Thursday, February 12, 2015
Hi all, due to parking issues and travel concerns, SCATV's Art as Protest Panel is postponed tonight to 3/5 at 7pm. See below for more information. Thanks.
Our Lives Matter: Art as Protest at SCATV on Thurs, March. 5th, 7-8pm
Please join your neighbors at this free, public panel discussion. We will discuss how local artists, poets and performers use creative expression to respond to current events and social injustices. The panelists will highlight their own work and how this was used to raise awareness about a particular issue in society. Those who attend may leave feeling inspired to pursue their own creative form.
Our Local Panelists: Poet Afaa Weaver, Artist & Performer De Ama Battle, Books of Hope Youth Staff Leader Jordan Young, and moderation by artist & comedian, Janet Cormier.
Please RSVP as there is a limited number of seats. We hope to see you at this event.
Erica Jones
Membership & Community Outreach Coordinator
connect. create. communicate.
Somerville Community Access TV
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Our Lives Matter: Art as Protest at SCATV on Thurs, March. 5th, 7-8pm
Please join your neighbors at this free, public panel discussion. We will discuss how local artists, poets and performers use creative expression to respond to current events and social injustices. The panelists will highlight their own work and how this was used to raise awareness about a particular issue in society. Those who attend may leave feeling inspired to pursue their own creative form.
Our Local Panelists: Poet Afaa Weaver, Artist & Performer De Ama Battle, Books of Hope Youth Staff Leader Jordan Young, and moderation by artist & comedian, Janet Cormier.
Please RSVP as there is a limited number of seats. We hope to see you at this event.
Erica Jones
Membership & Community Outreach Coordinator
connect. create. communicate.
Somerville Community Access TV
SCATV Facebook
Somerville Neighborhood News
SNN Facebook
Boston Free Radio
BFR Facebook
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