Friday, December 16, 2016
Lowell MA Justice Center Public Art Installation RFP
Lowell MA Justice Center - Public Art Installation RFP
COOL, the City of Lowell, and the National Park are helping the state find local artists to create public art in the new Lowell Justice Center. The Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance and the Massachusetts Trial Court just released an Artist RFP for permanent public art installations.
The installation will be in highly visible areas inside the new regional courthouse, which is expected to have over 40,000 visitors each month. There are several locations within the building identified for the installation. An artist can propose work for the all the locations, or just a specific location.
There are several requirements that must be met, all which is documented in the RFP. Lowell artists will be given preference as described in the document. However, it is important to note that the January 30, 2017deadline is a hard deadline.
This is a great opportunity for Lowell artists to show their work, get paid for doing what they love, and helping create something unique and special in this new building. Please help us by spreading the word and sending this information to all of the artists in your network. Let's not let this opportunity slip by.
Download the RFP here: http://www. coolnew/images/PublicArtCall- LowellJusticeCenter.pdf
The installation will be in highly visible areas inside the new regional courthouse, which is expected to have over 40,000 visitors each month. There are several locations within the building identified for the installation. An artist can propose work for the all the locations, or just a specific location.
There are several requirements that must be met, all which is documented in the RFP. Lowell artists will be given preference as described in the document. However, it is important to note that the January 30, 2017deadline is a hard deadline.
This is a great opportunity for Lowell artists to show their work, get paid for doing what they love, and helping create something unique and special in this new building. Please help us by spreading the word and sending this information to all of the artists in your network. Let's not let this opportunity slip by.
Download the RFP here: http://www.
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.