Thursday, March 27, 2014
These events are FREE and open to the public. Children are welcome in the company of an adult.
You will receive information on parking when you register. Registration information is below.
Leap into Spring!
with Kid's Walks at Fresh Pond Reservation
Dates: Fridays, April 4 to June 6
Time: 10 to 11:30 am
Meeting Place: Maher Park, 650 Concord Ave.
Join CWD staff on ambles to discover the wildlife and sights of Fresh Pond! Possible exploits include puddle- jumping, nature crafts, insect safaris, and storytime. Please come ready for adventure with your grownup(s), your own drink and snack, and clothes that are OK to get a little dirty. We hope you can come play! Heavy rain, thunder, and/or extreme heat cancels.
For more information and parking directions, contact Kirsten at (617) 349-6489 /
Migratory Bird Walk #1
Date: Saturday, April 12
Time: 8:30 to 10:30 am
Meeting Place: Register for parking and meeting information
Among the migrating birds that are passing through at this time of year, we might see several species of waterfowl, as well as songbirds, including a variety of warblers. In addition, many of our summer residents will have returned: tree swallows, catbirds, phoebes, vireos, orioles, grackles and red-winged blackbirds. Beginners are welcome. We have binoculars to lend and will show you how to use them. Led by Nancy Guppy. To register and for important meeting and parking information, email Elizabeth at or call 617-349-6489 during business hours.
Earth Day Community Weed-out
The Great Garlic Mustard Muster!
Date: Tuesday, April 22
Time: 5:30 to 7:00 pm
Meeting Place: Meet at Maher Park (650 Concord Ave.), weeding at Black's Nook
Join our Community Weed-Out kick-off! We'll tackle insidious garlic mustard with shovels to free up our woodland floor for native groundcover species like wild violet. No experience necessary and all tools are provided! Long sleeves, pants and a water bottle are recommended. Latecomers are welcome; please find us at the Black's Nook bulletin board. Parking is available at the Maher Park lot. No need to register - just come!.
Migratory Bird Walk #2
Date: Saturday, April 26
Time: 8 to 10 am
Meeting Place: Register for parking and meeting information
Every bird walk is unique and an opportunity for surprises. That is part of the thrill of birding! We only can guess in advance what we might see and hear. At this time of year many of the birds are courting and claiming territories, so we will probably hear plenty of bird song. Beginners welcome, and we can lend you binoculars. Led by Nancy Guppy. To register and for important meeting and parking information, email Elizabeth Wylde at or call 617-349-6489 during business hours.
Cambridge Water(shed) Works
A Big-Picture Adventure in our Water Address
Date: Monday, April 28
Time: 6:00 to 7:30 pm
Meeting Place: Walter J. Sullivan Water Purification Facility
250 Fresh Pond Parkway
You may have had the chance to see our waterworks treatment process in action, but do you know how our watershed brings water to the treatment facility? What is a watershed and water address anyway? Join us for an interactive and hands-on workshop about where our water comes from and how watersheds work. This program is appropriate for ages 8 through adult. Come ready to experiment and get involved, and don't forget to register with Kirsten at or (617) 349-6489! Registration Required - Please register by NOON, Friday, April 25.
Please register for each event that you plan to attend:
You will receive directions and information on parking in response to your registration.
Follow registration directions included with each program description
To receive monthly email program announcements, send an email to
You will receive information on parking when you register. Registration information is below.
Leap into Spring!
with Kid's Walks at Fresh Pond Reservation
Dates: Fridays, April 4 to June 6
Time: 10 to 11:30 am
Meeting Place: Maher Park, 650 Concord Ave.
Join CWD staff on ambles to discover the wildlife and sights of Fresh Pond! Possible exploits include puddle- jumping, nature crafts, insect safaris, and storytime. Please come ready for adventure with your grownup(s), your own drink and snack, and clothes that are OK to get a little dirty. We hope you can come play! Heavy rain, thunder, and/or extreme heat cancels.
For more information and parking directions, contact Kirsten at (617) 349-6489 /
Migratory Bird Walk #1
Date: Saturday, April 12
Time: 8:30 to 10:30 am
Meeting Place: Register for parking and meeting information
Among the migrating birds that are passing through at this time of year, we might see several species of waterfowl, as well as songbirds, including a variety of warblers. In addition, many of our summer residents will have returned: tree swallows, catbirds, phoebes, vireos, orioles, grackles and red-winged blackbirds. Beginners are welcome. We have binoculars to lend and will show you how to use them. Led by Nancy Guppy. To register and for important meeting and parking information, email Elizabeth at or call 617-349-6489 during business hours.
Earth Day Community Weed-out
The Great Garlic Mustard Muster!
Date: Tuesday, April 22
Time: 5:30 to 7:00 pm
Meeting Place: Meet at Maher Park (650 Concord Ave.), weeding at Black's Nook
Join our Community Weed-Out kick-off! We'll tackle insidious garlic mustard with shovels to free up our woodland floor for native groundcover species like wild violet. No experience necessary and all tools are provided! Long sleeves, pants and a water bottle are recommended. Latecomers are welcome; please find us at the Black's Nook bulletin board. Parking is available at the Maher Park lot. No need to register - just come!.
Migratory Bird Walk #2
Date: Saturday, April 26
Time: 8 to 10 am
Meeting Place: Register for parking and meeting information
Every bird walk is unique and an opportunity for surprises. That is part of the thrill of birding! We only can guess in advance what we might see and hear. At this time of year many of the birds are courting and claiming territories, so we will probably hear plenty of bird song. Beginners welcome, and we can lend you binoculars. Led by Nancy Guppy. To register and for important meeting and parking information, email Elizabeth Wylde at or call 617-349-6489 during business hours.
Cambridge Water(shed) Works
A Big-Picture Adventure in our Water Address
Date: Monday, April 28
Time: 6:00 to 7:30 pm
Meeting Place: Walter J. Sullivan Water Purification Facility
250 Fresh Pond Parkway
You may have had the chance to see our waterworks treatment process in action, but do you know how our watershed brings water to the treatment facility? What is a watershed and water address anyway? Join us for an interactive and hands-on workshop about where our water comes from and how watersheds work. This program is appropriate for ages 8 through adult. Come ready to experiment and get involved, and don't forget to register with Kirsten at or (617) 349-6489! Registration Required - Please register by NOON, Friday, April 25.
Please register for each event that you plan to attend:
You will receive directions and information on parking in response to your registration.
Follow registration directions included with each program description
To receive monthly email program announcements, send an email to
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.