Tuesday, October 09, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 7-9 PM
167 Holland St., Somerville, MA
Second Floor, wheelchair accessible
Parking available; also a short walk from the Davis Square Redline T station
"Urban Chickens 101" is the topic for the October meeting of the Somerville Garden Club. Khrysti Smyth, Somerville resident and enthusiastic chicken owner, will present an overview of the basics of chicken ownership, followed by a question and answer session and an opportunity to meet some of her hens. Smyth has degrees in Wildlife and Fisheries Services, and Urban Ecology. Her company, Yardbirds Backyard Chickens, offers classes and children's programs, municipal zoning consultation, coop design, set-up and maintenance, and a chicken sitting service.
The Somerville Garden Club meets the second Wednesday of every month. There is no charge to attend meetings, and the public is always invited to attend. Each meeting includes club announcements, a horticultural roundtable discussion, a featured lecture or demonstration presented by an invited expert or club member, and concludes with a raffle of donated plants, books, and garden decor. For additional information, please visit: somervillegardenclub.org
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