Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Community Path Public Design Meeting!
http://www.facebook.com/ events/179102065561011/
Hope to see you there!
Lynn Weissman
Friends of the Community Path
facebook.com/ FriendsoftheCommunityPath
http://www.pathfriends.org/ scp/
(617) 776 7769
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The mission of the Friends of the Community Path is
to link the Minuteman Bikeway and Charles River Path networks,
by extending the Community Path along the future Green Line extension.
"To Lechmere... and Beyond!!"
This Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012 6:00 to 8:00 pm
Holiday Inn Hotel, 30 Washington St., Somerville
MassDOT & their Green Line Extension Design Team will present the 30% design plans for the Community Path Extension. There’s progress on the the Community Path Extension design as part of the Green Line Extension. But the Community Path is not a “done deal.” So we need your help to get the Path fully designed and built.MassDOT’s Green Line plans have only partial design/build of the Path – and exclude the last leg of the Path. But we need these last 300 yards of Community Path (near Brickbottom) to reach the Charles River & Boston! This part of Green Line is slated to begin construction next year (2013), so please tell MassDOT to design+build the whole path, including this “missing link,” so the Community Path will not be a dead end just before reaching Lechmere!
Green Line Extension info: www.greenlineextension.org For Green Line Extension questions: info@glxinfo.com. For access or language accommodations to fully participate in this public meeting, contact Karen Arpino-Shaffer: 617-426-9570,kshaffer@gilbaneco.com
Hope to see you there!
Lynn Weissman
Friends of the Community Path
(617) 776 7769
The mission of the Friends of the Community Path is
to link the Minuteman Bikeway and Charles River Path networks,
by extending the Community Path along the future Green Line extension.
"To Lechmere... and Beyond!!"
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