Friday, June 14, 2013
The Somerville Arts Council presents a Dancing in the Streets production with
Allegro Dance Collaborative
Performance Date and Time:
Sunday, June 16, 8:30 PM
Rain Date: June 17th
CVS/Magoun Plaza
532 Medford St.
Somerville, MA
"En Route" explores the parallels between the archetypal journey west, the constant migration and movement toward an end goal, toward gold, toward the coast, and the experience of building your life after graduating from college. Each of the dancers in this piece contributed their own stories of hardship, celebration, and determination to continue moving, even though sometimes it feels as though we are not making any ground. Inspiration was drawn from southwestern culture, folk and country music, as well as from the roots of our individual dance careers, informing much of our choreography and theatrical choices. After "En Route," Allegro Dance Collective will perform selected pieces from their repertoire.
Allegro Dance Collaborative was formed in Fall 2011 by six Brandeis University alumni living and working in the Boston area. Originally conceived as an outlet to enable each of us to dance on the weekends, Allegro Dance Collective has grown into an opportunity to create dance projects to supplement our professional work in other fields. Since its inception, Allegro Dance Collective has choreographed two original productions, including La Bella Pietra, performed at the Rose Art Museum during the 2012 Leonard Bernstein Festival of the Creative Arts (a project made possible by a generous grant from the Leonard Bernstein Festival of the Creative Arts), as well as "En Route," being performed this summer at SomDance (a performance made possible by the City of Somerville and Boston Dance Alliance).
Allegro Dance Collaborative dancers include: Courtney Choate, Julie Judson, Anna Kharaz, Sari Ladin, Beth Moguel, Carina Platner, Ariella Silverstein-Tapp, and Greg Storella.
For more information on the remaining productions in the series go here:
Allegro Dance Collaborative
Performance Date and Time:
Sunday, June 16, 8:30 PM
Rain Date: June 17th
CVS/Magoun Plaza
532 Medford St.
Somerville, MA
"En Route" explores the parallels between the archetypal journey west, the constant migration and movement toward an end goal, toward gold, toward the coast, and the experience of building your life after graduating from college. Each of the dancers in this piece contributed their own stories of hardship, celebration, and determination to continue moving, even though sometimes it feels as though we are not making any ground. Inspiration was drawn from southwestern culture, folk and country music, as well as from the roots of our individual dance careers, informing much of our choreography and theatrical choices. After "En Route," Allegro Dance Collective will perform selected pieces from their repertoire.
Allegro Dance Collaborative was formed in Fall 2011 by six Brandeis University alumni living and working in the Boston area. Originally conceived as an outlet to enable each of us to dance on the weekends, Allegro Dance Collective has grown into an opportunity to create dance projects to supplement our professional work in other fields. Since its inception, Allegro Dance Collective has choreographed two original productions, including La Bella Pietra, performed at the Rose Art Museum during the 2012 Leonard Bernstein Festival of the Creative Arts (a project made possible by a generous grant from the Leonard Bernstein Festival of the Creative Arts), as well as "En Route," being performed this summer at SomDance (a performance made possible by the City of Somerville and Boston Dance Alliance).
Allegro Dance Collaborative dancers include: Courtney Choate, Julie Judson, Anna Kharaz, Sari Ladin, Beth Moguel, Carina Platner, Ariella Silverstein-Tapp, and Greg Storella.
For more information on the remaining productions in the series go here:
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.