Tuesday, September 02, 2014
Giant Yard Sale Saturday, September 6 from 10AM - 4PM at 311 Forest Hills St., Jamaica Plain, MA
This event is a fundraiser for the non-profit, Cooperative Artists Institute. Items for sale include: household goods, Apple MAC assorted older software and peripherals (Jazz drive, Zip drives, cables, manuals, etc.,) school and office supplies & equipment, electronics, phone recording systems, video editing equipment, a stereo, clothing, many assorted picture frames, 2 microwaves, tons of fabric, women's purses, odds and ends, a vintage racoon jacket, and more. For information contact CAI at 617-524-6378.
This event is a fundraiser for the non-profit, Cooperative Artists Institute. Items for sale include: household goods, Apple MAC assorted older software and peripherals (Jazz drive, Zip drives, cables, manuals, etc.,) school and office supplies & equipment, electronics, phone recording systems, video editing equipment, a stereo, clothing, many assorted picture frames, 2 microwaves, tons of fabric, women's purses, odds and ends, a vintage racoon jacket, and more. For information contact CAI at 617-524-6378.
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.