Thursday, January 06, 2011
Forbes Graham, cornet solo
Andrew Neumann, Solo Caveman Synthesis: electronics etc.
Morgan Evans-Weiler, solo violin and accessories
Bodydrama, a performance of “Puncture”
Joe Burgio, movement/dance
Rachel Rosner, movement/dance
Betty Wang, movement/dance
Lou Cohen, wii-mote and laptop
Matt Samolis, flute
Walter Wright, synths
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Third Life Studios
33 Union Square
Somerville, MA
(Almost at the heart of Union Square, on the segment of
Somerville Ave. coming into Union Square from Porter Square)
For directions and parking:
Do not use Mapquest!
Doors open at 7:30. / music at 8:00 p.m.
OpenSound is a monthly concert series that explores improvised music, bringing artists from disparate
backgrounds together for unique events in Somerville MA. The process of improvisation combines the distinctive
voices of its individual performers. The music that results is often surprising, beautiful, ugly, and dynamic. It
is not uncommon to hear music made of electronic crackles, noisy multi-phonics, gurgling, hissing, quiet vocalized
gibberish, atonal noodling, bowed metal, blowing sounds, post-everything harmony, and a thousand shades
of hullabaloo.
You may also see video and dance cohabitating with buzzes, clicks, drones, wooshes, and bleeps in a bizarre
galaxy of pitch and spectra!
Andrew Neumann, Solo Caveman Synthesis: electronics etc.
Morgan Evans-Weiler, solo violin and accessories
Bodydrama, a performance of “Puncture”
Joe Burgio, movement/dance
Rachel Rosner, movement/dance
Betty Wang, movement/dance
Lou Cohen, wii-mote and laptop
Matt Samolis, flute
Walter Wright, synths
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Third Life Studios
33 Union Square
Somerville, MA
(Almost at the heart of Union Square, on the segment of
Somerville Ave. coming into Union Square from Porter Square)
For directions and parking:
Do not use Mapquest!
Doors open at 7:30. / music at 8:00 p.m.
OpenSound is a monthly concert series that explores improvised music, bringing artists from disparate
backgrounds together for unique events in Somerville MA. The process of improvisation combines the distinctive
voices of its individual performers. The music that results is often surprising, beautiful, ugly, and dynamic. It
is not uncommon to hear music made of electronic crackles, noisy multi-phonics, gurgling, hissing, quiet vocalized
gibberish, atonal noodling, bowed metal, blowing sounds, post-everything harmony, and a thousand shades
of hullabaloo.
You may also see video and dance cohabitating with buzzes, clicks, drones, wooshes, and bleeps in a bizarre
galaxy of pitch and spectra!
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.