Friday, September 19, 2014
The Somerville Arts Council and the Somerville Historic Preservation Commission announce a second tour of our ArtsUnion Union Square architecture and historic walking tour:
Sunday, September 28, 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Begin at Somerville High School, 91 Highland
Please join Ed Gordon, New England Chapter President of the Victorian Society of America, who will lead a new walking tour of the Union Square area.
This year's walk will start at Somerville High School, visit a converted historic barn and charming pocket park, and explore the industrial past of Somerville Avenue, both front and backside, winding our way along Innovation Row and Properzi Way. Interior tours include the historic St. Anthony’s Church and the new Greentown Labs.
Tour is coordinated by the Somerville Historic Preservation Commission.
Free but pre-registration required: Contact Brandon Wilson via or 617-625-6600, ext. 2532. There is no rain date if heavy rain or wind prevails.
Sunday, September 28, 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Begin at Somerville High School, 91 Highland
Please join Ed Gordon, New England Chapter President of the Victorian Society of America, who will lead a new walking tour of the Union Square area.
This year's walk will start at Somerville High School, visit a converted historic barn and charming pocket park, and explore the industrial past of Somerville Avenue, both front and backside, winding our way along Innovation Row and Properzi Way. Interior tours include the historic St. Anthony’s Church and the new Greentown Labs.
Tour is coordinated by the Somerville Historic Preservation Commission.
Free but pre-registration required: Contact Brandon Wilson via or 617-625-6600, ext. 2532. There is no rain date if heavy rain or wind prevails.
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.