Thursday, January 23, 2014
This is East - Community Placemaking Project
Starting this month the two-year, "This is East," East Somerville Placemaking project is off and running. The project’s goal is to create a strong sense of place and further transform the East Somerville neighborhood into an important cultural destination in Somerville and Greater Boston.
Funded by the National Endowment for the Arts, “This is East” will celebrate who and what make East Somerville unique. This will be accomplished by capturing and sharing the stories and viewpoints of East Somerville residents, artisans and business owners. These will be shared in events, workshops and through public art (coming soon is our call for producers and artisans for our This is East Cultural Block Parties!)
One component of the project is to collect video stories.
We seek to find 10 voices that collectively tell the rich story of East Somerville. So, we are asking you to nominate people or nominate yourself. Keep in mind that we seek a broad range of folks -different ages, ethnicity and occupations.
These stories will create a valuable foundation for all components of this important community project. If you submit, thank you for your contribution.
Send an email to with “East Somerville’s Story” as the
header, provide the following info:
1. Name of the person you are nominating
2. Any contact information you have to reach them.
2. Your name, e-mail, and phone (if different from the person you are nominating).
3. A few sentences or a paragraph of why you think your / this person’s story will contribute to the mosaic of stories being put together to tell East Somerville’s broader story.
Deadline: February 12th
The “This is East” project is a collaboration of East Somerville Main Streets, the Somerville Arts Council, Somerville Community Corporation, Mudflat Studio, Somerville Community Access Television and other East Somerville Community Partners.
The project is funded with support from the National Endowment for the Arts’ Our Town Program.
Carrie Dancy
Executive Director
East Somerville Main Streets
114 Broadway - Suite 112
Somerville, MA 02145
617.623.3869 -
East Somerville Main Streets' mission is to improve the life of our community by building investment, connection and pride in our main street. Join us today, become a supporter!
Starting this month the two-year, "This is East," East Somerville Placemaking project is off and running. The project’s goal is to create a strong sense of place and further transform the East Somerville neighborhood into an important cultural destination in Somerville and Greater Boston.
Funded by the National Endowment for the Arts, “This is East” will celebrate who and what make East Somerville unique. This will be accomplished by capturing and sharing the stories and viewpoints of East Somerville residents, artisans and business owners. These will be shared in events, workshops and through public art (coming soon is our call for producers and artisans for our This is East Cultural Block Parties!)
One component of the project is to collect video stories.
We seek to find 10 voices that collectively tell the rich story of East Somerville. So, we are asking you to nominate people or nominate yourself. Keep in mind that we seek a broad range of folks -different ages, ethnicity and occupations.
These stories will create a valuable foundation for all components of this important community project. If you submit, thank you for your contribution.
Send an email to with “East Somerville’s Story” as the
header, provide the following info:
1. Name of the person you are nominating
2. Any contact information you have to reach them.
2. Your name, e-mail, and phone (if different from the person you are nominating).
3. A few sentences or a paragraph of why you think your / this person’s story will contribute to the mosaic of stories being put together to tell East Somerville’s broader story.
Deadline: February 12th
The “This is East” project is a collaboration of East Somerville Main Streets, the Somerville Arts Council, Somerville Community Corporation, Mudflat Studio, Somerville Community Access Television and other East Somerville Community Partners.
The project is funded with support from the National Endowment for the Arts’ Our Town Program.
Carrie Dancy
Executive Director
East Somerville Main Streets
114 Broadway - Suite 112
Somerville, MA 02145
617.623.3869 -
East Somerville Main Streets' mission is to improve the life of our community by building investment, connection and pride in our main street. Join us today, become a supporter!
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.