Friday, December 05, 2014
Somerville by Design: Union Square
Community planning series starts December 17th!
6:30 PM at the Old Post Office Building, 237 Washington Street
We are pleased to announce the schedule for the "Somerville by Design" neighborhood planning effort in Union Square, which will result in a neighborhood plan that informs zoning and future development. How do you see the future of Union Square? We need your input! For much more info, go here:
Crowdsourcing Event
December 17
Old Post Office
The process will kick off with a Crowdsourcing event on December 17th at 6:30 PM at the Old Post Office. The goal of this event is to ask local stakeholders to help establish channels of communication within the existing social fabric of the neighborhood.
Visioning Sessions
January 7 & 31
Old Post Office
There will be two visioning meetings, with identical agendas. The first is on Wednesday, January 7th at 6:30 PM. The second meeting will be on January 31, with a 9:00 AM walking tour and followed by a 10:00 AM visioning meeting. We are holding this meeting twice to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to share their vision for the future of Union Square.
Development Opportunities & Constraints Workshops
February 4, 11, 18 & 25
Location TBD
Four workshops will be held to gain insight into key development issues such as traffic and parking, project financing, architectural possibilities, and market conditions. These workshops will be lead jointly by the City and the US2 master development team. Workshops will be held every Wednesday in February at 6:30 PM, including February 4, 11, 18, and 25. Specific topics and workshop location will be forthcoming.
Design Charrette
March 9, 10, & 11
Old Post Office
We will hold an "open studio" design charrette in the Old Post Office from March 9th through the 11th. Contribute your ideas to City staff and designers for the future of the Union Square neighborhood. We will work together to generate as many ideas as possible, and at a "Pin-Up Presentation" on March 11th, you will be able to review all of the ideas and provide important feedback.
Plan Open House
May 13
Old Post Office
During the spring we will refine the neighborhood plan based on stakeholder feedback, and present these final ideas back to the community on May 13th.
At all events, we will have updates on the green line expansion, US2 station-area projects, and other evolving work that is of interest to residents and impacts this planning effort.
Find out more about Somerville by Design at and contribute to the conversation through social media with #PlanUnionSquare.
Community planning series starts December 17th!
6:30 PM at the Old Post Office Building, 237 Washington Street
We are pleased to announce the schedule for the "Somerville by Design" neighborhood planning effort in Union Square, which will result in a neighborhood plan that informs zoning and future development. How do you see the future of Union Square? We need your input! For much more info, go here:
Crowdsourcing Event
December 17
Old Post Office
The process will kick off with a Crowdsourcing event on December 17th at 6:30 PM at the Old Post Office. The goal of this event is to ask local stakeholders to help establish channels of communication within the existing social fabric of the neighborhood.
Visioning Sessions
January 7 & 31
Old Post Office
There will be two visioning meetings, with identical agendas. The first is on Wednesday, January 7th at 6:30 PM. The second meeting will be on January 31, with a 9:00 AM walking tour and followed by a 10:00 AM visioning meeting. We are holding this meeting twice to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to share their vision for the future of Union Square.
Development Opportunities & Constraints Workshops
February 4, 11, 18 & 25
Location TBD
Four workshops will be held to gain insight into key development issues such as traffic and parking, project financing, architectural possibilities, and market conditions. These workshops will be lead jointly by the City and the US2 master development team. Workshops will be held every Wednesday in February at 6:30 PM, including February 4, 11, 18, and 25. Specific topics and workshop location will be forthcoming.
Design Charrette
March 9, 10, & 11
Old Post Office
We will hold an "open studio" design charrette in the Old Post Office from March 9th through the 11th. Contribute your ideas to City staff and designers for the future of the Union Square neighborhood. We will work together to generate as many ideas as possible, and at a "Pin-Up Presentation" on March 11th, you will be able to review all of the ideas and provide important feedback.
Plan Open House
May 13
Old Post Office
During the spring we will refine the neighborhood plan based on stakeholder feedback, and present these final ideas back to the community on May 13th.
At all events, we will have updates on the green line expansion, US2 station-area projects, and other evolving work that is of interest to residents and impacts this planning effort.
Find out more about Somerville by Design at and contribute to the conversation through social media with #PlanUnionSquare.
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.