Thursday, July 27, 2017
Parts and Crafts is hiring!
Parts and Crafts is hiring!
What is Parts and Crafts? Parts and Crafts is a 501(c)3 nonprofit family makerspace and community workshop in Somerville, Massachusetts. We encourage kids to think and make and learn and do through the exploration of the arts, science, computer programming, and engineering, a cluster we refer to as “the creative application of technical skills.”
About our Programs: We run a variety of programming for kids ages 7-13, including summer and school-vacation camps, afterschool programs, a full-time school-alternative/homeschooli ng resource center, drop-in community open-shop hours, travelling programs, professional development workshops and trainings, and a small retail program for DIY/educational project kits.
We are currently hiring for the following positions:
- Office Manager: We are looking for a capable and well-organized administrator to help us keep the ship afloat. This person will be responsible for supporting core functions across all Parts and Crafts programs, including administrative and billing infrastructure, bookkeeping, compliance with state and local regulations and human resources support. Part-time with potential to expand to full-time.
- Project Lead: STEM and STEAM Coordinator: Do you love tinkering, developing new projects, and interacting with MA Curriculum Standards? Parts and Crafts is excited to announce a full time position for individuals interested in helping us develop STEM and STEAM workshops — camp, afterschool, CSCL, and open shop — and to assist in developing school partnerships for the 2017-2018 school year.
- Project Lead: Center for Semiconducted Learning: Free school meets a makerspace! Parts and Crafts is excited to announce a full time position for people looking to help us grow the Center for Semiconducted Learning, our year-round school alternative program.
About Us: Parts and Crafts is a small, flexible organization with lots of opportunities for leadership and creativity and where everyone involved has to do a little bit of everything. The bulk of what we do involves working directly with children in these programs, as well as administration, cleaning, organizing, and inventing new and exciting things to do. The fundamental job is to help grow and support our community and make the organization a warm, creative, awesome, and inclusive space to be in.
All applicants should possess the following:
- Curiosity, creativity and playfulness, especially around technical and craft skills
- Commitment to equity, inclusion, and widening access across all areas of STEM and STEAM programming
- A desire to help children direct and control their own educational experiences
- Passion for building and making things of all kinds — computer programming, sewing, woodworking, sculpture
- Familiarity with and willingness to learn and use a wide variety of office, productivity, and organizational software (word processing, sharing and collaboration, spreadsheets, databases, etc)
- Exceptional time-management and organizational skills
- Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal
- A love of learning and teaching
Parts and Crafts is an equal opportunity employer; we strongly encourage people of different ages, ability sets, people of color, and people of all sexual orientations, gender expressions, and identities to apply!
Details at ng. No phone calls please.
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.