Thursday, November 15, 2012
The Cambridge Poet Populist is an official position for a local poet, chosen by the people to represent poetry for the City of Cambridge. The Poet Populist will facilitate the creation and appreciation of poetry throughout the city for all residents of Cambridge. The Poet Populist will maintain a schedule of public appearances throughout his/her term in the position. All Cambridge residents are encouraged to nominate their choice of a Cambridge poet to lead the City in a celebration of poetry for a two-year term. The nomination deadline is Friday, January 11, 2013. Nomination forms and guidelines are available at poetpopulist
Several finalists will be selected from the pool of nominees in February 2013 by a panel of poets, literary professionals and community leaders appointed by the Cambridge Arts Council. Finalists will then participate in a series of public readings to accompany the public election process. Cambridge community members will vote on and elect the new Poet Populist during National Poetry Month in April 2013. Voting closes on April 8, 2013. For more information on the Poet Populist Program, please visit
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.