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Thursday, June 25, 2015

ARTfarm community meeting on Weds. July 8th

Please join Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone, Ward 2 Alderman Maryann Heuston, the Somerville Arts Council, and Earthos Institute for an upcoming public meeting in which we will share our progress and vision to date for the former Waste Transfer Station near Brickbottom. As you may know we are in the process of transforming the site into an ARTfarm for Social Innovation.

Last spring we held meetings with the Brickbottom community and this winter we held four core principal meetings—specifically on Arts and Culture, Community Utility, Environment and Sustainability, and Economic Development—with numerous individuals and community organizations participating.

At this meeting on July 8th we will present our progress to date, review the core principals emerged from the meetings, and unveil our final draft schematic drawings and programming vision.

We very much would like your attendance. Provide us with constructive feedback, share your vision and become ambassadors about this exciting endeavor.

Join us:
Weds, July 8th, 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Argenziano School, 290 Washington St.

For more information about our work on the site and the community process to date please see:

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