Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Spring has finally sprung which means SOS (Somerville Open Studios) is coming right up -- Sat. & Sun. May 1 & 2, noon-6pm. I can't wait to open my studio and show you all I've accomplished this past year! I have a brand new series of paintings of the ocean off Truro beaches. These paintings give you the feeling of being immersed in the water and waves -- you can just about hear the roar and feel the spray. You can bring the ocean right into your home!
You will find me in my studio at 20 Vernon St., 6-West, Somerville MA. For directions Make sure you remember there are 2 entrances into Vernon Street Studios. To get to my studio you'll need to use the second doorway in from the corner of Vernon & Central Streets.
For a preview taste of SOS, join me at the opening reception of the Artist's Choice Exhibit at the Somerville Museum this coming Friday, April 16, 6-9PM. The show runs from April 16 - May 14. For Museum hours and more information visit
For an online preview of what you will see during SOS weekend, visit To view the work of artists at Vernon Street Studios And last, but far from least, to preview my new work
You will find me in my studio at 20 Vernon St., 6-West, Somerville MA. For directions Make sure you remember there are 2 entrances into Vernon Street Studios. To get to my studio you'll need to use the second doorway in from the corner of Vernon & Central Streets.
For a preview taste of SOS, join me at the opening reception of the Artist's Choice Exhibit at the Somerville Museum this coming Friday, April 16, 6-9PM. The show runs from April 16 - May 14. For Museum hours and more information visit
For an online preview of what you will see during SOS weekend, visit To view the work of artists at Vernon Street Studios And last, but far from least, to preview my new work
Click HERE to view the Premium Art Deadlines List.