Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Live at the Regent Theatre, Arlington
November 27, December 20, 21, 22, 23,
Plus two shows New Years Eve, January 1 & 2
General Admission Tickets $22 in advance except New Years Eve $25
Ticket price increases $3 day of show
All Shows @ 8:00 PM
Except New Years Eve 7:00 & 9:30 PM Sunday January 2nd, 5:00 PM
Select Ticket Sales to Benefit Local Non Profits through JimmyTingle.com only
$10 of every ticket sold exclusively to target a non profit organization through www.jimmytingle.com will go to benefit local organizations. Customer donation of $5.00 will be matched by Tingle Productions donation of $5.00 embedded into ticket price of $27.00.
Tickets sold at General Admission Prices or through the Regent Theater box office or sold on behalf of other Non-Profits are not eligible for the non-profit donation.
Please make sure to selectthe non profit of your choice option when purchasing ticket so the $10.00 donation will be made that Non-Profit only
November 27, December 20, 21, 22, 23,
Plus two shows New Years Eve, January 1 & 2
General Admission Tickets $22 in advance except New Years Eve $25
Ticket price increases $3 day of show
All Shows @ 8:00 PM
Except New Years Eve 7:00 & 9:30 PM Sunday January 2nd, 5:00 PM
Select Ticket Sales to Benefit Local Non Profits through JimmyTingle.com only
$10 of every ticket sold exclusively to target a non profit organization through www.jimmytingle.com will go to benefit local organizations. Customer donation of $5.00 will be matched by Tingle Productions donation of $5.00 embedded into ticket price of $27.00.
Tickets sold at General Admission Prices or through the Regent Theater box office or sold on behalf of other Non-Profits are not eligible for the non-profit donation.
Please make sure to selectthe non profit of your choice option when purchasing ticket so the $10.00 donation will be made that Non-Profit only
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.