Friday, April 08, 2011
MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology Public Programs / April 2011
TalkDraw MIT (Graduate Student Event)
Edwina Portocarrero (MIT Media Lab)
David Robert (MIT Media Lab)
David Lakatos (MIT Media Lab)
Elizabeth Watkins (ASAP L.A., SMVisS Graduate Candidate 2012)
ACT Venus Lab, E14-140 / 6–8:30 PM
Organized by Tomashi Jackson (SMVisS Graduate Candidate 2012)
TalkDraw MIT (Graduate Student Event)
Awesome New Republic (Miami Indie Rock Band, Video Artists)
Yu-Pu Wang (MIT Chemistry Department, YouTube Music Video Artist)
Ben Houge (Sound Artist, Composer)
ACT Venus Lab, E14-140 / 6–8:30 PM
Organized by Tomashi Jackson (SMVisS Graduate Candidate 2012)
Archive Agendas: Discursive Platforms in Art and Architecture
Panel discussion with:
Sean Dockray (artist and a founding director of Telic Arts Exchange)
Ana Miljacki (Assistant Professor of Architecture, MIT)
Antoni Muntadas (Professor of Practice, ACT)
Rogers Building, Room 7-431/ 6:30 PM
Organized by History, Theory and Criticism of Art and Architecture, MIT
FAST Future Forum on the Arts
Session 1: New Performance/New Media
Introduction with LEILA KINNEY (Director of Arts Initiatives at MIT)
JOAN JONAS (Professor of Visual Arts, Emerita, ACT)
Interviewed by UTE META BAUER (Associate Professor and Head, ACT)
MIT Media Lab Complex, E14, 6th Floor / 10–11 AM
Followed by:
AZRA AKSAMIJA (former CAVS affiliate, PhD candidate, HTC)
OLIVER LUTZ (SMVisS 2006, Lecturer, ACT)
DIETMAR OFFENHUBER (Ph.D. Candidate, Urban Studies and Planning, G)
Moderated by:
REBECCA UCHILL (Ph.D. Candidate, Program in HTC)
MIT Media Lab Complex, E14, 6th Floor / 11–12 AM
Part of the MIT FAST Festival.
For the full program, go to:
Francisco Lopez: Artist Talk and Concert
FRANCISCO LOPEZ is a sound artist whose work crosses the boundaries of experimental and industrial sounds.
The Viller's Cube, E15-001 / 8–10 PM
Organized and co-sponsored by Non-Event, ACT, The Sensory Ethnography Lab, and the Film Study Center at Harvard University. Funded in part by a grant from the Council of the Arts at MIT.
Magazines and Their Role in Architecture
and Artistic Research Practice I
Keynote: BEATRIZ COLOMINA (founding editor of Assemblage and curator of Clip/Stamp/Fold: The Radical Architecture of Little Magazines 196X-197X; Professor of Architecture and Founding Director of the Program in Media and Modernity at Princeton University)
UTE META BAUER (founding editor of Meta, Case and Verkstedt, and Associate Professor and Head, ACT)
DAN GRAHAM (artist)
Moderated by:
Ana Miljacki (Assistant Professor of Architecture, MIT)
Bartos Theater, E15-070 / 9:30–11:30 AM
Organized and co-sponsored by ACT and the Department of Architecture + MIT 150, with additional funding from Siemens Stiftung.
Magazines and Their Role in Architecture
and Artistic Research Practice II
JORGE OTERO-PAILOS (founding editor of Future Anterior Journal; MIT PhD at HTC)
MICHAEL SCHWAB (editor-in-chief of JAR – Journal of Artistic Research)
PELIN TAN (co-founder of Muhtelif, ACT Fellow)
Moderated by:
Bartos Theater, E15-070 / 2:30–4 PM
Organized and co-sponsored by ACT and the Department of Architecture + MIT 150, with additional funding from Siemens Stiftung.
Pecha Kucha: Architectural Installations as Practice and Genre
ANTON GARCIA (Visiting Scholar, Center for Transportation and Logistics, MIT) with
NADER TEHRANI (Department Head and Professor, Department of Architecture, MIT)
LIAM O'BRIEN (Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, MIT)
SHEILA KENNEDY (Professor of the Practice, Department of Architecture, MIT)
JOEL LAMERE (Lecturer, Department of Architecture, MIT)
MEEJIN YOON (Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, MIT)
GEDIMINAS URBONAS (Associate Professor of Visual Arts, ACT)
NICK GELPI (Lecturer, MIT Department of Architecture)
SKYLAR TIBBITS (Lecturer, Department of Architecture, MIT)
Rogers Building, Room 7-431/ 7–8 PM
Organized and co-sponsored by the Department of Architecture + MIT 150
RECORD > AGAIN! 40 Years Video Art in Germany, Part 2 (Symposium)
Judith Barry (Director of the MFA Program, AIB)
Ute Meta Bauer (Associate Professor and Head, ACT)
Joe Ketner (The Henry and Lois Foster Chair in Contemporary Art, Distinguished Curator-in-Residence, Emerson College)
Gregory Williams (Adjunct Professor, Chair of the Executive Board,
Boston University British Programmes)
Goethe-Institut Boston, 170 Beacon Street, Boston / 5–9 PM
Presentation of videos followed by a panel discussion.
40 Years Video Art in Germany, Part 2 includes numerous discoveries which, for the most part, have no longer been available for viewing for decades. Many of the videos had to undergo elaborate restoration before they could be played at all. The project, supported by the German Federal Cultural Foundation, aims to save, maintain, and mediate the cultural heritage of Video Art, which has become one the most influential art forms of the twentieth century. Presented in cooperation with the Boston Cyberarts Festival.
AR – Artistic Research
MIT Media Lab Complex, E14
November 17, 2010 – May 12, 2011
Monday – Friday, 9 AM –5 PM
AR – Artistic Research is a one-year collaboration between the MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology and the Munich-based Siemens Stiftung. AR – Artistic Research is co-curated by Ute Meta Bauer, Associate Professor and Head of the MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology; and Thomas D. Trummer, Curator of Visual Arts, Siemens Stiftung.
AR – Artistic Research explores artistic methodologies and forms of inquiry at the intersection of art, science and technology, and unfolds in multiple formats during the academic year 2010-2011. It includes a series of displays at MIT’s recently inaugurated Media Lab Complex, that feature projects by artists who focus on the intersection of art and science in connection with ongoing research by faculty and fellows of MIT’s Program in Art, Culture and Technology (ACT).
AR – Artistic Research juxtaposes documentation of works by Hungarian artist Attila Csörgö and rarely-exhibited photograms and polaroids by MIT Professor György Kepes (1906-2001), who founded the MIT Center for Advanced Visual Studies (CAVS) in 1967. Jae Rhim Lee’s installation is part of her larger artistic and scientific inquiry Infinity Burial Project. The project by Argentina-based artists Guillermo Faivovich & Nicolás Goldberg researches the cultural impact of the Campo del Cielo meteorites.
Urbonas Studio:
The Learning Machine
The Wolk Gallery, 7-338
February 19, 2011 – April 8, 2011
Monday – Friday, 9 AM –5 PM
The Learning Machine explores the symbolic relationship between women and the state, taking women’s voices as expressions of the psychological impact of the Cold War on multiple generations
Developed for a post-Soviet context, the project studies the cinematic construction of the feminine ‘victim’ identity, and its inscription onto the lives of individual women and entire nations alike. Drawing on psychiatry, the Learning Machine reveals the particular construction and articulation of women’s voices in popular culture, and develops its own archival strategies in order to narrate experiences and attitudes that differ radically from media portrayals. The Learning Machine ultimately disrupts the familiar symbolic deadlock of victimization, creating new conditions for women’s voices today.
Urbonas Studio’s interdisciplinary research program advocates for the reclamation of public culture in the face of overwhelming privatization. Often beginning with archival research, they develop complex participatory works investigating architecture, the urban environment, and cultural and technological heritage.
Unless otherwise noted, all the events above take place on MIT campus.
Click here for a map of the MIT campus.
MIT's Bartos Theater and the Viller's Cube are located on the Lower Level of the Wiesner Building (E15) at 20 Ames Street, Building, Cambridge, in close proximity to Kendall Square.
By Public Transportation
Take the MBTA red line to the Kendall/ MIT stop, follow Main Street west to Ames Street, turn left, walk the distance of about one block to the crosswalk and the Wiesner Building (E15) is on your left.
For additional information, please contact Laura Anca Chichisan Pallone at or 617–253–4415.
TalkDraw MIT (Graduate Student Event)
Edwina Portocarrero (MIT Media Lab)
David Robert (MIT Media Lab)
David Lakatos (MIT Media Lab)
Elizabeth Watkins (ASAP L.A., SMVisS Graduate Candidate 2012)
ACT Venus Lab, E14-140 / 6–8:30 PM
Organized by Tomashi Jackson (SMVisS Graduate Candidate 2012)
TalkDraw MIT (Graduate Student Event)
Awesome New Republic (Miami Indie Rock Band, Video Artists)
Yu-Pu Wang (MIT Chemistry Department, YouTube Music Video Artist)
Ben Houge (Sound Artist, Composer)
ACT Venus Lab, E14-140 / 6–8:30 PM
Organized by Tomashi Jackson (SMVisS Graduate Candidate 2012)
Archive Agendas: Discursive Platforms in Art and Architecture
Panel discussion with:
Sean Dockray (artist and a founding director of Telic Arts Exchange)
Ana Miljacki (Assistant Professor of Architecture, MIT)
Antoni Muntadas (Professor of Practice, ACT)
Rogers Building, Room 7-431/ 6:30 PM
Organized by History, Theory and Criticism of Art and Architecture, MIT
FAST Future Forum on the Arts
Session 1: New Performance/New Media
Introduction with LEILA KINNEY (Director of Arts Initiatives at MIT)
JOAN JONAS (Professor of Visual Arts, Emerita, ACT)
Interviewed by UTE META BAUER (Associate Professor and Head, ACT)
MIT Media Lab Complex, E14, 6th Floor / 10–11 AM
Followed by:
AZRA AKSAMIJA (former CAVS affiliate, PhD candidate, HTC)
OLIVER LUTZ (SMVisS 2006, Lecturer, ACT)
DIETMAR OFFENHUBER (Ph.D. Candidate, Urban Studies and Planning, G)
Moderated by:
REBECCA UCHILL (Ph.D. Candidate, Program in HTC)
MIT Media Lab Complex, E14, 6th Floor / 11–12 AM
Part of the MIT FAST Festival.
For the full program, go to:
Francisco Lopez: Artist Talk and Concert
FRANCISCO LOPEZ is a sound artist whose work crosses the boundaries of experimental and industrial sounds.
The Viller's Cube, E15-001 / 8–10 PM
Organized and co-sponsored by Non-Event, ACT, The Sensory Ethnography Lab, and the Film Study Center at Harvard University. Funded in part by a grant from the Council of the Arts at MIT.
Magazines and Their Role in Architecture
and Artistic Research Practice I
Keynote: BEATRIZ COLOMINA (founding editor of Assemblage and curator of Clip/Stamp/Fold: The Radical Architecture of Little Magazines 196X-197X; Professor of Architecture and Founding Director of the Program in Media and Modernity at Princeton University)
UTE META BAUER (founding editor of Meta, Case and Verkstedt, and Associate Professor and Head, ACT)
DAN GRAHAM (artist)
Moderated by:
Ana Miljacki (Assistant Professor of Architecture, MIT)
Bartos Theater, E15-070 / 9:30–11:30 AM
Organized and co-sponsored by ACT and the Department of Architecture + MIT 150, with additional funding from Siemens Stiftung.
Magazines and Their Role in Architecture
and Artistic Research Practice II
JORGE OTERO-PAILOS (founding editor of Future Anterior Journal; MIT PhD at HTC)
MICHAEL SCHWAB (editor-in-chief of JAR – Journal of Artistic Research)
PELIN TAN (co-founder of Muhtelif, ACT Fellow)
Moderated by:
Bartos Theater, E15-070 / 2:30–4 PM
Organized and co-sponsored by ACT and the Department of Architecture + MIT 150, with additional funding from Siemens Stiftung.
Pecha Kucha: Architectural Installations as Practice and Genre
ANTON GARCIA (Visiting Scholar, Center for Transportation and Logistics, MIT) with
NADER TEHRANI (Department Head and Professor, Department of Architecture, MIT)
LIAM O'BRIEN (Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, MIT)
SHEILA KENNEDY (Professor of the Practice, Department of Architecture, MIT)
JOEL LAMERE (Lecturer, Department of Architecture, MIT)
MEEJIN YOON (Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, MIT)
GEDIMINAS URBONAS (Associate Professor of Visual Arts, ACT)
NICK GELPI (Lecturer, MIT Department of Architecture)
SKYLAR TIBBITS (Lecturer, Department of Architecture, MIT)
Rogers Building, Room 7-431/ 7–8 PM
Organized and co-sponsored by the Department of Architecture + MIT 150
RECORD > AGAIN! 40 Years Video Art in Germany, Part 2 (Symposium)
Judith Barry (Director of the MFA Program, AIB)
Ute Meta Bauer (Associate Professor and Head, ACT)
Joe Ketner (The Henry and Lois Foster Chair in Contemporary Art, Distinguished Curator-in-Residence, Emerson College)
Gregory Williams (Adjunct Professor, Chair of the Executive Board,
Boston University British Programmes)
Goethe-Institut Boston, 170 Beacon Street, Boston / 5–9 PM
Presentation of videos followed by a panel discussion.
40 Years Video Art in Germany, Part 2 includes numerous discoveries which, for the most part, have no longer been available for viewing for decades. Many of the videos had to undergo elaborate restoration before they could be played at all. The project, supported by the German Federal Cultural Foundation, aims to save, maintain, and mediate the cultural heritage of Video Art, which has become one the most influential art forms of the twentieth century. Presented in cooperation with the Boston Cyberarts Festival.
AR – Artistic Research
MIT Media Lab Complex, E14
November 17, 2010 – May 12, 2011
Monday – Friday, 9 AM –5 PM
AR – Artistic Research is a one-year collaboration between the MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology and the Munich-based Siemens Stiftung. AR – Artistic Research is co-curated by Ute Meta Bauer, Associate Professor and Head of the MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology; and Thomas D. Trummer, Curator of Visual Arts, Siemens Stiftung.
AR – Artistic Research explores artistic methodologies and forms of inquiry at the intersection of art, science and technology, and unfolds in multiple formats during the academic year 2010-2011. It includes a series of displays at MIT’s recently inaugurated Media Lab Complex, that feature projects by artists who focus on the intersection of art and science in connection with ongoing research by faculty and fellows of MIT’s Program in Art, Culture and Technology (ACT).
AR – Artistic Research juxtaposes documentation of works by Hungarian artist Attila Csörgö and rarely-exhibited photograms and polaroids by MIT Professor György Kepes (1906-2001), who founded the MIT Center for Advanced Visual Studies (CAVS) in 1967. Jae Rhim Lee’s installation is part of her larger artistic and scientific inquiry Infinity Burial Project. The project by Argentina-based artists Guillermo Faivovich & Nicolás Goldberg researches the cultural impact of the Campo del Cielo meteorites.
Urbonas Studio:
The Learning Machine
The Wolk Gallery, 7-338
February 19, 2011 – April 8, 2011
Monday – Friday, 9 AM –5 PM
The Learning Machine explores the symbolic relationship between women and the state, taking women’s voices as expressions of the psychological impact of the Cold War on multiple generations
Developed for a post-Soviet context, the project studies the cinematic construction of the feminine ‘victim’ identity, and its inscription onto the lives of individual women and entire nations alike. Drawing on psychiatry, the Learning Machine reveals the particular construction and articulation of women’s voices in popular culture, and develops its own archival strategies in order to narrate experiences and attitudes that differ radically from media portrayals. The Learning Machine ultimately disrupts the familiar symbolic deadlock of victimization, creating new conditions for women’s voices today.
Urbonas Studio’s interdisciplinary research program advocates for the reclamation of public culture in the face of overwhelming privatization. Often beginning with archival research, they develop complex participatory works investigating architecture, the urban environment, and cultural and technological heritage.
Unless otherwise noted, all the events above take place on MIT campus.
Click here for a map of the MIT campus.
MIT's Bartos Theater and the Viller's Cube are located on the Lower Level of the Wiesner Building (E15) at 20 Ames Street, Building, Cambridge, in close proximity to Kendall Square.
By Public Transportation
Take the MBTA red line to the Kendall/ MIT stop, follow Main Street west to Ames Street, turn left, walk the distance of about one block to the crosswalk and the Wiesner Building (E15) is on your left.
For additional information, please contact Laura Anca Chichisan Pallone at or 617–253–4415.
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.