plexi-glass, or the motherboard from a computer. Add 2D materials like photos, newspapers and magazines, maps, bubble wrap and aluminum foil. Then take your pick from buckets of recycled 3D debris like computer parts, buttons, shells, and other small objects. Come out with a beautiful piece of art to hang on your wall! Easy as one, two, 3D.
Students will get to experiment with dynamic patterns and sculptural qualities of found objects, and become familiar with a variety of methods of combining materials.
Prerequisites: None!
Materials Provided:
Materials Provided:
- 3D: computer & printer parts, shells, toys, junk, buttons, jewelry, other debris and small objects.
- 2D: photos, papers, maps, cardboard, foam, bubble wrap, foil.
- Surfaces: various shaped bits of wood, motherboards, plexi glass.
- Tools and fixatives: scissors, mod-podge, wood glue, brushes.
Register here:
Melissa Glick
Saturday, December 15
10 am to 12 noon
Street end, Neville Place driveway (Please register for important details)
650 Concord Avenue
Children are welcome in the company of an adult.
These events are FREE and open to the public.
Children are welcome in the company of an adult.
The parade of migrating waterfowl at Fresh Pond continues into early winter. By December, the long-distance flyers such as canvasbacks and redheads have arrived, and all three merganser species may be present. We’ll use a telescope to identify birds on the water, and we’ll use binoculars to look at over-wintering songbirds in the trees. Dress warmly; it can be very cold and windy near the water! Beginners are welcome. We have binoculars to lend and will show you how to use them.
Please register for each event that you plan to attend. You will receive important information on parking after you register. E-mail Elizabeth Wylde at or call 617- 349-6489 and leave your name and phone number.
PANOPTICON GALLERY - January 8, 2013
Read more about this exhibition HERE
The Photographs of Bill Franson
Megan Lowney
Agnieszka Sosnowska
Agnieszka Sosnowska (b. Warsaw, Poland), received a B.F.A. in photography from the Massachusetts College of Art in 1995 and a M.F.A. in studio teaching from Boston University in 1999. Her ongoing series of self portraits reflect surreal memories of her rural lifestyle and upbringing and hint back to her childhood. In 1996, Sosnowska returned to Poland to complete a Fulbright Fellowship where she documented the Tatra highlanders. In 2005, she completed a American-Scandinavian Fellowship in Iceland documenting the local farming culture. She currently resides in Iceland.
Wednesday, December 05, 2012
In time for the holidays, Lisa Trachtman of Brookline, MA will be my featured artist atBlue Cloud Gallery for the month of December. She is a jewelry maker and creates many different styles, from fun to funky to elegant. Lisa has been designing since she was a child. She spent time with her father in his shed (now a modern studio) creating everything from glitter ornaments to walk-in doll houses. She started creating jewelry in earnest about 10 years ago. Romance, nature and old world charm inspire her work.
Lisa silkscreens retro images such as Marilyn Monroe, the Eiffel Tower, Blue Fairy and many others onto her lockets. She combines coin pearls with metallic leaves as studs; enamels discs and combines them with brass birds or dragonflies; adds crystals and tiny seed pearls on necklaces; and stamps inspiring words on key and dog tag pendants. These are but a few of the many popular items she designs.
Blue Cloud Gallery is treating the public to a special 20% off any two pieces of Lisa's jewelry. Earrings to match a necklace? Gifts for two friends?
One for you, one for her?

December only!
You are not going to want to miss this.
713 Broadway, Ball Square
Holiday Hours: Monday - Saturday 11-7, Sundays 11-6
Tuesday, December 04, 2012
The third annual Somerville Illuminations Bike Tour will be held in a few weeks. Please join us. Details are below and attached.
The guided group ride will be shorter this year so folks can spend more time looking at the lights and stay warmer. For those who would like to tour the longer route from last year, maps will be available. Those touring the longer route may continue after the short guided tour concludes, may meet with others at the suggested times below or tour the route on your own schedule with friends.
Please join us and happy winter solstice,
Illuminations by Bike
Guided Short Route
Meet Location: Somerville High School Main Entrance
Meet Time: 5:50pm
Departure: 6:00pm
Duration: 45 minutes, or less
Required: warm clothes & bike lights
Recommended: holiday lights, costumes & good cheer
Suggested: Donate $5 to the Somerville Arts Council
Afterwards: Hot drinks & treats at City Hall
Unguided Long Route
Maps: available at city hall, donation recommended.
Suggested Meet Times: 7:15pm & 8:30pm
Aloha kakou!
Don your best aloha shirt and join us for an afternoon of traditional and contemporary Hawaiian dance, featuring Somerville-based hula troupe Hui Lehua 'O Kamawila. Sunday 12/16 2-3pm, at Dance Union, upstairs at Cafe Tango, 16 Bow St. This performance is funded through a Somerville Arts Council Cultural Heritage project grant.
[Having trouble viewing the image? Visit us online at]
A hui hou,
Melissa Dullea
BRICKBOTTOM GALLERY EXHIBITION - December 6 - January 12, 2013
Brickbottom Gallery, 1 Fitchburg Street, Somerville, 617-776-3410,,, Gallery Hours: Thursday - Sunday, 12-5
Please join us for a new exhibition
SPECTRUM: A Selection of Artists from Joy Street Studios
Dave Cohen, Jodi Colella, Cristian Gazmura, Sarah Meyers Brent, Nathan Miner, Nancy Moskin, Wilhelm Neusser
Painting, Sculpture, Glasswork and Guitars
Opening Reception: Sunday, December 9, 3-5pm
Exhibition Dates: December 6 - January 12
Saturday, December 01, 2012
Save the date for the 2012 annual Winter Holiday Party at the Somerville Museum - this year a joint party between Historic Somerville, Inc. and the Somerville Museum located at One Westwood Road
Friday evening, December 14th, from 7-9PM
Friday evening, December 14th, from 7-9PM
We will be raffling off prizes and holiday floral arrangements donated by local florists such as Nellie's Wildflowers and Bostonian Florist to raise funds to help support the Museum's building renovations. The Museum shop will be open to buy gifts for yourself and others. Live music and singing, good food and a program of entertainment about Somerville await all those who attend. The party is free to volunteers and members of Historic Somerville and the Somerville Museum. All others can become special one night members on payment of $10 and join us. Please RSVP to
Best wishes for a Great and Prosperous Holiday Season.
Barbara Mangum
President of the Boards
Historic Somerville
Somerville Museum
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.