Friday, May 09, 2014
The Somerville Arts Council and the Inside-OUT Gallery May exhibit:
HIVE- A collaborative installation by artist, Jodi Colella
hive [haiv] – n
1. a colony of social bees
2. a place showing signs of great industry
HIVE is a collaborative group project that explores the chemistry between people when they work together with hands busy and minds free. Aluminum screen chambers are stitched with steel wire and assembled into an organically growing matrix that is representative of the community effort and their time spent together. The material is nontraditional but suggestive of fabric. The wiring technique is simple enough for anyone to be able to participate. The result is a sculpture that grows according to the participants’ contributions of chambers that are as individual and unique as they are.
About Jodi Collela
Working with a broad range of materials, innovation and social engagement she creates sculptures in which design, science and tradition meet. With an interest in the stories behind traditional arts, she transforms crochet, screen, wax, felt, found objects and paint into sculptures that express the struggles of personal realities and sense of place – burgeoning growths of whimsy and threat.
Her recent interests have quite literally taken shape into new directions as she explores the interweaving of materiality, desire and personal identity. In the power of objects to feed fantasies, they simulate fulfillment and contrive nostalgia, often putting up a screen to the truth. With process, repetition and community, she makes entities out of materials, actions, or experiences into dimensional constructions of tactile media that speak a palpable truth.
Nature always wins.
For more information visit:
About the Inside-Out Gallery
Initiated in 2009, The Inside-Out Gallery is located in the CVS Window in Davis Square, a unique space that allows the public to view an eclectic array of works from artists and local organizations each month. The mission of the Somerville Arts Council is to cultivate and celebrate the creative expressions of the Somerville community. Through innovative collaborations and quality programming we work to make the arts an integral part of life reflective of our diverse city.
Heather Balchunas
Office Manager
Somerville Arts Council
617.625.6600 ext. 2985
HIVE- A collaborative installation by artist, Jodi Colella
hive [haiv] – n
1. a colony of social bees
2. a place showing signs of great industry
HIVE is a collaborative group project that explores the chemistry between people when they work together with hands busy and minds free. Aluminum screen chambers are stitched with steel wire and assembled into an organically growing matrix that is representative of the community effort and their time spent together. The material is nontraditional but suggestive of fabric. The wiring technique is simple enough for anyone to be able to participate. The result is a sculpture that grows according to the participants’ contributions of chambers that are as individual and unique as they are.
About Jodi Collela
Working with a broad range of materials, innovation and social engagement she creates sculptures in which design, science and tradition meet. With an interest in the stories behind traditional arts, she transforms crochet, screen, wax, felt, found objects and paint into sculptures that express the struggles of personal realities and sense of place – burgeoning growths of whimsy and threat.
Her recent interests have quite literally taken shape into new directions as she explores the interweaving of materiality, desire and personal identity. In the power of objects to feed fantasies, they simulate fulfillment and contrive nostalgia, often putting up a screen to the truth. With process, repetition and community, she makes entities out of materials, actions, or experiences into dimensional constructions of tactile media that speak a palpable truth.
Nature always wins.
For more information visit:
About the Inside-Out Gallery
Initiated in 2009, The Inside-Out Gallery is located in the CVS Window in Davis Square, a unique space that allows the public to view an eclectic array of works from artists and local organizations each month. The mission of the Somerville Arts Council is to cultivate and celebrate the creative expressions of the Somerville community. Through innovative collaborations and quality programming we work to make the arts an integral part of life reflective of our diverse city.
Heather Balchunas
Office Manager
Somerville Arts Council
617.625.6600 ext. 2985
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