Saturday, September 06, 2014
BRICKBOTTOM GALLERY EXHIBITION - September 7 - October 18, 2014
ANXIETY and RELIEF in the 21st CENTURY, curated by Joanne Desmond and Pauline Lim
Artists: Joanne Desmond, David E. Fallon, Joerg Fraske, Kathryn Geismar, Amy Hitchcock, Asia Kepka, Louise Kohrman, Gaye Korbet, Pauline Lim, Jackie Reeves, Anne Strout, Vicky Tomayko, Paul Weiner.
September 7 - October 18, Opening Reception, Sunday, September 7, 4-6pm
There is no denying that the pace of life is getting faster, the focus of truth is scattered wider and wider, news sources are no longer reliable, and debunking once-sacred beliefs has become the recreational activity of anyone with an internet connection. Yesterday's "super-food" is today's toxin. Even the planet is protesting as we spiral toward the inevitable. It's no wonder that anxiety levels are skyrocketing. How do we cope? Artists, as society's canaries in the coalmine, digest and reflect what is happening in the world around them. Do they create in reaction to anxiety? Are they inspired by anxiety? Does the act of creation bring relief? Art making can be a therapeutic avenue by which we artist are able, if we choose, to transform the anxiety into a form of relief. The word "art" itself provides us a very useful acronym: Acess, Release, Transform. How do you transform anxiety into relief???
Brickbottom Gallery, 1 Fitchburg Street, Somerville, MA 02143,
Artists: Joanne Desmond, David E. Fallon, Joerg Fraske, Kathryn Geismar, Amy Hitchcock, Asia Kepka, Louise Kohrman, Gaye Korbet, Pauline Lim, Jackie Reeves, Anne Strout, Vicky Tomayko, Paul Weiner.
September 7 - October 18, Opening Reception, Sunday, September 7, 4-6pm
There is no denying that the pace of life is getting faster, the focus of truth is scattered wider and wider, news sources are no longer reliable, and debunking once-sacred beliefs has become the recreational activity of anyone with an internet connection. Yesterday's "super-food" is today's toxin. Even the planet is protesting as we spiral toward the inevitable. It's no wonder that anxiety levels are skyrocketing. How do we cope? Artists, as society's canaries in the coalmine, digest and reflect what is happening in the world around them. Do they create in reaction to anxiety? Are they inspired by anxiety? Does the act of creation bring relief? Art making can be a therapeutic avenue by which we artist are able, if we choose, to transform the anxiety into a form of relief. The word "art" itself provides us a very useful acronym: Acess, Release, Transform. How do you transform anxiety into relief???
Brickbottom Gallery, 1 Fitchburg Street, Somerville, MA 02143,
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