Thursday, November 08, 2012
Opensound, a monthly concert series of improvised and experimental music
Next Concert: THIS Saturday, Nov 10 2012
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Harmonic Discordance
A drone infused graphic score for Tibetan singing bowls, overtone-tuned steel rods, & string harmonics.
Matt Samolis, singing bowls and steel rods
Randy Winchester, steel rods
Morgan Evans-Weiller, violin
Eve Boltax, viola
Simon Linn-Gerstein, cello
Jane Wang, contrabass
Tim Tsang, a.k.a. "Moogist"
Minimoog, Electronics
The Mimi Rabson Trio
Mimi Harris Rabson, 5 string violin
Alishah Raven, 5 string violin
Junko Fujiwara, cello
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Saturday, Nov 10, 2012
Third Life Studios
33 Union Square
Somerville, MA
(Almost at the heart of Union Square, on the segment of
Somerville Ave. coming into Union Square from Porter Square)
For directions and parking:
Doors open after 7:30. / music at around 8:00 p.m.
$8 admission
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.