Sunday, July 22, 2012
Call for Vendors and Artists
SomerStreets series:
Sunday, July 29th (The Armory on Highland Ave)
Sunday, August 19th (Rt.16)
Sunday, September 9th (Shore Drive)
Sunday, Oct. 28th (Somerville Ave)
Noon-4:00 pm
(Rain or Shine Event)
The City is looking for vendors a to participate in SomerStreets, one of the area’s largest public events where we close the streets to cars and open them to residents.
Monday prior to event
Send an e-mail to with “SomerStreets call for craft vendors” as the header.
Provide the following info:
Name of artist or company
The SomerStreets event(s) you are interested in
3. Contact info: contact person, e-mail and snail mail, phone, fax and website (if applicable)
4. Brief description and 3-5 low resolution jpgs of items to be sold (if applicable)
5. Somerville affiliation (if any)
6. Web site or MySpace url.
Each participant will have a 10 X 10 space at the event and will be located within hubs of
activity on various city streets and plazas. The cost to participate in the event is $20.00 or for
$30.00 if you would like a 6’ table and 2 chairs.
Please make checks out to the City Somerville and write SomerStreets and the date(s) of events in the “For” line.
Mail or drop off forms: SomerStreets
Attn: Carlene Campbell-Hegarty, Communications
City of Somerville
93 Highland Ave
Somerville, MA 02143
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.