Saturday, July 11, 2015
Workshop: Your Poems and Poetry Journals and How to Get Them Both Connected by Tim Suermnondt and Pui Ying Wong - Aug 1 @2-4pm
Arts for the Armory
191 Highland Avenue
Somerville, MA
Instructors: Tim Suermondt and Pui Ying Wong
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Writing the poems if of course the most important. But after that, you'll probably want to send them to print and on-line journals for publication. And while no one can guarantee success, there are strategies and tips of the trade to help make getting your poems published a little less daunting.
You'll look under the publishing hood with Pui Ying Wong and Tim Suermondt, two poets who've been in the poetry trenches for a good many years and will impart what's often involved and sometimes required-the good, the bad, and the ugly.
In addition to dealing with the ins and outs of poetry submissions, you'll also get the chance to play editor by judging some poems and getting a sense of what's cooking from the editor's side.
Rejection is the nature of the poetry beast-it happens to the best and most renowned of poets-but let's see if we can get the odds of acceptance more in our favor. We're stronger than any beast-we're poets.
About the Instructors: Tim Suermondt is the author of two full-length collections: TRYING TO HELP THE ELEPHANT MAN DANCE (The Backwaters Press, 2007) and JUST BEAUTIFUL from New York Quarterly Books, 2010. He has published poems in Poetry, The Georgia Review, Blackbird, Able Muse, Prairie Schooner, PANK, Bellevue Literary Review, Stand Magazine (U.K.), and has poems forthcoming in december magazine, Plume Poetry Journal, North Dakota Quarterly and Ploughshares. After many years in Queens and Brooklyn, he has moved to Cambridge with his wife, the poet Pui Ying Wong.
Pui Ying Wong was born in Hong Kong. She is the author of a full length book of poetry Yellow Plum Season (New York Quarterly Books, 2010), two chapbooks: Mementos (Finishing Line Press, 2007), Sonnet for a New Country (Pudding House Press, 2008) and her poems have appeared in Cha: An Asian Literary Journal (Hong Kong), Connotation Press: An Online Artifact, Crannog (Ireland), Gargoyle, Prairie Schooner, Taos Journal of Poetry & Art, The Southampton Review, and Valparaiso Poetry Review among others. Her work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Best of the Web and she was a finalist for the 2011 Sundress Best of the Net editions. She lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts with her husband, the poet Tim Suermondt.
Cervena Barva Press Studio
Basement Room B8
Center for the Arts at the Armory
191 Highland Avenue
Somerville, MA
To register and pay for this Workshop securely using your Paypal account or a Credit Card, please visit the Cervena Barva Press Homepage. Click on the workshop button or register from the homepage.
Your Poems and Poetry Journals and how to get them both connected
Registration: $45.00
You may pay at the door, but you must send an email to register. Send to:
The Center for the Arts is located between Davis Square and Union Square. Parking is located behind the armory at the rear of the building. Arts at the Armory is approximately a 15 minute walk from Davis Square which is on the MTBA Red Line. You can also find us by using either the MBTA RT 88 and RT 90 bus that can be caught either at Lechmere (Green Line) or Davis Square (Red Line). Get off at the Highland Avenue and Lowell Street stop. You can also get to us from Sullivan Square (Orange Line) by using the MBTA RT 90 bus. Get off at the Highland Avenue and Benton Road stop.
Arts for the Armory
191 Highland Avenue
Somerville, MA
Instructors: Tim Suermondt and Pui Ying Wong
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Writing the poems if of course the most important. But after that, you'll probably want to send them to print and on-line journals for publication. And while no one can guarantee success, there are strategies and tips of the trade to help make getting your poems published a little less daunting.
You'll look under the publishing hood with Pui Ying Wong and Tim Suermondt, two poets who've been in the poetry trenches for a good many years and will impart what's often involved and sometimes required-the good, the bad, and the ugly.
In addition to dealing with the ins and outs of poetry submissions, you'll also get the chance to play editor by judging some poems and getting a sense of what's cooking from the editor's side.
Rejection is the nature of the poetry beast-it happens to the best and most renowned of poets-but let's see if we can get the odds of acceptance more in our favor. We're stronger than any beast-we're poets.
About the Instructors: Tim Suermondt is the author of two full-length collections: TRYING TO HELP THE ELEPHANT MAN DANCE (The Backwaters Press, 2007) and JUST BEAUTIFUL from New York Quarterly Books, 2010. He has published poems in Poetry, The Georgia Review, Blackbird, Able Muse, Prairie Schooner, PANK, Bellevue Literary Review, Stand Magazine (U.K.), and has poems forthcoming in december magazine, Plume Poetry Journal, North Dakota Quarterly and Ploughshares. After many years in Queens and Brooklyn, he has moved to Cambridge with his wife, the poet Pui Ying Wong.
Pui Ying Wong was born in Hong Kong. She is the author of a full length book of poetry Yellow Plum Season (New York Quarterly Books, 2010), two chapbooks: Mementos (Finishing Line Press, 2007), Sonnet for a New Country (Pudding House Press, 2008) and her poems have appeared in Cha: An Asian Literary Journal (Hong Kong), Connotation Press: An Online Artifact, Crannog (Ireland), Gargoyle, Prairie Schooner, Taos Journal of Poetry & Art, The Southampton Review, and Valparaiso Poetry Review among others. Her work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Best of the Web and she was a finalist for the 2011 Sundress Best of the Net editions. She lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts with her husband, the poet Tim Suermondt.
Cervena Barva Press Studio
Basement Room B8
Center for the Arts at the Armory
191 Highland Avenue
Somerville, MA
To register and pay for this Workshop securely using your Paypal account or a Credit Card, please visit the Cervena Barva Press Homepage. Click on the workshop button or register from the homepage.
Your Poems and Poetry Journals and how to get them both connected
Registration: $45.00
You may pay at the door, but you must send an email to register. Send to:
The Center for the Arts is located between Davis Square and Union Square. Parking is located behind the armory at the rear of the building. Arts at the Armory is approximately a 15 minute walk from Davis Square which is on the MTBA Red Line. You can also find us by using either the MBTA RT 88 and RT 90 bus that can be caught either at Lechmere (Green Line) or Davis Square (Red Line). Get off at the Highland Avenue and Lowell Street stop. You can also get to us from Sullivan Square (Orange Line) by using the MBTA RT 90 bus. Get off at the Highland Avenue and Benton Road stop.
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