Friday, November 16, 2012
Rachel Strutt or Heather Balchunas at 617 625 6600 x2985
Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone and the Somerville Arts Council present...
the 16th Annual Illuminations Tour!
Date: Saturday, Dec. 15th, 2012
Snow date: Sun., Dec. 16th
Tours leave Somerville City Hall (93 Highland Ave.) at 4:30, 5:00, 5:45, 6:15, 7:00, 7:30, 8:15, 8:45, 9:15
About the Event; How to buy tickets
Tour guides lead trolleys past the city’s most spectacular displays of holiday pomp, sharing stories about the families that decorate and local historic trivia en route. Tours begin and end at Somerville City Hall, where refreshments are served. Entertainment at City Hall includes music by the Somerville Community Chorus and craft activities for children. Tickets go on sale on Tues, Nov. 27 at Blue Cloud Gallery, 713 Broadway in Ball Sq. Tickets are $10 for adults; $5 for children (12 & under) and seniors (65+). We are offering a bilingual bus, with guides speaking in English and Spanish. To buy tickets for the English/Spanish Tour, buy tickets for the 6:15 B trolley.Tickets go quickly so be sure to get them early. Proceeds go toward funding the public programs of the Somerville Arts Council.
West Somerville Tour
Our tours focus on East and Central Somerville, but we’ve discovered there are aslo some spectacular houses in West Somerville! For the second year, four trolley tours will take a special West Somerville route. To buy tickets for these tours, request seats on the 4:30D, 5:00D, 5:45D and 6:15D trolleys. All tourgoers receive Illuminations maps, which indicate spectacular houses city-wide. So you can take either tour (East/Central or West Somerville) and take a self-guided tour on your own time!
Where to Buy Tour Map, Book and Cards
If you can’t get a ticket or want to take a self-guided tour, buy a map for $3 at Blue Cloud Gallery and Magpie, beginning Mon., Dec. 17; or pick up a map the night of the event, at Somerville City Hall (Dec. 15th, 5-9pm). Also that night, buy the “Somerville: City of Lights” and Nibble books for $20 instead of $25. The City of Lights book is sold for $5 at the following stores in Somerville: Blue Cloud Gallery, 713 Broadway; Davis Squared, 409 Highland Ave.; Magpie, 416 Highland Ave. In Cambridge, go to Nomad, 1741 Mass Ave. Buy cards ($1.5 each or $10 for 8) at Blue Cloud Gallery; Davis Squared; Magpie; Mudflat Gallery, 36 White St, Cambridge. Check other locations on
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