Tuesday, August 07, 2012
Call for Entries: The BIG BAD - August 25, 2012
The Nave Gallery
October 6–28, 2012
Curated by Jenn Harrington
The most wicked adversaries of our imagination return again and again—Buffy the Vampire Slayer's The Master, Mayor Richard Wilkins III, Glory, The First; Dr. Who's the Daleks, the Cybermen, Bad Wolf; Harry Potter's He Who Must Not Be Named; and Battlestar Galactica's "all this has happened before, and all this will happen again." Never mind the classic agents of nightmares—the Devil, the Grim Reaper, the Undead, and untold more. And while our mayor may not ascend into an actual enormous snake, and our lovers do not usually turn to soulless vampires bent on destroying the world via demon-resurrection, and our best friend's eyes don't normally flick to black due to dark magic, there is some authenticity in those images.
In a land not so far away, where everything seems quite big and terribly bad, The Nave Gallery asks artists to submit work that mirrors their vision of The BIG BAD. Whether it be the repo man, banks, politicians, the ex, the evil step-parent, the monster in the closet, the tick-tock of a bad heart—we are looking for true representations of the foes that wreck our homes, our health, our families, our childhoods. The bump in the dark of night, the shadow lurking in the corner of your eye, those things that haunt us even if we've buried it four times over, The BIG BAD aspires to show that the real-world adversaries threatening our ruin are close companions to the phantoms locked in our imaginations.
Visual artists working in all 2-D and 3-D media (including video and installation) are invited to submit work.
Applicants must submit:
• Up to four (4) images of work relating to this theme submitted as jpeg files on a CD-Rom (300 dpi). An image list including title, dimension, media, and date for each work submitted. For digital submissions, please label each file (artistname)(title).jpg. All disks must be labeled with the artist’s name, title, dimension and medium
• One paragraph describing your interpretation of how your piece represents the theme of this show
• A current artist’s CV
• $15 entry fee payable to The Nave Gallery (NOT refundable)
• SASE with adequate postage for return of materials
Mail entries to: The Nave Gallery (Attn: Jenn Harrington), 155 Powderhouse Blvd., Somerville, MA 02144
August 25, 2012 Entries Due
September 1, 2012 Notification of Acceptance
September 26, 2012 Delivery of artwork
October 6–28, 2012 Exhibition will be on display
October 6, 2012 Opening Reception
November 3, 2012 Return of Artwork
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.