Thursday, October 18, 2012
Dear Somerville Arts Council Supporters,
I normally write to you about our exciting programs or ways that you can help out the Council with your time or a contribution.
This note is a bit different. I want to invite you to an event that will link you to arts and cultural supporters from all across the Commonwealth.
Please join me at a special event to be held October 30th at 6:00 the Artisan’s Asylum in Somerville to help launch an exciting new organization here in the state – MASSCreative. Learn about them at their website
MASSCreative’s mission is to bring together and empower creative organizations and our audiences with a powerful voice to advocate for the resources and attention to build vibrant, creative, and connected communities. The Council is proud to be a supporter of MASSCreative and I want to personally invite you to the Artisan’s Asylum on October 30th to learn about MASSCreative and how you can engage in their exciting program.
At the event, you can hear about MASSCreative and its plan to bring more resources and attention to the creative community and arts education in the region. The event will also provide the opportunity for candidates and political leaders to publicly endorse the MASSCreative platform.
Please join me as we come together to kick off a new organization that will advocate for us and the entire creative community
The kickoff event in Somerville is also being sponsored by other local creative organizations, like Honk, Somerville Open Studios, Somerville Historic Commission, and Mudflat. Please look at the event page to learn more about our co-hosts.
Hope to see you on the 30th.
All the best, Greg
Gregory Jenkins
Executive Director
Somerville Arts Council
City of Somerville
Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.