Friday, August 17, 2018
Upcoming mural project
Hello all!
I’m writing with exciting news about a mural project taking place in Somerville in the next two weeks. I’m pleased to announce that we’re having three murals painted in Somerville in the next two weeks! We have three extremely talented artists painting these murals in Union Square and East Somerville between Aug 20th-31st and will have two events during that time for the public to meet the artists and enjoy the work!
I’d love to see you at one or both of these events!
Event info and link to project details below! Please share with your networks!!
Thanks so much!
Nina Eichner
Special Events Manager
The artists who will be painting the murals:
Victor "Marka27" Quiñonez, Union Square, 2 Union Square: Aug 24-27
David Zayas, East Somerville, Taco Loco building, 44 Broadway: Aug 20-Aug 31
Angurria, East Somerville, Ola Café, 112 Broadway: Aug 21-30
Union Square event:
Sunday, Aug 26
Q&A 4-5pm, reception 5-6pm
East Somerville event:
Thur, Aug 30
Reception at Taco loco mural followed by parade and reception at Ola café mural
Overall project page with more info:
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.