Tuesday, July 17, 2012
SomerStreets series:
Sunday, July 29th (The Armory on Highland Ave)
Sunday, August 19th (Rt.16)
Sunday, September 9th (Shore Drive)
Sunday, Oct. 28th (Somerville Ave)
Noon-4:00 pm
(Rain or Shine Event)
The City is looking for musicians, performance artists, dancers, visual artists, storytellers and all creative people to participate in SomerStreets, one of the area’s largest public events where we close the streets to cars and open them to residents.
Monday prior to event
How to Apply: By Email:
If you can share support material (music samples, video clips, press clippings) via your website or MySpace, please apply by email.
Send an email to ccampbell@somervillema.gov with “SomerStreets call for talent” as the header.
Provide the following info:
Name of artist or group
SomerStreets you’d like to participate in
3. Contact info: contact person, e-mail and snail mail, phone, fax and website (if applicable)
4. Brief description of performance
5. Technical requirements (beyond typical stage, sound)
6. Number of artists/performers
7. Fee requested and length of performance time
8. Somerville affiliation (if any)
9. Web site or MySpace url.
By mail: Please send information (answer questions 1-9 above) on a single piece of paper
Mail or drop off forms: SomerStreets
Attn: Carlene Campbell
93 Highland Ave
Somerville, MA 02143
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.