Tuesday, July 17, 2012
October 5 through 8, 2012
a wide variety of events planned in Somerville, Cambridge, & Boston
(Somerville, Cambridge & Boston, MA) With already over 30 activist street bands coming from near and far, the seventh annual HONK! Festival (www.honkfest.org) may prove to be the most outrageous urban gathering yet! This election year’s HONK! will be held from October 5 through October 8 (encompassing Columbus Day Weekend), just in time to playfully kick some butt while seriously attempting to inspire action in a world that yearns for change.
The preliminary HONK! schedule, which will be finalized in early September, can be found at www.honkfest.org/schedule/. Many outdoor and indoor concerts (mostly free) will be held throughout Somerville, Cambridge, and Boston, along with one very large and several mini parades, and a symposium for those who crave some sit-down in-depth discussion about the HONK! phenomena -- instigated in 2006 in Davis Square Somerville and now sweeping the nation (annual HONKs now in Austin, Seattle, Brooklyn, Providence) -- and its impact on the social-political landscape.
The current roster of this year’s HONK! bands is located specifically at www.honkfest.org/bands-2012/. They hail from as far away as Italy, New Orleans, and Vancouver, to as near as Somerville and Jamaica Plain! Up-to-date information on bands and their HONK! performance schedules will be posted on www.honkfest.org, twitter.com/honkfest/, www.facebook.com/honkfestival, and by calling 617-383-HONK (4665).
As of this writing, a few summer activities are also in place, for anyone who would like to get an early jump on the HONK! bandwagon:
HONK! Kickstarter campaign: details can be found at www.honkfest.org/kickstarter. The goal this year is to reach $12,000 by mid-August. Last year, HONK! far exceeded a similar fundraising campaign. Individuals can donate and subscribe to receive notices by going through the HONK! website.
HONK! Parade planning: the first meeting is to be held on Thurs., July 26, 7-9 pm, at Sprout & Co., 339R Summer St. near Davis Square, Somerville (www.thesprouts.org). Join with other community groups and individuals for a meeting to brainstorm about different ways to make visually stunning and evocative street parades during the HONK! Festival; including a new evening lantern parade in Davis Square neighborhoods, and the Sunday “Reclaim the Streets for Horns, Bikes, and Feet” Parade from Davis Square to Harvard Square, featuring 30 street bands and 31 community groups. If interested, contact parade@honkfest.org.
HONK! T-shirt design: a call is going out to all those who have an artistic desire to design this year’s HONK! T-shirt. The deadline for submissions is August 15. Send queries and original design submissions to art@honkfest.org.
For more background information on HONK! and its origins, visit www.honkfest.org/about/.
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.