Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Call to Somerville Poets, Writers, and Artists for interview!
Hi I am Doug Holder for The Somerville Times. I want to interview poets, writers and artists who live or work in Somerville for my column in The Somerville Times. I meet people at my unofficial office in the back of the Bloc 11 Cafe on Bow Street in Union Square. Over the past decade I have interviewed hundreds of people and they have appeared in my column Off the Shelf in The Somerville Times, as well as on my blog Boston Area Small Press and Poetry Scene http://dougholder.blogspot.com The paper is online and print and at many location throughout the " Paris of New England." If you have an interesting story, body of work--then I would like to speak to you. Most weekday mornings around 8 to 10AM work best for me. Hope to hear from you!
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