Sunday, March 04, 2012
These events are FREE and open to the public. Children are welcome in the company of an adult.
Sunday, March 4
2 to 5 pm
Maynard Ecology Center, basement of Neville Place
650 Concord Avenue
Take a walk with naturalists Larry Millman, Tom Murray, Julie Lisk, and Elizabeth Wylde as we explore the Reservation, searching for fungi, insects, plants, birds, and anything else that shows signs of life in these waning days of winter. There is a lot happening in, on, and above ground! We may even find some species that are new to our Reservation species lists. Dress for the weather and wear boots for walking off-path.
Wednesday, March 7
7 to 8:30 pm
Cambridge Public Library
449 Broadway
Invasive plants can cause catastrophic habitat loss and pose an imminent threat to the rare plants and botanical heritage of our Commonwealth. Managing these species can be costly, complicated, and overwhelming. The most effective strategies are always the result of a clear and organized plan, whether for 400 square feet or 40 acres. Join us for this interactive presentation, exploring why and how to tackle this challenge, with Seth Wilkinson, a widely respected expert in ecological restoration and founder of Wilkinson Ecological Design. This free program is offered by Grow Native Massachusetts with support from Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation.
What the eBird Database Can Tell Us about Fresh Pond’s Birds
Sunday, March 11
1 to 3 pm
Maynard Ecology Center, basement of Neville Place
650 Concord Avenue
In 2002 the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society created eBird, a nationwide online database for birders. Since then, the collected reports of thousands of birders have made available an enormous amount of data about bird diversity, abundance, and distribution. FFPR member Andrew Hrycyna has perused the data for Fresh Pond and beyond and made some fascinating observations that he will share with us. He will also tell us about his interest in using eBird to give a fuller portrait of Fresh Pond’s birds, including those around the restored wetland at Black’s Nook. This talk is a must for birders and for anyone who is interested in the power of citizen-science databases.
Sunday, March 18
1 to 3 pm
Maynard Ecology Center, basement of Neville Place
650 Concord Avenue
Cambridge City Engineer Owen O’Riordan will describe for us the relationship between the Alewife and Fresh Pond Reservation watersheds, show us plans for the storm water detention basin project being built at Alewife Reservation, and explain how the finished project will affect Fresh Pond Reservation and the nearby neighborhoods. There will be time for questions and discussion, as well as refreshments, after his talk. Please register.
Saturday, March 24
8:30 to 10:30 am
Street end of Neville Place driveway
650 Concord Avenue
Spring is here! The earliest migrating birds are beginning to return from the south, and, for some of them, the Reservation is their destination. These new arrivals, as well as year-round residents, will soon be busy building nests and defending territories. We may also see a variety of migrating waterfowl on the ponds. Beginners are welcome! We have binoculars to lend and will show you how to use them.
Sundays: March 25, April 29, and May 27
1 to 3:30 pm
Location given on registration
This series of three workshops is designed for adults to examine their ideas and questions about urban ecology in the spring season. We’ll work to develop a new understanding of our environment through activities, observation, journaling, and sharing with group members. In this participant-driven series, all that’s required is an ability to attend ALL three sessions and a willingness to do some exploring and thinking on your own between sessions. Limited to 12. To register, contact Chief Ranger Jean Rogers at
Saturday, March 31
2 to 4 pm
Maynard Ecology Center, basement of Neville Place
650 Concord Avenue
From the top of a sheer cliff to the woods at night without a flashlight, storyteller Bruce Marcus revels in the great outdoors and loves to tell about it! In rhyme and out, Bruce will entertain you with his energetic and engaging takes on personal mishaps, outdoor epiphanies and humorous “made-up stuff.” A firm believer that we all have tales to tell, Bruce will also lead participants in fun, easy exercises where they can share their best wildlife encounters, camping disasters, and other memorable outdoor experiences. Don’t miss what promises to be a lively, worthwhile, and interactive evening of outdoor tales! Appropriate for adults and children ages 8 and older.
Please register for each event that you plan to attend. You will receive directions and information on parking when you register. E-mail Elizabeth Wylde at or call 617-349-6489 and leave your name and phone number.
*** This winter and spring Grow Native Massachusetts is offering a series of free nature-related lectures at the Cambridge Public Library, 449 Broadway. The details are at
These events are FREE and open to the public. Children are welcome in the company of an adult.
Sunday, March 4
2 to 5 pm
Maynard Ecology Center, basement of Neville Place
650 Concord Avenue
Take a walk with naturalists Larry Millman, Tom Murray, Julie Lisk, and Elizabeth Wylde as we explore the Reservation, searching for fungi, insects, plants, birds, and anything else that shows signs of life in these waning days of winter. There is a lot happening in, on, and above ground! We may even find some species that are new to our Reservation species lists. Dress for the weather and wear boots for walking off-path.
Wednesday, March 7
7 to 8:30 pm
Cambridge Public Library
449 Broadway
Invasive plants can cause catastrophic habitat loss and pose an imminent threat to the rare plants and botanical heritage of our Commonwealth. Managing these species can be costly, complicated, and overwhelming. The most effective strategies are always the result of a clear and organized plan, whether for 400 square feet or 40 acres. Join us for this interactive presentation, exploring why and how to tackle this challenge, with Seth Wilkinson, a widely respected expert in ecological restoration and founder of Wilkinson Ecological Design. This free program is offered by Grow Native Massachusetts with support from Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation.
What the eBird Database Can Tell Us about Fresh Pond’s Birds
Sunday, March 11
1 to 3 pm
Maynard Ecology Center, basement of Neville Place
650 Concord Avenue
In 2002 the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society created eBird, a nationwide online database for birders. Since then, the collected reports of thousands of birders have made available an enormous amount of data about bird diversity, abundance, and distribution. FFPR member Andrew Hrycyna has perused the data for Fresh Pond and beyond and made some fascinating observations that he will share with us. He will also tell us about his interest in using eBird to give a fuller portrait of Fresh Pond’s birds, including those around the restored wetland at Black’s Nook. This talk is a must for birders and for anyone who is interested in the power of citizen-science databases.
Sunday, March 18
1 to 3 pm
Maynard Ecology Center, basement of Neville Place
650 Concord Avenue
Cambridge City Engineer Owen O’Riordan will describe for us the relationship between the Alewife and Fresh Pond Reservation watersheds, show us plans for the storm water detention basin project being built at Alewife Reservation, and explain how the finished project will affect Fresh Pond Reservation and the nearby neighborhoods. There will be time for questions and discussion, as well as refreshments, after his talk. Please register.
Saturday, March 24
8:30 to 10:30 am
Street end of Neville Place driveway
650 Concord Avenue
Spring is here! The earliest migrating birds are beginning to return from the south, and, for some of them, the Reservation is their destination. These new arrivals, as well as year-round residents, will soon be busy building nests and defending territories. We may also see a variety of migrating waterfowl on the ponds. Beginners are welcome! We have binoculars to lend and will show you how to use them.
Sundays: March 25, April 29, and May 27
1 to 3:30 pm
Location given on registration
This series of three workshops is designed for adults to examine their ideas and questions about urban ecology in the spring season. We’ll work to develop a new understanding of our environment through activities, observation, journaling, and sharing with group members. In this participant-driven series, all that’s required is an ability to attend ALL three sessions and a willingness to do some exploring and thinking on your own between sessions. Limited to 12. To register, contact Chief Ranger Jean Rogers at
Saturday, March 31
2 to 4 pm
Maynard Ecology Center, basement of Neville Place
650 Concord Avenue
From the top of a sheer cliff to the woods at night without a flashlight, storyteller Bruce Marcus revels in the great outdoors and loves to tell about it! In rhyme and out, Bruce will entertain you with his energetic and engaging takes on personal mishaps, outdoor epiphanies and humorous “made-up stuff.” A firm believer that we all have tales to tell, Bruce will also lead participants in fun, easy exercises where they can share their best wildlife encounters, camping disasters, and other memorable outdoor experiences. Don’t miss what promises to be a lively, worthwhile, and interactive evening of outdoor tales! Appropriate for adults and children ages 8 and older.
Please register for each event that you plan to attend. You will receive directions and information on parking when you register. E-mail Elizabeth Wylde at or call 617-349-6489 and leave your name and phone number.
*** This winter and spring Grow Native Massachusetts is offering a series of free nature-related lectures at the Cambridge Public Library, 449 Broadway. The details are at
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