Thursday, September 20, 2018
[somartscouncil] Fwd: Suitcases needed for HONK! - [somartscouncil]
Suitcases needed for activist art project. See below. Tori Send us your old suitcases for an activist art piece on immigration. Call for Suitcases Suitcases Needed! Please donate your old (HARDCASE preferred) suitcases for an activist art project with the wonderful Nora Valdez and the awesome folks at MIRA: Massachusetts Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Coalition. At HONK! the public will be invited to stencil each case with messages about immigrant/refugee rights. MIRA activists will carry them in the HONK! Parade the next day. Outraged by the way our government is treating immigrants and refugees? Join us in the parade -- carry a suitcase! You can drop suitcases off at Nave Gallery, 155 Powderhouse Blvd in Somerville the next two weekends (Saturday and Sunday, 9/22, 9/23, 9/29, 9/30, 1 to 5 pm), or write to to arrange pick up. PLEASE SHARE THIS MESSAGE! Connect with us The Nave Gallery | 155 Powder House Blvd., Somerville, MA 02144 Unsubscribe Update Profile | About our service provider Sent by in collaboration with Try it free today
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