Wednesday, October 31, 2012
I'd like to invite you to a delicious way to support one of our unique community groups here in Somerville. The OPENAIR Circus has been teaching Somerville's youth various circus skills as a way to instill an appreciation for arts and community for over 25 years. We've kept our costs low (now $20/child or $30/family for a 6 week program that runs 9 hours per week) and the quality of our teachers high by relying on volunteers and the generosity of our community, but we need your help too. We're holding a fundraiser at Flatbread Pizza in Davis Sq. on Nov 8th from 5pm-11:30pm. During this time, any pizza purchased, for dine-in or take-out, will help us with our cause. For every small pizza purchased, Flatbread will donate $1.75, for every large, $3.50. We'll also hold a raffle and/or silent auction in the front hall and have fresh baked goods available for sale.
Please consider coming out and supporting one of Somerville's long-time great establishments by eating some great pizza.
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.