Monday, October 17, 2016
Fort Point Swimmers Installation
Dear Friends, We installed our new public art installation in Fort Point Channel's Art Basin yesterday! SOS (Safety Orange Swimmers) is now unveiled in the run up to Fort Point Open Studios which happens next weekend,October 14th-16th! A group of safety orange colored figures float in the Fort Point Channel Basin with inner tubes. The Swimmers relate the Channel to the seas crossed by those in search of shelter, freedom, prosperity and safety and they invoke Boston's long history of welcoming immigrants. Each figure represents nearly 1 million of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees' estimated 21.3 million refugees in the world today. We hope you will have a chance to visit the Swimmers during Open Studios or before they leave the area in early December. Here is a map to help you find them: You can find us newly on social media here:Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Also, take a look at our new website and please check back for project updates. If you post pictures to social media when you visit the installation, please tag them with #SOSswimmers, @SOSswimmersFPAC, @Fortpointarts. You can find more information at Boston Magazine. Thanks everyone, and we hope to see you soon! Ann Hirsch and Jeremy Angier P.S. If you no longer want to be on the mailing list, no worries. Please hit "Reply" with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. With special thanks to Friends of Fort Point Channel and the Fort Point Operations Board, Alaina Mahoney of A.M. Design and Fabrication, Bob McClean of Custom Coatings, Uncle Bob and Stanwood of the Romeos, and the Boston Rowing Center. Copyright ©2016 Ann Hirsch and Jeremy Angier | A+J Art+Design. All rights reserved.
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