Thursday, November 06, 2014
It is art that makes life, makes interest, makes importance,
and I know of no substitute for the force and beauty of its process
~Henry James
After a wonderful October, filled with openings, a Boston Globe Review of Time Travelers, our first Lunch and Learn with Mark Hopkins, and our continuing Third Thursday collaboration with CCTV, November is upon us! With Daylight Savings Time last weekend, and the holiday season fast approaching - we have many more exciting things to look forward to at CAA!
First and foremost - our fabulous exhibitions, including Motion Envisioned at the Kathryn Schultz Gallery, the 70th Members' Prize Show at University Place Gallery, Fay Lamson Hannon at University Place Management Office, and Sue Funk in the Green Room Gallery at 25 Lowell Street. Next up - PLATINUM, juried by Alise Upitis (MIT List Visual Art Center) and sponsored by The Harvard COOP and Gill Fishman Associates.
We also look forward to upcoming juried exhibits in the Winter/Spring 2015 - including Paint, juried by Ali Ringenburg (Sloane Merrill Gallery); Books Abound, juried by Alexander Campos (Center for Book Arts, NY); Photography Now, juried by Stephen Tourlentes; AND, our 2015 National Prize Show, juried by Michael Rush (Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University); and Members' Shows - Fields of Viewpoints and a Small Group Show with Wally Gilbert, Celia Gilbert, and Diana Morse. More soon on all of these wonderful exhibits!
And, finally, we are celebrating 70 years of CAA with a 1940s-themed holiday fundraiser - which will send you into the holidays on a wave of Big Band-era sounds, and the warmth of a community dedicated to the stewardship of the Cambridge Art Association. I hope you will join us!
Best regards,
Erin Becker
Norma Jean Calderwood Director
(With Members' Prize Show juror Al Miner, and Artist of the Year Jeanine Pastore at the October 10th reception! Thank you to our wonderful photographer Bob Stegmaier for capturing this, and many other, events!)
Thursday, December 18, 6-8pm at the Kathryn Schultz Gallery
You're invited to celebrate 70 years of the CAA, and raise money for our Annual Fund and programs at a festive, 1940s-inspired cocktail party. Mark you calendars, and join us for cocktails, snacks, and live entertainment.
$40 per person or $75 for two tickets, with advanced purchase
$50 day of and at the door
Click here to purchase tickets!
Friday, November 14, 12-1pm at the Kathryn Schultz Gallery
Clara Lieu, RISD Professor and author of "Learn, Create, and Teach: A Guide to Building a Creative Life" and columnist for the Huffington Post's "Ask the Art Professor" discusses her book, and how you can build a creative life.
$20 for CAA Artist Members and Friend Members; $25 for not yet members
Includes sandwiches and refreshments!
Click here for online registration or call 617-876-0246
Creative Collaboration with Maud Morgan Arts
Working with Master Printers
November 22& 23
9am-4pm each day
Fee: $200/day + $25/ day materials fee
Visit Maud Morgan Arts to register today. Space is limited.
Sunday Open Studio - Drawing with a Model
Every Sunday at the Kathryn Schultz Gallery
Fee: $15 drop-in fee
Find more information on our Workshops page
November: Just Submit Online: An Artist's Guide to Electronic Exhibition Submissions (Part 4 of the
Social Media for Artists Training Series)
Thursday, November 20, 6:30-8:30pm
at the Kathryn Schultz Gallery
In this workshop, learn about the common rules and guidelines for submitting your artwork to exhibitions online. The class will take a look at some specific platforms, as well as provide general information about how to prepare your digital stills and video for online submission. If time permits, the instructor will go over researching online exhibition opportunities.
Limited to 25 participants
October Third Thursday is $10 for
Cambridge Art Association and CCTV Members; $15 for not-yet-members
Register for the complete series of 7 classes - $85 for CAA/CCTV Members; $140 for non-members - online or by contacting Allison Rodriguez at CCTV.
Motion Envisioned
Small Group Show featuring work by Beatriz Grayson, Robert Hesse, and Ruth Lieberherr
Saturday, November 15 3-5pm at Kathryn Schultz Gallery
Northeast Open Show, juried by Alise Upitis, Assitant Curator, MIT List Visual Art Center
Friday, December 5, 6-8pm, in both galleries
Find out more on our website
Celebrate 70 years of the Cambridge Art Association by donating $7, $70, $700 or $7,000 today! Every dollar counts as we continue our work to support and promote the visual arts in Cambridge - and beyond.
and I know of no substitute for the force and beauty of its process
~Henry James
After a wonderful October, filled with openings, a Boston Globe Review of Time Travelers, our first Lunch and Learn with Mark Hopkins, and our continuing Third Thursday collaboration with CCTV, November is upon us! With Daylight Savings Time last weekend, and the holiday season fast approaching - we have many more exciting things to look forward to at CAA!
First and foremost - our fabulous exhibitions, including Motion Envisioned at the Kathryn Schultz Gallery, the 70th Members' Prize Show at University Place Gallery, Fay Lamson Hannon at University Place Management Office, and Sue Funk in the Green Room Gallery at 25 Lowell Street. Next up - PLATINUM, juried by Alise Upitis (MIT List Visual Art Center) and sponsored by The Harvard COOP and Gill Fishman Associates.
We also look forward to upcoming juried exhibits in the Winter/Spring 2015 - including Paint, juried by Ali Ringenburg (Sloane Merrill Gallery); Books Abound, juried by Alexander Campos (Center for Book Arts, NY); Photography Now, juried by Stephen Tourlentes; AND, our 2015 National Prize Show, juried by Michael Rush (Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University); and Members' Shows - Fields of Viewpoints and a Small Group Show with Wally Gilbert, Celia Gilbert, and Diana Morse. More soon on all of these wonderful exhibits!
And, finally, we are celebrating 70 years of CAA with a 1940s-themed holiday fundraiser - which will send you into the holidays on a wave of Big Band-era sounds, and the warmth of a community dedicated to the stewardship of the Cambridge Art Association. I hope you will join us!
Best regards,
Erin Becker
Norma Jean Calderwood Director
(With Members' Prize Show juror Al Miner, and Artist of the Year Jeanine Pastore at the October 10th reception! Thank you to our wonderful photographer Bob Stegmaier for capturing this, and many other, events!)
Thursday, December 18, 6-8pm at the Kathryn Schultz Gallery
You're invited to celebrate 70 years of the CAA, and raise money for our Annual Fund and programs at a festive, 1940s-inspired cocktail party. Mark you calendars, and join us for cocktails, snacks, and live entertainment.
$40 per person or $75 for two tickets, with advanced purchase
$50 day of and at the door
Click here to purchase tickets!
Friday, November 14, 12-1pm at the Kathryn Schultz Gallery
Clara Lieu, RISD Professor and author of "Learn, Create, and Teach: A Guide to Building a Creative Life" and columnist for the Huffington Post's "Ask the Art Professor" discusses her book, and how you can build a creative life.
$20 for CAA Artist Members and Friend Members; $25 for not yet members
Includes sandwiches and refreshments!
Click here for online registration or call 617-876-0246
Creative Collaboration with Maud Morgan Arts
Working with Master Printers
November 22& 23
9am-4pm each day
Fee: $200/day + $25/ day materials fee
Visit Maud Morgan Arts to register today. Space is limited.
Sunday Open Studio - Drawing with a Model
Every Sunday at the Kathryn Schultz Gallery
Fee: $15 drop-in fee
Find more information on our Workshops page
November: Just Submit Online: An Artist's Guide to Electronic Exhibition Submissions (Part 4 of the
Social Media for Artists Training Series)
Thursday, November 20, 6:30-8:30pm
at the Kathryn Schultz Gallery
In this workshop, learn about the common rules and guidelines for submitting your artwork to exhibitions online. The class will take a look at some specific platforms, as well as provide general information about how to prepare your digital stills and video for online submission. If time permits, the instructor will go over researching online exhibition opportunities.
Limited to 25 participants
October Third Thursday is $10 for
Cambridge Art Association and CCTV Members; $15 for not-yet-members
Register for the complete series of 7 classes - $85 for CAA/CCTV Members; $140 for non-members - online or by contacting Allison Rodriguez at CCTV.
Motion Envisioned
Small Group Show featuring work by Beatriz Grayson, Robert Hesse, and Ruth Lieberherr
Saturday, November 15 3-5pm at Kathryn Schultz Gallery
Northeast Open Show, juried by Alise Upitis, Assitant Curator, MIT List Visual Art Center
Friday, December 5, 6-8pm, in both galleries
Find out more on our website
Celebrate 70 years of the Cambridge Art Association by donating $7, $70, $700 or $7,000 today! Every dollar counts as we continue our work to support and promote the visual arts in Cambridge - and beyond.
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.