Wednesday, December 05, 2012
In time for the holidays, Lisa Trachtman of Brookline, MA will be my featured artist atBlue Cloud Gallery for the month of December. She is a jewelry maker and creates many different styles, from fun to funky to elegant. Lisa has been designing since she was a child. She spent time with her father in his shed (now a modern studio) creating everything from glitter ornaments to walk-in doll houses. She started creating jewelry in earnest about 10 years ago. Romance, nature and old world charm inspire her work.
Lisa silkscreens retro images such as Marilyn Monroe, the Eiffel Tower, Blue Fairy and many others onto her lockets. She combines coin pearls with metallic leaves as studs; enamels discs and combines them with brass birds or dragonflies; adds crystals and tiny seed pearls on necklaces; and stamps inspiring words on key and dog tag pendants. These are but a few of the many popular items she designs.
Blue Cloud Gallery is treating the public to a special 20% off any two pieces of Lisa's jewelry. Earrings to match a necklace? Gifts for two friends?
One for you, one for her?

December only!
You are not going to want to miss this.
713 Broadway, Ball Square
Holiday Hours: Monday - Saturday 11-7, Sundays 11-6
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.