Tuesday, July 08, 2014
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Tufts Administration Building, 167 Holland St., Somerville, MA 02144
Second floor, wheelchair accessible
Art Scarpa, Founder and current Vice President of the Cactus and Succulent Society of Mass. will present "Art's Traveling Cactus and Succulent Plant Show" at the July meeting of the Somerville Garden Club. Art will showcase dozens of cacti and succulents ranging from the rare and bizarre to the familiar and easy to grow. He will discuss growing succulents indoors and out, including hardy succulents, dish gardens, and container gardens that can be left outdoors. Art has spent many years volunteering with the Mass. Horticultural Society and in 2013 received a medal for excellence in growing succulents.
The Somerville Garden Club meets the second Wednesday of every month. All meetings are free and the public is invited to attend. Get to know the friendly local gardeners of the Somerville Garden Club and expand your gardening knowledge. For additional information, visit www.somervillegardenclub.org.
Tufts Administration Building, 167 Holland St., Somerville, MA 02144
Second floor, wheelchair accessible
Art Scarpa, Founder and current Vice President of the Cactus and Succulent Society of Mass. will present "Art's Traveling Cactus and Succulent Plant Show" at the July meeting of the Somerville Garden Club. Art will showcase dozens of cacti and succulents ranging from the rare and bizarre to the familiar and easy to grow. He will discuss growing succulents indoors and out, including hardy succulents, dish gardens, and container gardens that can be left outdoors. Art has spent many years volunteering with the Mass. Horticultural Society and in 2013 received a medal for excellence in growing succulents.
The Somerville Garden Club meets the second Wednesday of every month. All meetings are free and the public is invited to attend. Get to know the friendly local gardeners of the Somerville Garden Club and expand your gardening knowledge. For additional information, visit www.somervillegardenclub.org.
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.