Monday, November 03, 2014
PARTS & CRAFTS EVENTS - November 2014
Board Game Night - RESCHEDULED!
New date: Thursday 11/6
6-8 pm, $5 suggested
Risk, Pandemic, Hey That's My Fish! Come by for a family friendly board game night, make new friends, and play some awesome strategy games with folks @ Parts and Crafts. $5 suggested, pizza will be provided
Saturday Open Shop
Saturday 11/8, 12-2 pm
Free / by donation, all are welcome
Every Saturday we open up our shop, from 12:00 p.m. to 2 p.m. to families and other curious folks who want to come in, look around, and make something (or make something happen!) People are encouraged to come to open shop with projects and ideas of their own that they’d like to work on and explore, but we’ll always have something in mind to get you started if you’re suffering from maker’s block.
Saturday classes @ P&C
Classes are taught by local area makers on things we think are awesome and worth learning about! Unless otherwise noted, classes run from 1-3 pm on Saturday afternoons. We have a lot of Minecraft specific offerings this month -- click on the links below and save your spot today!
Mineways: 3D printing with Minecraft
Saturday 11/8, 10-12 am
Design a 3D object in Minecraft and export to 3D printer! Eric Haines will demo this great program for using Minecraft as a design space to make real-world models. Along the way you’ll learn how 3D printing works, how objects get sent to the printer, and what the rules are for this way of making things. $25 / $15 members.Register here!
Imaginary Maps
Saturday 11/8, 1-3 pm
A map-making workshop like you’ve never seen it before, pairing fractals, biology, the patterns of cells and neurons with worlds of our own devising. Hosted by Emily Garfield, a local artist specializing in cartography and flights of fancy. Come for open shop, stay for the workshop! $25 / $15 members. Register here!
Intro to Minecraft
Saturday 11/22, 10-12 pm
This is an introductory level workshop about the wildly popular building game Minecraft for both parents and children. If your child is interested in Minecraft but you want more information about technical needs, installation, costs and how it works – this workshop is for you. Brandon Hockle, long time Minecrafter will present an introduction to this world – how to get it, how it works and what you can do with it. Then kids and parents can experiment with minecraft, either on Parts and Crafts computers or on your own devices. $15 / $10 members. Register here!
Flutes and whistles
Saturday 11/22, 1-3 pm
DIY musical instrument-making with Jeff Delpapa, resident tinkerer and inventor at Parts and Crafts. We spent much of the summer stretching drums and building dulcimers — this time around we’ll be building PVC flutes and and whistles out of scrap material, PVC, and wood scraps. Make your own instrument then take it home and learn to play it! Geared for all ages, no experience necessary. $25 / $15 for members. Register here
FAQ: Saturday classes vs. open shop
We explicitly schedule our classes to overlap with Saturday Open Shop because we *want* a pretty free and open play between open build and structured classes. If you are planning to attend the class and can support it financially, please do! If you can't pay, you're welcome to join us either way -- that's part of why we schedule it to overlap with open shop. We charge money so that we can pay outside instructors for their time and effort and materials -- it gives us a way to give back to the arts community and help support local artists and tinkerers -- and also lets us bring in a more diverse set of workshops to share with you and your kids!
Like what we do? Buy a membership to help support it!
If Parts and Crafts has been an important part of your kid's life, please help support what we do by buying a monthly membership to help bring our programs to the wider Somerville community!
Memberships lets us run our programs for free and cheap, and guarantees that P&C can be available to anyone who wants to attend, regardless of whether they can pay for our programs. They let us pay our staff a living wage, and they allow us to devote more resources to outreach and grant support (two areas that typically get left by the wayside in small scrappy organizations that are constantly scraping for pennies)
At the moment the vast majority of membership funding is going to support our afterschool programs -- there are currently 75 kids making use of these programs, many of whom are coming for free or very cheap thanks to your support! Memberships also support our partnership with the Somerville Arts Council, free monthly workshops with the Beautiful Stuff Project, and wider collaborations to help us bring more programs to kids offsite. If you like our programs and want to help us grow, click on the link above to find out more!
Shop class for grown-ups @ RAH Woodcraft
A shout-out for a fabulous series of woodworking classes, taught by P&C staffer Rob Harrison at his woodshop at 334 Washington Street, Somerville MA. All classes run on Wednesdays from 6-9 pm and are offered on a generous sliding scale. Grown-ups only -- stop by this week and check it out!
Intro to Turning
Wednesday 11/5, 6-9 pm
$25 suggested, sliding scale
During the class Rob will cover the many different uses for lathe and turning. Also demonstrating proper use and function of the different tools. Followed by a small session of hands on practice. Those that have had practice in the past or experience will have an opportunity towards the end of the class to turn a small project.
Turning Part II
Wednesday 11/12, 6-9 pm
$25 suggested, sliding scale
During this class we will cover more material on use and function of the lathe and allow more opportunities for attendees to get their hands practiced on the lathe.
Turkey Attack!
Wednesday 11/19, 6-9 pm
$25 suggested, sliding scale
Prepping for the big Bird-Day you can choose between a few different projects involving center pieces for the table, coasters, and more.
When Turkeys Attack Part II
Wednesday 11/26, 6-9 pm
$25 suggested, sliding scale
Continue to work on centerpieces, etc for the big Bird-Day. Other options include drinking and eating entirely too much and fighting with in-laws.
School of HONK! @ Sprout
Date: Sunday November 9, 3-5 pm
Place: Sprout, 339R Summer Street
Cost: Free / by donation.
We'll have refreshments (bring something to share if you'd like!), and from 3-3:30 pm we'll have some sectional time to work out parts for our first two songs for those who need help. Then we will play as a band at 3:30. We will review "Rock Anthem" and "Cariñito" and we'll also learn "Ghostbusters Theme." We hope to end with another parade, along some new route (this time with flyers to hand out!)
More info on our Facebook page:
Want to play lively street music all year long?
Join our band!
WHO: Anyone, of any age or musical experience, who wants to have fun playing loud and lively music, mostly outside, to support our community. Families encouraged to join.
WHAT: Bring any acoustic instrument you like (or we can find one for you). We’ll play all musical genres, drawing especially from world street band traditions as well as American popular music.
WHEN: Every Sunday afternoon, 3-5 pm
WHERE: sprout at 339R Summer St. in Somerville.
COST: No fee - donations of any amount accepted.
QUESTIONS: / 617-977-4894
New date: Thursday 11/6
6-8 pm, $5 suggested
Risk, Pandemic, Hey That's My Fish! Come by for a family friendly board game night, make new friends, and play some awesome strategy games with folks @ Parts and Crafts. $5 suggested, pizza will be provided
Saturday Open Shop
Saturday 11/8, 12-2 pm
Free / by donation, all are welcome
Every Saturday we open up our shop, from 12:00 p.m. to 2 p.m. to families and other curious folks who want to come in, look around, and make something (or make something happen!) People are encouraged to come to open shop with projects and ideas of their own that they’d like to work on and explore, but we’ll always have something in mind to get you started if you’re suffering from maker’s block.
Saturday classes @ P&C
Classes are taught by local area makers on things we think are awesome and worth learning about! Unless otherwise noted, classes run from 1-3 pm on Saturday afternoons. We have a lot of Minecraft specific offerings this month -- click on the links below and save your spot today!
Mineways: 3D printing with Minecraft
Saturday 11/8, 10-12 am
Design a 3D object in Minecraft and export to 3D printer! Eric Haines will demo this great program for using Minecraft as a design space to make real-world models. Along the way you’ll learn how 3D printing works, how objects get sent to the printer, and what the rules are for this way of making things. $25 / $15 members.Register here!
Imaginary Maps
Saturday 11/8, 1-3 pm
A map-making workshop like you’ve never seen it before, pairing fractals, biology, the patterns of cells and neurons with worlds of our own devising. Hosted by Emily Garfield, a local artist specializing in cartography and flights of fancy. Come for open shop, stay for the workshop! $25 / $15 members. Register here!
Intro to Minecraft
Saturday 11/22, 10-12 pm
This is an introductory level workshop about the wildly popular building game Minecraft for both parents and children. If your child is interested in Minecraft but you want more information about technical needs, installation, costs and how it works – this workshop is for you. Brandon Hockle, long time Minecrafter will present an introduction to this world – how to get it, how it works and what you can do with it. Then kids and parents can experiment with minecraft, either on Parts and Crafts computers or on your own devices. $15 / $10 members. Register here!
Flutes and whistles
Saturday 11/22, 1-3 pm
DIY musical instrument-making with Jeff Delpapa, resident tinkerer and inventor at Parts and Crafts. We spent much of the summer stretching drums and building dulcimers — this time around we’ll be building PVC flutes and and whistles out of scrap material, PVC, and wood scraps. Make your own instrument then take it home and learn to play it! Geared for all ages, no experience necessary. $25 / $15 for members. Register here
FAQ: Saturday classes vs. open shop
We explicitly schedule our classes to overlap with Saturday Open Shop because we *want* a pretty free and open play between open build and structured classes. If you are planning to attend the class and can support it financially, please do! If you can't pay, you're welcome to join us either way -- that's part of why we schedule it to overlap with open shop. We charge money so that we can pay outside instructors for their time and effort and materials -- it gives us a way to give back to the arts community and help support local artists and tinkerers -- and also lets us bring in a more diverse set of workshops to share with you and your kids!
Like what we do? Buy a membership to help support it!
If Parts and Crafts has been an important part of your kid's life, please help support what we do by buying a monthly membership to help bring our programs to the wider Somerville community!
Memberships lets us run our programs for free and cheap, and guarantees that P&C can be available to anyone who wants to attend, regardless of whether they can pay for our programs. They let us pay our staff a living wage, and they allow us to devote more resources to outreach and grant support (two areas that typically get left by the wayside in small scrappy organizations that are constantly scraping for pennies)
At the moment the vast majority of membership funding is going to support our afterschool programs -- there are currently 75 kids making use of these programs, many of whom are coming for free or very cheap thanks to your support! Memberships also support our partnership with the Somerville Arts Council, free monthly workshops with the Beautiful Stuff Project, and wider collaborations to help us bring more programs to kids offsite. If you like our programs and want to help us grow, click on the link above to find out more!
Shop class for grown-ups @ RAH Woodcraft
A shout-out for a fabulous series of woodworking classes, taught by P&C staffer Rob Harrison at his woodshop at 334 Washington Street, Somerville MA. All classes run on Wednesdays from 6-9 pm and are offered on a generous sliding scale. Grown-ups only -- stop by this week and check it out!
Intro to Turning
Wednesday 11/5, 6-9 pm
$25 suggested, sliding scale
During the class Rob will cover the many different uses for lathe and turning. Also demonstrating proper use and function of the different tools. Followed by a small session of hands on practice. Those that have had practice in the past or experience will have an opportunity towards the end of the class to turn a small project.
Turning Part II
Wednesday 11/12, 6-9 pm
$25 suggested, sliding scale
During this class we will cover more material on use and function of the lathe and allow more opportunities for attendees to get their hands practiced on the lathe.
Turkey Attack!
Wednesday 11/19, 6-9 pm
$25 suggested, sliding scale
Prepping for the big Bird-Day you can choose between a few different projects involving center pieces for the table, coasters, and more.
When Turkeys Attack Part II
Wednesday 11/26, 6-9 pm
$25 suggested, sliding scale
Continue to work on centerpieces, etc for the big Bird-Day. Other options include drinking and eating entirely too much and fighting with in-laws.
School of HONK! @ Sprout
Date: Sunday November 9, 3-5 pm
Place: Sprout, 339R Summer Street
Cost: Free / by donation.
We'll have refreshments (bring something to share if you'd like!), and from 3-3:30 pm we'll have some sectional time to work out parts for our first two songs for those who need help. Then we will play as a band at 3:30. We will review "Rock Anthem" and "Cariñito" and we'll also learn "Ghostbusters Theme." We hope to end with another parade, along some new route (this time with flyers to hand out!)
More info on our Facebook page:
Want to play lively street music all year long?
Join our band!
WHO: Anyone, of any age or musical experience, who wants to have fun playing loud and lively music, mostly outside, to support our community. Families encouraged to join.
WHAT: Bring any acoustic instrument you like (or we can find one for you). We’ll play all musical genres, drawing especially from world street band traditions as well as American popular music.
WHEN: Every Sunday afternoon, 3-5 pm
WHERE: sprout at 339R Summer St. in Somerville.
COST: No fee - donations of any amount accepted.
QUESTIONS: / 617-977-4894
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.