Thursday, March 30, 2017
ArtBeat 2017 Craft and Artist Application- Deadline Friday, March 31
The deadline to submit for the ArtBeat Craft application is tomorrow!! Must be postmarked by Friday, March 31.
Call for Artists, Crafts, & Artisans for
ArtBeat 2017
It is that time again and we are in the beginning stages for planning our 2017 ArtBeat festival. This year’s theme is VOICE. Attached you will find the full application. Please review carefully, because some of the guidelines have changed slightly.
Previous ArtBeat participation does not guarantee placement.
Submissions must include images of the current work you will be showing.
Vendors are selected on the quality and strength of the applications materials.
Shared spaces/applications are juried separately. If the jury does not approve one submission, the accepted applicant must pay the full fee.
We will not be accepting slides or email submissions. Accepted images can be either photos or jpegs on a CD or USB
Please remember make checks out to Somerville Arts Council.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Heather Balchunas
Somerville Arts Council
Office Manager
Saturday July 15th Davis Square, Somerville MA
(Rain Date: Sunday July 16th)
ArtBeat is Somerville's annual multi-media street party! The festival showcases the City's diverse and vibrant arts communities and attracts ten thousand visitors to Davis Square. Presented by the Somerville Arts Council (SAC) and Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone. ArtBeat is now its 31st year and features an eclectic mix of music, dance, theater, food, performance and interactive activities. More than 80 regional and local craft and fine art vendors, who create their own work, will be chosen to presented from 11am-6pm on Saturday afternoon.
2017 theme: VOICE
This year's ArtBeat theme is "Voice," a celebration of all things that have to do with being vocal —both literally and figuratively. How does a community find a collective voice and be heard? How does an individual find a voice to speak up and share thoughts, desires and frustration? From sotto voce to a loud roar, voices can take on all volumes, tones and timbres. What's your voice — and how does it harmonize or perhaps clash with other voices? Thinking in a more expansive way, voice doesn't have to be vocal or audible — it is more about advocacy. Someone doesn't always have to speak out loud to be heard; voice can embody all types of expression. We look forward to your creative interpretations of this theme — whether it's a proposed puppet show about a girl who loses her voice, dance choreography that addresses the voices we hear in our heads, or a sound installation about how giving voice can affect change. Surprise us! Get Vocal!
Submit 5 color photos or jpegs (on CD or USB) representing the current work you'll be exhibiting this year. Label each image with your last name followed by a number such as "leeman01".
Please DO NOT send application via email.
Follow the instructions of the application and give corresponding information; include dimensions, materials and prices.
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.