Friday, September 05, 2014
A few of my friends and political colleagues are on the Ballot this Tuesday, September 9th, and I wanted to give you my "Two Cents." In Massachusetts we are blessed with many great and accomplished men and women running for public office, and we're extremely lucky to live in a state with such a wealth of talent. Not to diminish any other candidates, but here are some of my choices for the September 9th Primary. Please vote your conscience, but this is my take.
Leland Cheung for LT Governor: I had a lot of fun making this video for Leland Cheung, who I first met while attending the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard.
I was really impressed with him right from the beginning. Leland was getting a Masters in Public Administration from The Harvard Kennedy School and a Masters in Business Administration from MIT and running for Cambridge City Council all at the same time.
I thought I was a workaholic!!!
Not only did he graduate from both programs with flying colors, but he also won election to the Cambridge City Council, where he has served with distinction and is now in his third term. Leland was the No. 1 vote-getter in the 2013 election, and on September 4th, he was endorsed by The Boston Globe for Lieutenant Governor.
Steve Grossman for Governor: I first met Steve in the first few weeks of a life-changing entrepreneurial adventure called Jimmy Tingle's OFF BROADWAY Theater in Davis Square, Somerville.
Steve was running his family business, Mass Envelope, in Somerville and was kind enough to create and execute a mass mailing FREE OF CHARGE to help jump start our theater.
He and his wife, Barbara, are great people and huge supporters of the arts, and Steve brings a unique combination of business, government and political experience to the table.
When I was performing "Jimmy Tingle for President-The Funniest Campaign in History," Steve and Barbara not only attended the show, but he even made a video endorsing me to "lead the nation" on the "Humor for Humanity" ticket.
One good endorsement deserves another, and so it with great pleasure and admiration that I endorse Steve Grossman for Governor! This Week The Boston Globe Agreed!!!
I just hope if Steve's elected he puts Don Berwick in charge of Massachusetts Healthcare.
Warren Tolman for Attorney General: Warren and I go way back to the Clean Elections battles of the late 1990's and early 2000's. He's been a great champion of fairness, justice, progressive values and equality.
Shortly after 9/11 we led a march from the Lexington Green to the Boston Common to advocate for funding for the Clean Elections ballot initiative, which passed with 66% of the vote but was being stymied by House Leadership. He was endorsed this week by Governor Deval Patrick.
MIchael Sullivan for Middlesex County DA: Mike has been a very effective public servant, Cambridge City Councilor and Mayor and has been a family friend going back three generations. He and his family have been involved in local and state politics going back to the 1940's, and I have the confidence in him to continue serving in the fine tradition of his relatives, including his late father, Cambridge Mayor and City Councilor Walter Sullivan, who passed away this August.
Re-Elect State Representative Marjorie Decker of the 25th Middlesex District (Cambridge).
I know Marjorie from the neighborhood going back 30 years, and she has been a tireless worker for the public good as a Cambridge City Councilor and State Rep. She also encouraged me to check out the Kennedy School, where she is also a graduate.
Marjorie is endorsed by NOW, Planned Parenthood, Sierra Club, Clean Water Action, AFL-CIO, Mass Nurses Association and Mass Equality, to name a few.
I am having a lot of Fun & Satisfaction Raising Spirits, Funds and Awareness for Non-Profits and Good Causes, so let us know if you would like to create a great win/win/win event together. Visit our Bookings Page here.
See you soon I hope and please follow me on twitter @jimmytingle
If the Pope can follow me so can you!
I'll follow you back and we'll take over the World!
A few of my friends and political colleagues are on the Ballot this Tuesday, September 9th, and I wanted to give you my "Two Cents." In Massachusetts we are blessed with many great and accomplished men and women running for public office, and we're extremely lucky to live in a state with such a wealth of talent. Not to diminish any other candidates, but here are some of my choices for the September 9th Primary. Please vote your conscience, but this is my take.
Leland Cheung for LT Governor: I had a lot of fun making this video for Leland Cheung, who I first met while attending the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard.
I was really impressed with him right from the beginning. Leland was getting a Masters in Public Administration from The Harvard Kennedy School and a Masters in Business Administration from MIT and running for Cambridge City Council all at the same time.
I thought I was a workaholic!!!
Not only did he graduate from both programs with flying colors, but he also won election to the Cambridge City Council, where he has served with distinction and is now in his third term. Leland was the No. 1 vote-getter in the 2013 election, and on September 4th, he was endorsed by The Boston Globe for Lieutenant Governor.
Steve Grossman for Governor: I first met Steve in the first few weeks of a life-changing entrepreneurial adventure called Jimmy Tingle's OFF BROADWAY Theater in Davis Square, Somerville.
Steve was running his family business, Mass Envelope, in Somerville and was kind enough to create and execute a mass mailing FREE OF CHARGE to help jump start our theater.
He and his wife, Barbara, are great people and huge supporters of the arts, and Steve brings a unique combination of business, government and political experience to the table.
When I was performing "Jimmy Tingle for President-The Funniest Campaign in History," Steve and Barbara not only attended the show, but he even made a video endorsing me to "lead the nation" on the "Humor for Humanity" ticket.
One good endorsement deserves another, and so it with great pleasure and admiration that I endorse Steve Grossman for Governor! This Week The Boston Globe Agreed!!!
I just hope if Steve's elected he puts Don Berwick in charge of Massachusetts Healthcare.
Warren Tolman for Attorney General: Warren and I go way back to the Clean Elections battles of the late 1990's and early 2000's. He's been a great champion of fairness, justice, progressive values and equality.
Shortly after 9/11 we led a march from the Lexington Green to the Boston Common to advocate for funding for the Clean Elections ballot initiative, which passed with 66% of the vote but was being stymied by House Leadership. He was endorsed this week by Governor Deval Patrick.
MIchael Sullivan for Middlesex County DA: Mike has been a very effective public servant, Cambridge City Councilor and Mayor and has been a family friend going back three generations. He and his family have been involved in local and state politics going back to the 1940's, and I have the confidence in him to continue serving in the fine tradition of his relatives, including his late father, Cambridge Mayor and City Councilor Walter Sullivan, who passed away this August.
Re-Elect State Representative Marjorie Decker of the 25th Middlesex District (Cambridge).
I know Marjorie from the neighborhood going back 30 years, and she has been a tireless worker for the public good as a Cambridge City Councilor and State Rep. She also encouraged me to check out the Kennedy School, where she is also a graduate.
Marjorie is endorsed by NOW, Planned Parenthood, Sierra Club, Clean Water Action, AFL-CIO, Mass Nurses Association and Mass Equality, to name a few.
I am having a lot of Fun & Satisfaction Raising Spirits, Funds and Awareness for Non-Profits and Good Causes, so let us know if you would like to create a great win/win/win event together. Visit our Bookings Page here.
See you soon I hope and please follow me on twitter @jimmytingle
If the Pope can follow me so can you!
I'll follow you back and we'll take over the World!
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