Tuesday, May 12, 2015
At The Arts for the Armory
Basement, Room B8
191 Highland Avenue
Somerville, MA
Featuring: Michael C. Keith | Miriam Levine | Steve Luttrell
Michael C. Keith is the author/coauthor of 30 book volumes and dozens of articles on the subject of radio and broadcast studies. In addition to his non-fiction books, Keith has published a dozen creative works, including an acclaimed memoir The Next Better Place a young adult novel, Life is Falling Sideways and 10 short story collections, most recently The Near Enough. His fiction has been nominated for several awards, among them the Pen/O.Henry Award and the Pushcart Prize. He is a professor in the Communication Department at Boston College, the former chair of education at the Museum of Broadcast Communication, a member of the executive advisory board of the University of Rhode Island's Harrington School of Communication and Media, and most recently a member of the board of the newly created Newton Writer’s and Publishing Center. www.michaelckeith.com
“I'm interested in people and their stories,” says Miriam Levine. Her most recent book is The Dark Opens, winner of the 2007 Autumn House Poetry Prize. She is the author of In Paterson, a novel, Devotion: A Memoir, three poetry collections, and A Guide to Writers’ Homes in New England. Her work has appeared in Harvard Review, The Kenyon Review, The Paris Review, and Ploughshares, among many other places.
Steve Luttrell was born and continues to live in Portland , Maine . He is the author of 5 books of poetry and several chapbooks. He is the founding editor of Maine ’s award winning literary quarterly, THE CAFE REVIEW. He is the former Poet Laureate Of Portland, Maine and continues to be a “strong voice” for poetry in the area. His new book is PLUMB LINE , published by North Atlantic Books, will be released In May of 2015.
Admission is $3.00. Refreshments served.
The Center for the Arts is located between Davis Square and Union Square . Parking is located behind the armory at the rear of the building. Arts at the Armory is approximately a 15 minute walk from Davis Square which is on the MTBA Red Line. You can also find us by using either the MBTA RT 88 and RT 90 bus that can be caught either at Lechmere (Green Line) or Davis Square (Red Line). Get off at the Highland Avenue and Lowell Street stop. You can also get to us from Sullivan Square (Orange Line) by using the MBTA RT 90 bus. Get off at the Highland Avenue and Benton Road stop.
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