Friday, August 17, 2012
Call for Art - Salem Art Association's 6th Annual PEM Complement Show
"Off the Top of Your Head"
September 8- September 30, 2012
Carriage Barn of the Andrew‐Safford House
Washington Square, Salem, MA (across from Hawthorne Hotel)
Paula B. Richter, Curator for Exhibitions and Research, will jury the show.
Artwork drop off Sunday, September 2, 4pm-6pm and Tuesday, September 4, 4pm-7pm at the Carriage Barn
Download the details and forms from the "Calls for Art" page of our website
There is no entry fee for active members of Salem Art Association.
To become a member of Salem Arts Association and see other benefits of membership, please visit our website.
Salem Arts Association
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.